Chapter 166 Shabby top reward

The content of the letter said roughly the same, that is, to form a team.

Qingxia deleted the letters of the one hundred outsiders in the standings, leaving some strong ones to check slowly.

A few of them made Qing Xia very interested.

One is the number two guy.

The text sent in the letter is a bit similar to oracle bone inscriptions, and it is obviously a native creature of the Abyss Continent.

Fortunately, the content of the letter can be automatically translated.

After reading it, Qingxia couldn't help being curious about the origin of No.2 in the standings, so she replied: "Be honest with each other, just form a team."

But after Qingxia replied, the guy who ranked second in the standings quickly disappeared.

It seems that he doesn't want to reveal his identity.

As for the remaining few interesting people, Qing Xia also released her conditions one by one.

But those people also disappeared like No.2 in the standings, and none of them were bold.

"Made! I seem to be short of your points? What a bunch of cowards!" Qing Xia said.

At this time, 10 minutes had passed since the scoreboard appeared.

Suddenly, a colorful light shot out from the standings.

Qing Xia cast a curious look.

An ornate treasure chest spawns out of thin air.

"Is this the reward that Long Aotian said?"

Qing Xia just watched the treasure chest slowly land in front of her, and stretched out her hand to press it.

With a bang, the treasure chest opened.

Dazzling light emanates from it.

Qing Xia looked inside, and found that what was inside was actually a pile of purple coins.

Although Qing Xia was curious about the usefulness of this purple currency, she still quickly put it away.

A total of [-] pieces were stored in the system backpack.

Immediately afterwards, the empty box suddenly turned into bits and pieces of unknown energy, forming an interface.

"The treasure house of the gods." Qing Xia muttered the above introduction, frowning slightly.

Where is this continent?
It even has this kind of shopping mall ability!
Could it be that the system hid something from him?
Qing Xia continued browsing with doubts.

This interface only has a bunch of introductions, which is very simple.

But its function is very interesting.

Just touch the interface and think about what you want.

Then what you want will appear on this interface, and the purchase price will be marked.

This is the function introduction of this interface.

Although it sounds unbelievable, it is even a little more powerful than the system mall.

But in practice it is not the case.

Qing Xia tried several times but failed.

"Cut, I'm scared to death. It turns out it's just a boastful thing. You don't even have the Pangu ax and the good luck jade butterfly, so you have the nerve to come out and pretend?"

Well, Qing Xia just scratched the surface a bit.

When he thought about it with his knees, he knew that something of this level could not appear in such a small place.

Otherwise, he would not have the courage to come here to seek death.

"Then let me try, what level of items can this interface conjure?"

Qing Xia put her hand on it again.

A few seconds later, several images of items similar to what Qingxia had imagined appeared in the blank area of ​​the interface.

① Upgrade Potion: 1000
② Technology auxiliary engine: 3000
③Martial arts fighting learning crystallization: 5000
④Laser laser cannon: 8000
⑤ Up to: 50000

⑩Giant Transformer of Light: 1000000
"Tsk, the upgrade potion is interesting, it's like a game at last." Qing Xia said to herself.

These so-called rewards may be of some use to ordinary powerhouses.

But Qingxia really has no shortage of such low-level things.

"You're really stingy, and you're still rewarded for being the first!" Qing Xia took a sip, complaining about the stinginess of the death game.

Qing Xia let go, and the item introduction on the interface disappeared.

"The [-] reward currency can only be used here, so don't let it go to waste!" Qing Xia sighed.

Qing Xia thought for a while, and simply bought [-] bottles of upgrade potions with the [-] purple currency.

It's all over, nothing left.

Although the effect of the upgrade potion is not as strong as the breakthrough pill in the system's big dial, it is still useful.

It can directly raise the existence below the second-level intermediate level by a small realm, and it is only effective for the first time.

Qing Xia took out two bottles of upgrade potions and threw them to Hou Qi and Ji Ji respectively.

"Drink." Qing Xia ordered.

Hou Qi and Jiji didn't dare to resist, gulped down the upgrade potion, and Jiji hiccupped.

Qing Xia seemed to smell the orange soda.


A second-order junior.

A second-level intermediate.

At this time, the cold mechanical voice suddenly sounded again: "The outer area will be closed in 10 minutes. Players can choose to exit the death game or continue to the new game area!"

Before the voice fell, Qing Xia made the choice.

As soon as Qing Xia waved her hand, the three little blacks immediately turned into black shadows, blending into Qing Xia's shadow.

"Go to the new game area!" Qing Xia said lightly.

In the next second, Qing Xia lost consciousness.


In the teleportation state half awake, Qing Xia seemed to hear that inexplicable mechanical sound again.

[Checking player strength, complete!Intelligent allocation is in progress, the allocation is complete!Start teleporting...Target, town number 999! 】

When Qing Xia opened his eyes again, he was already standing on a busy street.

"It's weird!"

Qing Xia stepped forward, and with lightning speed, grabbed the neck of a lizard man in front of him.

"Gili Ulu..."

The half-lizard man screamed in an inexplicable language.

Qing Xia obviously couldn't understand at all, but she could directly understand the meaning of the semi-lizard man's scream.

It is calling for help!

This is not surprising, after all, the most important thing to live.


Qing Xia seemed to hear a familiar name from the scream of this half-lizard man——Wang Xiaoming!

Although not sure yet, Qing Xia put down the half-lizard man first.

Qing Xia let go of her hand.

Due to the lack of oxygen, the half-lizard man half-kneeled on the ground with limp limbs, coughing violently.

"You called Wang Xiaoming just now. Tell me, have you seen a human child here?" Qing Xia asked with unfriendly eyes.

The half-lizard people obviously couldn't understand the Chinese language either.

However, due to the mechanism of the death game, when Qing Xia's words fell into the ears of the half-lizard man, they were automatically translated into the lizard language it could understand.

"I know... I know Wang Xiaoming! He is my partner." The half-lizard man replied in horror.


"Yes... yes, Xiao Ming and I are the prettiest boys on the street, we know many strong people, and we have never done anything bad, please don't kill me!" The half-lizard man raised his hands He raised his head and said.

Qing Xia inadvertently exuded a weak evil spirit, said: "Where is Wang Xiaoming now?"

But this is an extremely weak evil spirit for Qing Xia, but a half-lizard man can't bear it at all.

After all, Qingxia's title of "Million Massacre" in the periphery of the death game is not for nothing.

The half-lizard man felt as if he was staring straight into the abyss, and his heart was full of fear!
For a while, the half-lizard man couldn't even speak very fluently: "Xiao Ming... over there... just... over there!"

Qing Xia looked in the direction it pointed, and indeed saw a human figure.



(End of this chapter)

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