alliance dream back to s3

Chapter 292 Full Counterattack!Exploding ssw!

Chapter 292 Full Counterattack!Exploding ssw! (13)

After another minute, Xiaopao finally returned to the city!
In this 1 minute, the two sides tried each other twice.

ssw wants to form a group,

The equipment of imp Verus and the puppy are the same two-piece set, but there is already a big gap in the team's economy and the last hit, and they also know that after the small cannon returns home, it will become a royal family to attack aggressively It's time!

The three-piece small cannon will usher in its own strong period, and the royal family will no longer avoid battles.

But there has been no chance, and it is also unrealistic for the big dragon to force the group. Jess began to lead down the lane after he had teleportation at this time.

How can Shen with only one piece of Sun Flame defend against Jace with two and a half pieces?
There is no need to release the enhanced q skill, just a little bit will break Shen Dian's head.

In addition, the pawn line was overwhelmed by the second tower. Mata really wanted to start a team, but considering Jess's point, he silently moved his index finger away from the d key of the keyboard.

The ssw team was perfectly held back by Xiao Chen alone. The single-belt style of play in this round is simply a textbook-style teaching. Perfection is so perfect. Using this point, the royal family has already had a small lead of [-] economy at this time .

Seeing Xiaopao returning to the city, Xiao Chen was also very excited, and there was no need for passive defense in the next situation.

He quickly retreated from the highland tower on the lower road, and also wanted to go home to update his equipment.

This is the moment I've been waiting for for so long.

The score was still 24:3 at 3 minutes, and it didn't give people that drowsy feeling. This psychological game was simply too scary.

Every time the royal family is like dancing on the tip of a knife, fortunately they survived the strong period of Samsung White.

At this time, there are three and a half small cannons, endless, electric knife, armor-piercing bow, and a big sword.

Verus, who is facing up, is a bit far behind in equipment, barely having two and a half endless electric knives and a pickaxe.

You can clearly feel the changes on the field. Although Jess is still walking to the side, the royal family has not retreated under the tower.

The four of them huddled together and pressed over. With the protection of Lulu and Morgana, they were a little bit aggrieved before being beaten on the street, and the puppy was extremely manic.

Controlling the small cannon and turning on the q skill, he went up and hit Syndra directly, which happened to trigger a critical strike, and with the effect of the electric knife, half of Syndra's blood was wiped out.

Pawn quickly q skills and a weaker retreat, and swept towards the small cannon.

Xiao Ming's reaction speed wasn't superfluous, and he was already prepared for such an aggressive fight, and the shield was put on immediately.

"Fight, hit, kill him! Turn off the lights in the incense pot!" The puppy was extremely excited, and he had a good chance to kill Syndra in this way.

It's a pity that there is more than one control skill on the opposite side. The gray shield on the puppy was also pushed off by Syndra with a ball, and Thresh's hook immediately followed, preventing Xiaocannon from continuing to output.

Seeing Xiaopao being controlled, everyone in ssw's eyes lit up immediately, and they could take it for a second.

Dandy saw the opportunity and put a big move on Xiaopao's head, and the others didn't have any big moves left and threw the big move on Xiaopao's body. At this time, it was dark and the incense pot turned off the lights , directly entered the arena and flew towards Verus in the back row.

The imp at the end suddenly lost his vision, and he couldn't hit the small cannon anymore.

For Samsung Bai, as long as this wave kills the small cannon, the team battle can be won.

But the royal family still has Lulu, a tool man.

NCT's summoner skill is very interesting, it brings weakness, which means that the royal family is double weakness.

In the first time, he played the role of a tool man, and a weakness was put on Syndra's head, and the damage of this big move was reduced by 40%.

It didn't hurt to hit Xiaopao's body, and his blood volume remained at half blood.

After that, he used a big move to go up, so that the prince and Thresh were blown away, and there was a shield on his body, what does it mean to do whatever he wants?Now the puppy is really doing whatever it wants.

The w skill directly jumped to the face, stepped on Syndra's face, and took two shots to kill Syndra, who had only half blood left.

"Looper, come here quickly! Bao imp" Mata shouted immediately when he saw that the situation was not good.

In this wave, both himself and Dandy jumped up, but just now Noc flew directly over the face, and the target was directed at Verus in the back row.

The hero Nightmare turning off the lights is not so terrible. What is terrible is the fear effect of the e skill when dragged in, coupled with the super high damage of the passive and q skills.

As a crispy ADC, he couldn't handle this set of combos at all.

What's more, there is no one around him who can protect him. After losing the double c in this wave, not only the Highland Tower will be threatened, but this dragon will most likely be taken away by the royal family.

"I can't make it through." Looper was also anxious, but Jess on the side stared at him, whether it was handing in the ultimate move or handing in the teleportation, there was a threat of being interrupted.

And Nightmare turned off the light, and nothing can be done within 4 seconds, but the puppy has already jumped up on the frontal battlefield!

"Bully me for so long to see if I don't shoot you on the wall!"

Turning around, he frantically pumped out Thresh, and seeing that his blood volume was almost there, he sent a big move directly in his face and blasted Thresh across the wall.

not dead?

There is no problem at all, and there is still the burning effect of the small cannon's e skill on his body.

After just two steps and already burned to death, little help is non-existent.

In the rear, the incense pot protruded into Verus's face. Without anyone's protection, the crispy ADC was like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered against the fighters.

Just bounced twice and was instantly killed by the spicy hot pot. Yes, nightmares are the existences that bring you nightmares.

imp was so angry that he slapped the table twice.

There is no one around Verus who has no displacement, so there is no room for manipulation.

"Save me!"

Looking at the two inseparable supporters beside Xiaopao, I can't help but feel a little envious. Morgana and Lulu are weak, who will kill them?

And it doesn't matter if he is a Thresh at home, he still carries the radical skill of igniting.

If Mata's support is like deft, bang can become the world's top bot lane.

However, if he is paired with adcs like puppies and imp, it will be counterproductive. Although it looks strong, the actual suppression is not as terrifying as imagined.

What puppies need is Xiaoming, Zero's type of protective support, and all the attention should be placed on the ad, instead of thinking about how to start a group.


With Xiaopao's triple kill, Xiangguo single-handedly cut off the ADC, and the royal family won this wave of team battles.

"Big dragon, big dragon."

"big dragon!"

The voices in the team are already very noisy, but what is it that everyone can hear?
The map is also frantically pinning the signal of the big dragon.

Xiao Chen also chased Shen Zaihuo all the way after knowing that he had won in the middle lane, from the second tower to the highland tower.

At this time, Shen's blood volume was less than 500 points, and he fled under the defensive tower after handing in the flash, but Xiao Chen knew that there were no teammates on the opposite side, so what if he jumped the tower?
A flash catches up with the q skill and hits a flat a with a hammer, and then the e skill is lifted to kill Shen.


At this time, there were wailing sounds from the Korean audience.

Because they knew that the situation on the field was becoming more and more unfavorable for Samsung Bai.

Here, Xiao Chen controls Jess to bring the bot line to the high ground tower, and starts to point the tower, and the other four teammates are rush dragons.

Although there is no front row, it is still possible to fight with Lulu's shield.

With the big dragon howling, the dragon was taken down!

(End of this chapter)

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