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Chapter 200 Weird Invasion

Chapter 200 Weird Invasion
In the dark stone room, on the front of the strange coffin, like a living eye, staring strangely at Chen Dong who was standing blankly.

In Chen Dong's eyes, a faint purple light gradually appeared.

He stared at the strange pattern in front of him.

There seemed to be a voice in my mind, echoing non-stop!

"Open it, open it."

Chen Dong slowly raised his hands, put them on the coffin, and pushed them away bit by bit.

At the same time, in the stone room, the huge spider web on the wall shone with a strange purple brilliance.

There was a slight tremor!

It's like seeing the prey gearing up!
"Crack. Crack"

There were bursts of strange noises!
This is the sound Chen Dong made when he pushed the coffin!

It is also the mysterious stone pillars supported by the eight huge spider legs supporting the coffin that are moving slightly!

It's like a dying old man trying to move his joints!
Gradually, the coffin in front of him was completely opened by Chen Dong.

Chen Dong stood there motionless with his eyes glazed over!
Inside the coffin was a huge black cocoon, which suddenly produced a wonderful color.

As if a huge heart was beating, the huge black cocoon was beating non-stop!

Two phantom-like spider threads protruded from the black cocoon, and quietly climbed onto Chen Dong's brain!

Gradually, ghostly shadow-like spider threads appeared continuously.

These spider threads soon all wrapped around Chen Dong's body.

Slowly, Chen Dong's body and the entire giant coffin were tied together.

Spider threads emerged flexibly like poisonous snakes, piercing into Chen Dong's brain as if they had life!

Chen Dong, who was in a daze, frowned, with a look of pain in his expression.

His face twitched a little, and his whole body couldn't help shaking!
However, soon, the threads of these weird spider silks were tightly bound together.

All the struggles on Chen Dong's body were in vain, and he couldn't move!
In Chen Dong's mind at this time, he was experiencing an unprecedented crisis!
Just now!

An unforgettable pain appeared in Chen Dong's spiritual world!
This huge pain made his soul tremble uncontrollably!

Chen Dong woke up.

However, he soon realized that he was in a strange state, his body was completely out of control!

It's like a patient who has been given general anesthesia, lying blankly on the operating bed!

Can't even move!
Chen Dong felt a strange existence, and desperately invaded his mind!
This kind of intrusion carries a kind of coldness and blood, and at the same time, it also has a kind of cruelty and domineering!

After this existence violently entered Chen Dong's spiritual world, it went on a rampage!

Straight towards the depths of Chen Dong's brain!
Chen Dong felt that his consciousness was so weak in front of this behemoth!
So vulnerable!

This consciousness invaded Chen Dong's sea of ​​consciousness!


A giant spider phantom appeared in front of Chen Dong!

This spider is the size of a millstone, and it exudes a purple-black light all over its body!

The fluff on the body is distinct, and it is shining with strange colors.

A terrifying luster flashed on the two huge thorns!

The most shocking thing is the huge one-eyed eye in front of this giant spider.

This one-eyed stared at Chen Dong strangely like a living thing!

In an instant!

Chen Dong felt a tremor from the depths of his soul, his consciousness was like a shivering little chick!
Can't give birth to the slightest resistance!

at the same time!

There was an inexplicable storm in his spiritual world, and Chen Dong's conscious world was in chaos!
All his memories, all his emotions, seemed to be hit by a storm!
Chen Dong seemed to be in the sea, a small boat in a storm!
Ming Ming endured the stormy sea!

Chen Dong's rational thinking is collapsing and losing bit by bit!
Chen Dong's thinking world was left in chaos!
All kinds of weird hallucinations appeared in his mind, and all kinds of colorful lights filled his mind!

And the most pessimistic thing is that Chen Dong can't do anything in the face of all this!

A strange sound came from Chen Dong's mind!
It's like the rustling sound of spring silkworms nibbling on mulberry leaves!

And the latter kind of soul pain that went deep into the bone marrow made Chen Dong tremble and moan uncontrollably!

He felt that part of his emotions or memories had been completely lost!

It's like watching yourself lose a finger with your own eyes!
With the remaining rationality in Chen Dong's mind, he was desperately thinking about countermeasures!

What little rational thinking he had left resisted tenaciously.

Chen Dong felt like he was facing a hungry beast!
He swallowed all the edible things in all his thinking worlds without hesitation.

Then Chen Dong felt that the spider phantom on the opposite side seemed to come back to life after swallowing part of his consciousness!
There is a burst of joy from the other party!

Chen Dong could even feel the other party's will!

"Stop resisting, humble little bug, it's your honor to offer your soul to me"

"Shit! I'm a primate, you're a bug"

Sensing the other party's will, Chen Dong snorted in disdain!
He will never give up unless he is really wiped out!
At the same time, Chen Dong felt a little regretful in his heart!

It seems that the yellow light left by Lao Huang in his body has finally been consumed.

I finally got rid of the fear of being dominated by Lao Huang!
However, a bigger crisis has ushered in.

Chen Dong desperately guarded the core part of his mind, where his last sanity was found!

It seems to be attracted by the resistance drawn!
The spider phantom sent out a disdainful and mocking will!
Then this phantom slammed into it like a giant!
Chen Dong's sanity, which he was trying to maintain just now, collapsed in an instant!

In an instant, he felt that his mind was instantly wiped out!

Just like a little loli who has been stripped naked, she has no resistance at all!
I can only let the behemoth in front of me come in bit by bit!

Must not
Although I really want to resist, but I can't do it at all!
at last!

With a burst of pain, Chen Dong's last precious core was completely invaded!


Chen Dong felt that his brain was full of ghostly shadows of spiders covering the sky!

Then this phantom seemed to fall into a kind of silence!
I saw this spider phantom staring at the black page quietly floating in Chen Dong's mind!
Chen Dong's remaining emotion could barely be understood. It was a complex emotion of shock, bewilderment, ecstasy, fear, and doubt!

It even caused the phantom in front of him to shake!
It was as if it was so unbelievable that its sanity would collapse!
"Impossible! How is it possible?"

"How could such a thing exist in a human brain?"

"Why didn't his brain collapse?"

"Is it possible that as a human being, can you read the unknown secrets of the original source?"

"Could it be that the rules of this world have changed?"

(End of this chapter)

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