Five and a half years old: the national girl is the group favorite

Chapter 436 Protection law is not a guarantee of impunity

Chapter 436 Protection law is not a guarantee of impunity

"Miss Ruan Ruan is not looking very well today. I heard from Xiao Jia that you had a nightmare last night, didn't you? Did you not sleep much at all?" This is still that lovely personal maid, she obviously knows something What, sighed: "You don't actually need to take some things too seriously."

Ruan Ruan looked at her curiously, and said: "You give me a strange feeling, you seem to know a lot of strange things, who are you?"

"Me? I'm just a maid. Who else can I be?" The maid shook her head and smiled obediently. "Maybe I'm good at observing words and expressions. I usually pay attention to what happens in the villa. Dongpin Those in Xicouu also understand a little bit."

She said so, but actually drew a six-pointed star symbol on Ruan Ruan's head with her fingers.

Needless to say, Ruan Ruan clicked his tongue.This is their organization's unique method of identifying companions. This method is not unique, and it changes with the changes of the date. Only the people inside the organization can understand the rules in the middle.

She has always known that Chu Ran is following her in various ways, but she has never doubted the maid in front of her. If the maid hadn't revealed it on her own initiative, she might subconsciously think that it was Xinglan's. people.

"Okay, it's enough to comb your hair like this, if it's complicated, it won't look good." Ruan Ruan suddenly stood up and walked towards the door.

In the past, she always walked in front and went downstairs without looking back, but today, she stood at the door, waiting for the maid to come out, and then locked the door herself.

"Did you sleep well?" Gu Jingxuan asked after taking a sip of coffee.

"Is my complexion really bad? You can see it anyway." Ruan Ruan had already adjusted her emotions, and she rubbed her face in a funny way, "Maybe it's because I'm not energetic yet, I should feel better after breakfast."

"I've never heard that eating breakfast can turn a ghost into a human." Gu Qichen pouted and made up the knife beside him.

The next topic is very clear, and you basically don't need to think too much.

It wasn't until Gu Qichen got into the car that his ears became clear.

He leaned his head against the car window, looked at the scenery outside the window silently, felt like an abandoned child, sniffed and said: "This world is so indifferent, I don't think they can keep me anymore."

"What's the matter? Are you going to stab yourself, or what?" Ruan Ruan answered subconsciously, and then added to Gu Qichen's complaining eyes, "I'm not thinking about how to help you, don't get me wrong. I'm not the type to stab you."

Gu Qichen pressed his tongue against his teeth, and said slowly: "Have you ever heard of a word called trying to hide?"

Ruan Ruan looked innocent and harmless, and shook her head: "No, our teacher didn't teach it, and I don't understand it at all."

Gu Qichen ignored her, put on his earphones, and continued to look out the window and meditate.

What is the meaning of a handsome guy in this world?Why does everyone bully handsome guys?Are they jealous of the handsome guy's good looks?The more Gu Qichen thought about it, the more reasonable he felt, rubbing his chin, nodded.

Looking at Gu Qichen's expression, Ruan Ruan knew what he was thinking, shook her head helplessly, and simply went to coax Gu Yuchuan to play.

She didn't realize that she seemed a little anxious today, she seemed to speak without thinking, and she couldn't stop trying to find someone to talk to, as if she wanted to express something in this way, or cover up something.

She couldn't tell herself.

The extended version of the Maybach soon stopped at the familiar place again. After comforting himself all the way, Gu Qichen felt much better. He walked in the front humming a song, and said at the fork in the school: "Remember to wait for the car when school is over. With the young master."

This sentence is very rhythmic, he even steps his feet rhythmically while speaking, Ruan Ruan is afraid that he will dance as he walks.

Entering the classroom again this time, the atmosphere inside was different again. They didn't dare to discuss, and they looked at Ruan Ruan with a little bit of fear in their eyes.

"Ruan Ruan! I've seen the news, Uncle Gu is so handsome! I didn't expect to be so relieved!" Chen Meiqi was so angry before, but now she is so happy, she can't wait to walk around the school a few times and tell everyone Man, this time they won.

"What's there to be happy about? It's not something worth mentioning." Ruan Ruan patted Chen Meiqi's head amusedly. I'll pay when the time comes."

Chen Meiqi nodded, she was in high spirits, now tell her to ask her to do a few more sets of math problems, probably she will agree.

A few 10 minutes passed quickly, and until the bell rang for the first class, there were still a few empty seats in the classroom, but no one dared to ask aloud, and they probably knew why.

The first class is the head teacher's class. She walked in with the textbook. The first thing she did was not to teach, but said: "You all know what happened a few days ago, right? I won't comment too much, just Let me explain to everyone that two students in our class were expelled from school because of malicious rumors and slander. If it weren't for their young age, they might even go to jail. This incident is also a reminder to everyone, and they will slander others in the future If so, think twice."

After all, this is a matter between those families. The teacher didn't analyze this matter in detail. She just mentioned something, and then went around to start today's lesson.

But most people's eyes lingered on the two empty seats. Everyone knew that not only these two people, but also other people who spoke too much must have been expelled from school.

Those who stayed now are already beginning to rejoice. Fortunately, they just followed suit and said a few words casually. The matter that can be solved with an apology is better than being suppressed by the Gu family and not even going to school.

Ruan Ruan even received congratulations from several people on her side. Only then did she know that she already had a small fan in school, and many people were optimistic about this young child prodigy.

She originally thought that this matter would just pass away, but she didn't expect that she would also receive a message from Bai Fengran, who was standing in front of her with a rare smile on his always cold face.

Bai Fengran may just want to express herself, and now she is very happy for Ruan Ruan.Ruan Ruan couldn't be happy anymore, Chu Ran's words were all in her mind now.

She has already been attacked by Xinglan, this matter cannot be let go.The person in front of her was her good friend and also the daughter of her enemy. The other party smiled and congratulated herself, but what she thought about was how to use her.

Ruan Ruan felt like a sinner.

(End of this chapter)

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