my dream forest

Chapter 244 Ze Ying

Chapter 244 Ze Ying
Chapter 243 Ze Ying

I saw Feng Tiance turned sideways suddenly, let go of one hand, and then turned his body 180 degrees with the help of the other hand holding the branch.From the state of facing the big tree, it became the state of facing the flying eagle.

Of his two legs, one leg was hanging in the air, while the other leg stepped on a tree branch.Immediately afterwards, in a situation that seemed completely impossible, he exerted strength on one leg and completed a beautiful mid-air lunge.

"Come on, let's hurt each other! See if you peck my eyes first, or I catch you first!"

Feng Tiance, who launched a ruthless attack, has a heroic spirit without fear of life and death.It was too late to say that, his hands accurately grasped the two leg bones of the flying eagle, and then one person and one eagle began to fall towards the ground.

"Space Well."

With a thought, perhaps it took less than a second, and Feng Tiance appeared beside the well in space with the flying eagle.

Here is the most mysterious place in space, and it is also the place where all animals retreat.At the same time, this is also the most familiar and longing place in Feng Tiance's subconscious mind.Therefore, at the critical moment of crisis, this is the first thought that popped into his mind.

The flying eagle that entered the space was still struggling, but it didn't want to continue to attack Feng Tiance.Instead, his eyes were full of pleading, trying to avoid this place as much as possible.

"Now you know you are afraid? Let me tell you, if you are disobedient in the future, I will pour a ladle of well water into you, so that you often feel desperate. Hmph."

After frightening Feiying for a while, Feng Tiance took a closer look.He has the impression that this kind of eagle should be called "Zeying". It is a kind of eagle that lives in meadows and swamps. It is very ferocious and good at fighting.

The eagle became quiet in his hands, but the fear in its eyes became more and more obvious.Feng Tiance felt that it was almost the same, as soon as he let go, this Ze Ying flew away from the place like a bolt of lightning.

However, it didn't fly too far, but circled repeatedly in the air not far away.From time to time, there are one or two tweets in the mouth, which sounds very anxious.

"Wait, I'll go get the eight bird eggs on the tree."

The animals brought into the space were all Feng Tiance's allies, and he would have brought those eight eggs in without the Ze Ying reminding him.

But now there is a problem, he entered the space during the landing process before.In other words, when he returns to the outside world, is he still in mid-air?

But fortunately, the tree wasn't too high, so he would be fine if he jumped off it under normal circumstances.Then get ready, one two three, get out.
"Huh? What's going on here? Why am I still on the tree."

When he returned to the outside world, Feng Tiance found that he was still on the tree, still maintaining the posture of holding the branch with one hand and stepping on the branch with the other foot.

This was the first time he encountered this situation. After thinking about it, there was only one possibility.When he enters the space in a dangerous state, and then comes out, the rules of the space will be slightly adjusted.It will no longer follow the principle of where it came from, but will return to the initial state before the danger occurred.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect the rules of space to have such a human side! It's not in vain that I've been thinking about how to add new species to the space all day long."

This discovery is significant and deserves three days of celebration!

Feng Tiance laughed on the tree for a while, then carefully packed the eight eagle eggs in a bag, and took them away with the eagle's nest, before flashing into the space again.

This time he came to the foot of Nanshan Mountain. This area is close to big rivers and there are many small streams. It is the most suitable habitat for Zeying.

I found a big tree on a low slope, put the eight eggs in my hand gently on the ground, and then climbed up with the eagle's nest.

After fixing the eagle's nest, he came down again and brought the eagle eggs up and placed them in the eagle's nest.This complex work is considered complete.

He was thinking about how to attract that Zeying, but after a while, the Zeying flew over by itself and landed on the branch.

"Okay, you are slowly incubating the eggs here by yourself, I have to go. When the little eagle grows up, I will take you out, and then you will settle in the Cardamom Mountains."

Whether intentionally or unintentionally, this Zeying was captured by him after all.According to the old rules, after this species has multiplied in space, it must be released into nature.

"I'm leaving, why do you keep chasing me? Wait, you're a male, what kind of eggs are you hatching? Where's your female eagle?"

It was only at this time that he realized that this Zeying belonged to a male, which was a shame!
In a fit of anger, he brought out the Ze Ying again.It can't be done without bringing it out. Obviously there should be a female eagle outside, so I have to find a way to bring it into the space.Otherwise, who will hatch the eagle eggs?

The next thing will be smoother.Not long after he and Ze Ying came out, an eagle flew over from a distance.The two eagles landed on the treetops and didn't know how to communicate. Anyway, they finally landed beside Feng Tiance, and he threw one in each hand into the space.

This tossing made Feng Tiance lose the mood to continue exploring.So, he took Wolf Nine and returned to the camp early.

After resting in the camp for a while and having something to eat, Feng Tiance made up his mind to change places before going to have a look.

There are not many things, and it is very convenient to pack them up. In less than an hour, he will drive the pickup truck and continue northward with two hounds.He intended to go around the northernmost point of Tonsari Lake, and then look at the eastern shore of the Lake District.Then, go straight to Phnom Penh from there.

At around three o'clock in the afternoon, he reached the northeast corner of Dongsari Lake.This is a heavily forested area with lots of rolling hills.Unlike the west bank of the lake area, there is no swampy area here, and the gentle slopes at the foot of the hills extend directly to the lake.

"The scenery here is another kind of charm. The mountains and rivers are connected, and the blue waves are rippling, which can better reflect the characteristics of the lake area."

Feng Tiance parked the car on a hillside near the road and let the two hunting dogs watch the car.He ran to the lake on foot and took some photos. Then he didn't plan to stay any longer, thinking about continuing on his way.

"Sir, sir, please wait a moment."

At this time, a motorcycle drove over from behind, and two men in their twenties were sitting on the car, shouting and waving at Feng Tiance from a long distance away.

The two men spoke not very standard English.

Feng Tiance was already preparing to return to the hillside in the distance, but when he heard the shout, he stood where he was, turned around and looked at the speeding motorcycle, without saying a word.

"Do you need to take a boat tour of the lake? Our boat is parked at the pier more than one kilometer ahead, and the cost is only fifteen dollars per person."

(End of this chapter)

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