Mr. Ye's well-behaved wife

Chapter 135 Cloud City Special Dishes

Chapter 135 Cloud City Special Dishes

"Brother, did you take them up the mountain?" Liu Anlan pointed to the little follower behind her.

Liu Anhang nodded, when he got up in the early morning, Baihu, who was watching him in the middle of the night, found out that he had to take him with him.However, these two little guys also have perseverance. After climbing to the top of the mountain for two hours, they are not afraid of the dark mountains and forests around them.

With the help of the sunshine's purple energy, both of them broke through the first layer of Qi refining.It also increased the confidence of the two of them to work hard to become stronger, and promised to go to the top of the mountain to practice with the elder brother every morning.

"Sister, was the stone house on the top of the mountain built by brother Ye Yi? It's a bit like the home of a knight who lives in the mountains." Liu Anrui thought of the small stone house~

My child, you have watched too many martial arts dramas...

"Yeah, he had nothing to do, so he moved some stones and built a small house, isn't it very delicate~ a small room." Liu Anlan didn't forget to hurt Ye Yi, but now it's all right, let the two The little one knows the secret on the top of the mountain, and they can go up the mountain together in an open and aboveboard manner.

Hearing what my sister said, Liu Anrui nodded, running to the top of a mountain to build a house is indeed something boring people do~

Liu Anlan got up late, Liu's mother had already prepared breakfast, and the four adults who had practiced ancient martial arts in the morning also came to the dining room fully dressed.

At the dining table, Father Liu and Uncle Liu discussed the matter of hosting Ye's family in the evening, and they planned to entertain them with local specialties in Yun City.Father Liu also specially wrote a menu, planning to go to the vegetable market in the city to buy it later.

Liu Anlan picked up the flower list and looked at the twelve dishes on it; spicy chicken, pickled pork feet, steam pot chicken, red three chops, stuffed Sydney, fried bait, grilled fish with lemongrass, soybean curd, old Milky potato, stir-fried choy sum, pipa meat, spring rolls.There are meat and vegetables, soup and dessert.

It seems that Liu's father put a lot of thought into this dinner, all of which are very special dishes in Yunshi.And Mother Liu often cooks these dishes for the big guys, and the taste must be the most authentic.

The calm treatment of the Liu family was compared to the grand preparations of the Ye family, but their attitudes paid enough attention to this engagement banquet.

Mr. Ye was dressed in a bright red Tang suit, with a contented smile on his face, those who didn't know thought it was his birthday today.

"Is your stuff ready?" The old man with his hands behind his back paced in front of Ye Zhanhe who had just returned home from leave.Looking at the indifferent face of the eldest son, this is his son's engagement, and the father is still slow, so he doesn't want to hug his grandson sooner?

"Dad, stop shaking, let me meet quietly. You have asked a hundred and eighty times a day, and if you don't believe it, go and check it yourself."

Ye Zhan and his head hurt, and after they decided to go to Liu's house to make an appointment two days later, they were dispatched by the old man. One thing had to be confirmed ten times and eight times.It happened that the person involved had an urgent mission at this time, and the husband and wife who were arrested had been running up and down for the past two days, and all the things were finally in place just now.

"Everything is prepared according to what you said. This time Mingzhu is confirming for the last time, and it will be loaded on the machine later." Pointing to a warehouse on the first floor, he signaled that the old man who didn't believe him would go to see it himself.

The old man snorted, this matter must be taken seriously, the Ye family has not had a big happy event for more than ten years.Besides, this is the engagement wedding of the grandson of Ye's parents, how can it be sloppy?

Mingzhu was holding the gift list, and the servants were on the side cooperating with counting, looking at the gifts on it one by one.When Mr. Ye walked in, he had just finished counting, and he signaled to the butler, Fang Bo, to put everything on the plane later.

"Dad, everything is ready, everything is not bad. We can leave after lunch." Bao Mingzhu was in high spirits. His son was engaged, and the other party was the girl he liked.Although the old man was a bit long-winded, he still attached great importance to this happy event, and of course the mother did the same.

The old man nodded: "I don't worry about your work. If you are like the one sitting outside, you will have messed up the matter."

The old man didn't even call his son by his name, just said that.Mingzhu didn't know whether to laugh or feel sorry for her husband. It's enough for a father not to recognize his son's ability to handle affairs...

 good morning

  Dear fairies~
  It's the new year in the south~
  Do you have chicken legs?
(End of this chapter)

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