Invincible to all realms from the super seminary

Chapter 232 The new king, go to the earth

Chapter 232 The new king, go to the earth

Facing Qingxia's teasing, Pan Zhen couldn't help but show the veins on his face and forehead, his fists "creaked", and he looked like he was about to lift the table.

If it wasn't for him being loyal to the rituals of the emperor and ministers, he would be more concerned about the safety of the people in Yunxiao City.

He and Qing Xia had already started fighting here.

"Qingxia Keqing, I will tell the soldiers inside and outside Yunxiao City about you later. Before that, please forgive me and don't wander around for the time being."

No matter what Pan Zhen said, he also had a city mansion for tens of thousands of years, so he wouldn't disobey the old Lieyang King's orders because of this.

"No need, I'm still in a hurry to find the demon group, that's it, let's go."

After speaking, a long-distance wormhole appeared again.

Qing Xia walked in in front of Pan Zhen.

"Wormhole technology, stellar energy drive technology, and going to find demons, what is the purpose of this person?"

Pan Zhen couldn't figure it out, and was a little tired.

At this time, Xuan Tianji, who was able to walk freely after the treatment, walked towards Pan Zhen.

"General, why did you let go..."

"This person is now our Lieyang's guest minister, and has authority no lower than mine. You must not be rude to him in the future, otherwise, you will be dealt with by military law."



"Subordinates obey!"


Qingxia spent a lot of effort, and finally found the hidden Devil One.

Qing Xia directly used violence to break through the defense line of Demon No. [-], and then opened a wormhole inside it.

Then, Qing Xia swaggered into the hall of Devil One.

At this moment, Nightmare, who is the strongest and best brained, is sitting in Morgana's position and giving orders.

Qing Xia's sudden appearance startled him a lot.

"You are the..."

Meng Meng recognized Qing Xia and stuttered.

The god of this earth is really too mysterious!
Even with Devil One, it is completely impossible to monitor.

Not to mention that the golden giant gate he made took away their queen and Karl, the death god of the river Styx.

They still don't know what is going on with their queen?

In an instant, many demons pointed their weapons at Qing Xia, their eyes full of fear.

Qing Xia didn't care about the reaction of these little devils, but walked slowly towards the throne.

Seeing this scene, Meng Yan quickly hid aside.

For fear of being slapped to death by Qing Xia.

"Hiss~ This chair actually has a massage function, Morgana really enjoys it." Qing Xia sighed.

"You...what do you want to do?"

Nightmare is now the backbone of all the demons in Devil One, so I had to bravely ask Qing Xia.

"Are you blind? Of course I'm here to take over your Devil One, don't rush to die, let's see what this is?" Qing Xia threw out a command.

[Zizizi...cough cough cough!All you idiots, listen carefully. This Queen has very important things to deal with now, and I will not be able to return to the Shenhe Universe for the time being. You will all listen to Qing Xia’s command in the future, until the Queen comes back. Besides. 】

"Have you heard everything? Don't kneel down yet!"

Qing Xia scolded, and the backs of many demons below were immediately suppressed by his coercion.

"I've seen the new king of Qingxia!" Under the stage, Meng Yan was the first among the many demons to raise their hands and shout.

"Well, it's up to you, hurry up and get all the data on the evolution of the devil and show me."

"Wang, which demon do you want to resurrect?"

"I don't like to hear nonsense."

"Yes, yes, I'll get it now."

Nightmare quickly fetched all kinds of demon evolution data accumulated by Demon One over the tens of thousands of years.

Relying on her strong mental power to see a thousand things at a glance, coupled with the plug-in system calculation, she basically mastered the devil's genetic technology in less than half a day.

Qingxia took out the dark plane gene of the demon Atuo, and used it as an experiment to start the resurrection.

The first experiment failed.

As a result of the experiment, the demon Atuo lost his physical advantage as a great demon and had to overthrow it and start over.

The second experiment was semi-successful.

Qing Xia added a portion of the physique strengthening potion and a wisp of nothingness power, and then began to revive.

As a result of the experiment, the demon Atuo recovered his body, and possessed a third-tier primary combat power.

It's a pity that Qingxia made a mistake in her gender, causing the demon Atuo to become a woman, so she had to overthrow and start over.

The demons were all stunned when they saw this.

Is this really their demonic technology?

Even Queen Morgana needs a carrier to resurrect a demon warrior.

But Qing Xia, the new devil king, was created out of thin air, and there were all kinds of things.

Don't tell me, the female Atuo just now is really beautiful!

The third time, success!

Qing Xia mixed the body strengthening potion, the demon gene, the power of nothingness, and the dark energy into one, and then used this as a medium to resurrect the demon Atuo.

As a result of the experiment, the demon Atuo recovered his body and got a perfect evolution!
"Third-level advanced, not bad!"

Looking at the brand-new demon Atuo with muscles like poured steel in front of him, Qing Xia was quite satisfied.

It finally succeeded. The demon's rapid evolution technology already has loopholes and flaws, and it is very troublesome to master.

If he didn't rely on the power of nothingness to adjust it, I'm afraid he would have to fail dozens of times before he could succeed.

"I've seen the new king of Qingxia! May I ask Queen Morgana... is she okay now?" The demon Atuo slowly opened his eyes, and this was the first sentence he said.

"Don't worry, your queen is flourishing now, and I believe she will come back soon, but before that, you must be led by me."

"Yes! Atuo is willing to obey the king's command."

Part of the demon Atuo was created by the power of nothingness, which is equivalent to being brainwashed once.

Therefore, he will be subconsciously loyal to Qingxia.

"Well, send Devil One directly to Earth."

Nightmare: "My lord! The earth is now surrounded by sky blades, isn't this too risky?"

"With me here, what are you afraid of? Go ahead!"

"As ordered!"

Meng Meng couldn't screw Qing Xia, so she had no choice but to agree.

Shortly after.

Demon One enters Earth's atmosphere.

Angel Civilization's Skyblade series warships captured the coordinates of Devil One in an instant.


A Heavenly Blade Strike struck!
"It's over!" Nightmare and other demons regarded death as home.

It was as if they had been smashed to pieces.

"Wang, do you want to fight back?" A Tuo was eager to try.

"No need, I have already set up the defensive barrier, this attack is nothing." Qing Xia said lightly.

In the next second, the Heavenly Blade Strike cut down the middle!

At this moment, Qingxia's defensive barrier finally appeared, blocking the blow of the sky blade.


With a slight shaking, the defensive barrier absorbed the destructive power and dissipated energy of the Heavenly Blade strike.

"After the realm is improved, all other abilities are also improved along with it." Qing Xia said in his heart.

"Hahahaha, we are not dead! King, strong! King, invincible!" Nightmare yelled.

They actually took a blow from the sky blade!
No one will believe it when you say it.



(End of this chapter)

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