alliance dream back to s3

Chapter 309 Where Should I Put My Face?

Chapter 309 Where Should I Put My Face? (twenty four)

Rambo did not consume skills very well in the early stage. If he stood far away, his Q skill could not burn to the opposite side. If he stood close, he would easily push the line over.

If you can't control the pawn line, you will be in a very dangerous situation when you press down the tower, and the opposing jungler will have nowhere to run if you want to run.

But the poodle's move in this round is to go down the road and open the field. It will take more than three minutes to go home after finishing the three groups. Xiao Chen naturally has no such worries.

When you come up with the q skill, you will head-to-head with the Titan.

Duke hasn't reacted yet, why is this guy so fierce?Aren't you afraid that the jungler will come and catch him?
The player Duke is good at everything, but he is too steady, which restricts his development, and he thinks a lot when he thinks about it.

Maybe the male gun on the opposite side caught the second level and took the initiative to let go of the thread.

Xiaocheng is also happy to push the line in. Up to now, the two groups of troops entering Talambo have already received 12 hits, but the Titan only has 3 hits.

And the current state is not very good, nearly 1/3 of the blood volume has been consumed, but it is relatively safe to stay under the defense tower.

Fortunately, the corruption potion consumables are still sufficient, which is enough to show that Xiao Chen's Rambo is very powerful. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to exert such a suppressive force against Titans.

So when the camera was on the road, I saw Rambo fighting the Titans.

Duke is very uncomfortable at this moment. The opponent's Rambo is really too proficient, and he has a clear control over the distance of the defensive tower. After burning it, he can run immediately without taking damage.

As a result, the two waves of pawn lines missed a total of 5 knives. This is very affecting for professional players, and the whole heart is bleeding.

Is this guy really retired for two years?
The pressure from this up is even greater than lck's first top laner, smeb. You must know that smeb's best hero is Rambo.

He could only temporarily retreat to the back and knock out a bottle of blood medicine, so as to barely keep the blood line at 4/5.

Seeing that he had gained an advantage online, Xiao Chen remained expressionless.

After all, there is restraint in the hero, how to beat Rambo in the early stage can beat the Titan.

First of all, both sides have a shield, but Rambo completely crushes the Titan in terms of damage, plus the super high damage in the red temperature state.

Even if you come up against a, you are not in vain. If you know that the opponent's jungler is in the bottom lane, you can't suppress you, so there is a problem.

However, the opponent has been staying under the defensive tower, and it is unrealistic to take more advantages.

For the royal family to have such a big advantage on the route, this really exceeded many people's expectations.

Only a small number of core players snorted coldly in their hearts that it was really rare and strange, and then sighed.

"Shangdan Dad is back! The most classic combination of old hooligans in the royal family!"

Lying on the bed in the dormitory, Xiao Zhi couldn't help feeling that his youth had also returned.

2 minutes 51 seconds.

Spicy Xiangguo saw that there should be no threat in the bottom lane, so he controlled the male gun and walked around to the middle lane.

At this time, the clockwork pushed the pawn line over the center line, and there is still a good chance to come over and do a tentative gank now.

"Xiangguo took the initiative to gank the middle lane here. Let's see if there is a chance in this wave. I feel that I have tricked Rookie here. Let me go to the third level first and have a level advantage to take the initiative to exchange blood with knight."

At this time, a man with a red buff gun came out from behind, and he had already declared a clockwork death situation. Even if he wanted to run, there was nowhere for him to run.

Rookie had no choice but to turn back and give Jie a weakness, and then entered the wild area of ​​the red side.

Just don't rob the opponent of this head.

Mala Xiangguo didn't want to waste too much time flashing the e skill, two hits of damage, only one basic attack could take this head away.

The golden left hand also felt that it was a bit of a loss for him to pay the ignition and get an assist, so he directly flashed an e skill k and lost the head.


"I set it on fire! I was stabbed ten times by the opponent. This head saved my life."

"Okay." This reason is still suitable, plus the point is that the double call has been handed in, and it is not appropriate not to give a head.

The time for the outbreak of the first blood was too early, it was only 3 minutes and 02 seconds.

"Rookie's way of pressing the line in the early stage is also correct. He must hold down Zed before the first three levels. Otherwise, it will be difficult to match the line at the end. The royal family also caught this point and killed him in 3 minutes. rookie."

"Go directly against the blue. If the poodle chooses to open in the lower half, F6 will be enough for him to eat a pot. Even if the poodle comes over, I have an advantage in the lane and can support it immediately." There is really not much pressure on the route, Xiao Chen also said to Mala Xiangguo while looking at the map.

Also without any accident, the blue buff was emptied.

This is the advantage of the male gun as a jungler in the face of the poodle, and the brush is basically harmless.

As for the hero of the poodle, even the top players will be injured after one round, let alone the now revised f6.

Many people were single-killed by wild monsters because of these changes in the wild area.

The damage sprayed here is simply frighteningly high, and it is very difficult.

So this version of the jungler gun is very popular, but unfortunately ig did not grab it, but chose a poodle who is also a t1 jungler in this version.

Although strong is strong, it is obviously not as comfortable as the male gun if it is excessive in the early stage.

Although this blue buff knows that the royal family is fighting, the child has no way to compete, so he can only give in.

Seeing that Lan played so easily, Xiangguo suddenly became interested in this toad...

The kid can only come to the middle to make up for this wave of lines, so that it won't look so bad for the clockwork to be killed, and slightly reduce the loss.

Xiao Chen also discovered the poodle that was retreating in the middle. Now that Rambo has reached level three, even under the defensive tower, he can find an opportunity to consume it.

Seeing Rambo constantly oppressing him, Duke was really uncomfortable, and he has been suppressed for a full 12 dollars so far.

And keep using the harpoon to consume, and the evil thing, the skills on the opposite side are very accurate, even if you hide behind the minions, you still get the harpoon attack for no reason.

Up to now, Xiaobing has not taken it, but has been drinking the medicine non-stop. If he does not maintain a safe blood line, he has no sense of security at all.

It can also be guessed that the male gun is active near the top road. Isn't it easy to cross the tower due to the damage of the two in the early stage?
At this moment, another e-skill harpoon was firmly inserted into Tai Tan's body.

Then because of the underworld fire, the blood volume still dropped a few points per second.

"Assi! Why is this guy's Rambo so good?" Duke's face has become very ugly.

As the top laner of last year's champion, he was beaten by a player who retired for two years. Where should he put his face?

(End of this chapter)

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