Desert survival I can open navigation

Chapter 432 The Mysterious Zerg

Chapter 432 The Mysterious Zerg
After leaving the pyramid where the wolf-tailed crystal scorpion was located, Chen Dong opened the navigation map and rushed towards the next huge pyramid.

However, what is more strange is that the passage connecting the two pyramids turned out to be a dark and narrow canyon.

And the closer to the next pyramid, the narrower the terrain of the canyon.

It gradually became more distorted, and in the end there was even only a small passage that only allowed one person to pass through.

Chen Dong couldn't help being a little surprised!

How could such a small passage be left?
Such a small passage is a little bit reluctant even for people to walk in it, let alone those powerful desert creatures?

And the strange race that built this mysterious pyramid always used tools, right?

With these doubts, Chen Dong continued to move forward following the guidance of the navigation.

And when Chen Dong gradually walked out of the long and narrow canyon, in front of him was a huge pyramid, and that pyramid gate that looked a bit weird!

It's weird because the pyramid gate in front of it is not a double door or a simple wooden door like other pyramids.

This turned out to be a strange bronze gate.

And this door is very narrow.

Chen Dong opened the navigation map with some vigilance, but he froze on the spot after just looking at it!

Because there are still no creatures in the pyramid in front of him!
Apart from a conspicuous silver treasure chest, there is no sign of any life!

For a moment, Chen Dong fell into a daze!
Could it be that this pyramid is the same as the temple, and there is some kind of unknown mysterious danger in it?
So it doesn't show any life?
Or are these mysterious existences too advanced, completely beyond the scope of navigation?
After all, the old Huang navigation at the beginning couldn't explore it!
This is embarrassing!
Originally, Chen Dong planned to explore the rest of the pyramids to find out the situation in the temple!
In the end, I didn't expect to encounter such a pyramid that didn't play cards according to common sense.

After thinking for a while, Chen Dong directly selected the silver treasure chest in the pyramid.

Then open the navigation route, select the target pyramid, and start navigation!
[Hint: Target silver treasure chest, distance 2800 meters, start navigation]

There is no warning of danger?

Chen Dong was taken aback!
That is to say, this pyramid is really empty?
The dubious Chen Dong summoned the Bloody Heart and Octopus Ghost Blade with his whole body on guard, holding the Anubis Spear in his hand!

The dark night shark's fin on the back suddenly spread out, and then the Sky Wings were held in their hands, ready to be called at any time!
Following the navigation prompt step by step, Chen Dong came to the gate of the pyramid.

Try to push gently with your hands.

There is no response?

Chen Dong tried to look at the pyramid, there was a strange ring on it.

Chen Dong tentatively stretched out his hand and pressed the ring.

Still no movement.

Looking carefully, Chen Dong tried to rotate the huge ring.


As he spun, there was a sound of "quack quack quack!"
The weird bronze-colored door slowly rises!

Is it so advanced?

Chen Dong was a little surprised!

However, when he looked inside the gate, he saw an extremely spacious, dilapidated, desolate but mysterious dark hall inside.

The faint light shines in it, and the detailed scene is completely unclear.

Moreover, this pyramid hall is different from ordinary pyramids full of corridors and stone pillars. The inside of this pyramid is terrifyingly empty!
There aren't any extra buildings in it!

Chen Dong took another careful look at his navigation map, and made sure that there was no sign of life or danger.

Only then did he cautiously step into the mysterious pyramid in front of him.

The space inside the pyramid is incomparably wide, empty in sight.

Chen Dong looked curiously at the location of the entrance!

I saw that the walls of the pyramid were densely packed with mysterious symbols and lines.

On both sides of the entrance of the gate, there seem to be two large metal shelves!

It looks like two huge coat racks with many branches growing on them!
Looking at these two metal shelves, Chen Dong was a little curious.

Is this a decoration?
Root carving?

I tried to move it, but found that I couldn't move it at all!
I go!

How deep did this group of crazy pyramid builders bury this broken shelf?
How terrifying is Chen Dong's strength at this time, but he only shook it slightly, but found that he couldn't shake it.

never mind!

I'll see if I can take it with me when I leave, anyway, my goal is the silver treasure chest!

Moreover, the metal looks dusty, and it rattles when it is knocked on it, so I can't see the specific material at all.

Shake your head and ignore it!

Chen Dong turned around and began to look at the dark pyramid.

The overall shape of the interior looks like a huge cave.

It's just that the whole interior is too dark, only a little sunlight coming in from the gate.

Chen Dong directly took out his flamethrower, and a 4-meter-long flame instantly ignited inside the pyramid!
The huge light of the flame illuminated the entire pyramid brightly.

At this time, he finally saw clearly that there were countless mysterious images carved on the entire wall.

It looked like strange lines of bronze outlined with some mysterious material.

Chen Dong looked at it carefully with the light of the burning flame.

On the wall at the door, countless densely packed images of mysterious insects were depicted!
These weird bugs are about the size of pigeons, with two huge eyeballs and two weird semicircular wings.

Each worm has 10 tiny black legs, plus two eerily curved.

The most important thing is that these bugs actually have three mouths!
It looks like a centipede and a big cricket.

However, the images of these bugs are portrayed incomparably majestic and magnificent, especially the eyes are filled with some kind of inexplicable wisdom!
Next, Chen Dong saw a huge weird planet engraved on the mural, because there were actually two green suns above this planet!

This is an alien?

Chen Dong was a little puzzled, never heard of the sun being green?

And the people who live inside with two suns on their heads must not be sunburned to death?

Chen Dong continued to look at these mysterious murals, only to see that this planet is densely populated with such weird big bugs!

Absolutely no sign of any human life!
However, the society of these bugs is highly developed, and they build all kinds of extremely magnificent and complex tools.

The most important thing is that Chen Dong was surprised to find that these bugs could actually migrate to the stars!
Because under a huge arched portal they built, countless bugs sat in a mysterious big orb.

Then with a burst of energy light and shadow, on the next picture, these bugs appeared on another planet!
Seeing such a scene, Chen Dong was surprised for a while!
When did bugs have such high intelligence?

What is the relationship between these mysterious bugs and the huge pyramid in front of them?
(End of this chapter)

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