alliance dream back to s3

Chapter 380 Another Classic Rita

Chapter 380 Another Classic Rita
2:0 won the game, in fact, even the Royals were a little surprised.

The EDG team is not the type of nb team.

Although the light of s4 was covered up by the royal family, it is undeniable that this is a wealthy team.

Before the start of the game, I was ready to fall into a hard fight.

But now it seems that edg no longer has that kind of dominance.

In the first game, it was barely considered back and forth, but in the second game, it was completely crushed by the royal family.

He doesn't have the ability to resist at all, and it can be seen from the bp that EDG has also made a lot of preparations.

Otherwise, how could a hero like Qinggangying help mouse be selected? This small change is commendable.

The irony is that the system he is best at actually loses more cleanly.

Undoubtedly reminding edg that it is not far to go along its own old path, and the versions are constantly changing. Of course, tactics must be able to keep up with these changes.

After winning the game, everyone in the royal family also walked towards edg's position.

A handshake is a must.

"Qinggangying played pretty well, but the release of e skill is a bit rough." Xiao Chen communicated with mouse at the moment of shaking hands.

As a senior in the circle, I don't have any idea of ​​pointing fingers, I just want to remind mouse.

"Hmm... um." Mouse nodded hastily after falling behind.

"What kind of skill is it to bully children?" After losing the game, although the factory director was not in a good mood, he couldn't lose in terms of momentum.

"Where is it?" He stretched out his hand and gave the factory manager a hug.

They are all players of the same era, and the relationship is quite good.

Some time ago, edg wanted to recruit Xiao Chen through the factory director as an intermediary.

As a result, the factory manager was almost limped by Xiao Chen, and almost announced that he would quit EDG and join the royal family...

After the handshake session, the royal family also bowed deeply to the audience under the leadership of Xiao Chen.

The fans off the court naturally applauded enthusiastically.

"Captain Xiao is awesome!"

"The royal family is invincible!"

From time to time, a loud shout could be heard.

"Stop shouting, your voice is hoarse." Xiao Chen also opened his voice to respond.

This contrast instantly made the audience laugh.

At this time, the mvp of this game is also displayed behind the big screen.

It wasn't Xiao Chen's crocodile, the selection team thought through layers, and Xiao Chen got too many mvp's, so it should be changed to other members of the royal family.

But there was no very suitable game, but although the crocodile performed well in this round with various solo kills, it did not play the role of linking the team.

Therefore, I chose the horses of the spicy pot.

There is no big problem with getting the MVP of Mala Xiangguo.

The rhythm of the factory manager was interrupted because the incense pot began to invade.

Then the people and horses continued to help the bottom lane and the middle lane to establish advantages.It laid a good foundation for the advancement of the royal family.

"Okay, the mvp of this game was also given to Mala Xiangguo, Xiangguo is really good at connecting the whole team together.

Wow, it's worth mentioning that the royal family has won 5 games in a row!Counting the small field, it is a full 10 consecutive victories.I have not lost a game in the games I won, and all of them won the games 2:0 cleanly, and the opponents I faced were powerful teams such as edg, rng, and ig. "

"I don't know who can break the royal family's 5-game winning streak. From the game just now, it can be seen that the royal family's teamwork has almost no flaws." Wawa and Rita are also bragging about the current royal family team.

There's no way this performance doesn't brag about the royal family, is it bragging about EDG who was just defeated?

"This mvp has finally been given to someone other than Team Xiao."

"It's really scary. He won 5 MVPs in 9 games. He deserves to be the real thigh of the royal family. It can't be seen that he is 24 years old."

"That's right, when I think back to when I won the championship, it seems like it was still yesterday."

"Blowing up the Xiao team! The position of the top laner is the well-deserved No.1 in the league."

"How can edg play in the IEM World Championship in this state? Didn't he get hammered?"

"It was originally a phantom god of the civil war, now you can't win the civil war, what a fart!"

Everyone is like this, as long as they play well, they blow to death.If there is a little bit of incompetence, then the mother explodes and spirals into the sky...

But just now, everyone's exchange has come to the point.

It is true that EDG did not go to this year's IEM World Championships. As for the reason why they did not go, it is not known whether their mentality was blown like the barrage said.

Xiao Chen also returned to the lounge, waiting for Xiang Guo who was being interviewed to come back to the base together.

During this period of time, it has not been switched to the interview perspective, and the screen is still placed in the commentary booth.

At this time, Miss Rita looked at the data displayed on the big screen, and suddenly thought of a point and said it without thinking.

"Have you noticed that the number of deaths and kills on both sides is the same!"

"Ah?" Hearing this, the baby was stunned for a moment.

Before you said that the vampire exploded and killed the vampire, I made a fool of it and let it go. After all, it was a competition at the time, but now it is time after the competition and there is no place to divert attention.

Isn't it normal that the number of kills is the same as the number of deaths?

Is it possible that there are still professional players who are solo killed by wild monsters because they hit f6?Even if there is, it is definitely not something that the players in this game can do, maybe it is doinb, bah, what am I thinking? Rita's words are nonsense.

The doll could only look at Rita with a helpless expression.

Xiao Chen was also taken aback when he heard the voice. He had heard Rita's classic quotations before he was reborn, but he didn't expect to become a real participant now.

"Hahaha, the number of kills is the same as the number of deaths." The left hand didn't realize it at first, but laughed after thinking about it for a while. "It's so beautiful."

"It's really pretty. Do you think it looks a little cute from this angle?" Xiao Ming said.

"??? Sibling love?"


Rita's face turned red all of a sudden, obviously she also thought about what she said, it was completely nonsense.

Woooooo~ It's over!

Launched after the Spring Festival to partner with Doll to explain this key match, in fact, the lpl official has appointed herself to be the first sister of lpl after Su Xiaoyan quits.

Naturally, I was very nervous. During the competition, I adhered to the principle of talking less. As a result, I relaxed a little after the end, and my words were too much.

It's fine if the vampire explodes and kills the vampire, but why did you say such an idiot at the last moment?She almost jumped out of her position now.

After a few minutes of silence, the interview session on the other side was finally ready.

The camera turned to the center of the stage, and Rita breathed a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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