Chapter 163
When the bloody team got closer and closer to the smelting base, they soon discovered that all the zombies on the road had disappeared!

This section of the road, on the contrary, became the easiest section of their journey.

Zhang Chenxi gave a "tsk", "It seems that the fight has already started."

"Hmm. Quite intense."

Su Tang's outstanding hearing power surpassed everyone else's. She was the first to hear the sounds of battle coming from afar.

Soon, everyone heard the roar of the zombies one after another!

Instead of being afraid, everyone was very excited, looking eager to try.

Because they were in a hurry, they felt that they hadn't had a good fight for a long time, and their hands were really itchy!
However, after Zhang Chenxi gave an order, they immediately restrained their thoughts, found a hidden slope and stopped the car to observe the battle situation.

Zhang Chenxi's eyesight was not as good as Su Tang's, so he used a telescope a little bit.

After watching for a long while, he silently handed the binoculars to the team members next to him, cursing, "What kind of bullshit captain, to let the team rush to the gate directly, is it too slow to die? What an idiot!"

Su Tang frowned, looked away, and nodded in agreement.

The number of opponents was more than she expected, twice as many as Blood Drops, and what was even more rare was that their strength was not bad.

But hundreds of supernatural beings gathered in one place and went straight to the gate of the base... That is the place where the zombies are most concentrated, they were immediately entangled to death, and at the same time, the nearby zombies were also attracted to them, alive and well. Take them off and make dumplings!
In a word, if you don't work, you won't die!
It's just a pity that those with supernatural powers are less visible to the naked eye.

She pondered for a moment, then turned her face to Zhang Chenxi, "What are your plans, can't you get in?"

Zhang Chenxi gritted her teeth, took a closer look at the situation through the binoculars, and finally nodded, "Go!"


The two unified their opinions, immediately determined the route, and then allocated the personnel. The rescue team, the aftermath team, and the response team performed their duties.

Su Tang led the children into the rescue team without hesitation, and they were better at being on the front line.

Zhang Chenxi is in charge of the overall command and support.

Before the operation began, he told several team leaders, "If the zombies are too difficult, or if the other party makes any changes, immediately send a signal and all the staff retreat, understand?"

Everyone nodded in understanding.

Su Tang understood his concerns very well.

First of all, as far as the eyes can see, not only are there a large number of zombies, but some of them are quite difficult to deal with.The number of his own team was small, so the plan they made had never had a head-to-head confrontation with large-scale zombies like this one. He was worried that the team members would not be able to do it.

Secondly, these days, saving people may not always be appreciated.She knows best, but it is not uncommon for a white-eyed wolf to stab you backhand.What's more, the goals of the two teams are the same, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are opponents.The opponent's captain is so stupid, it is not known whether he can take the overall situation into consideration, and he must be aware and prepared for the possibility of being bitten back.

However, relatively, there are too many zombies. If they choose to wait and see, it will be a matter of time before those supernatural beings are consumed to death.After that, Xueluo can only deal with it alone, and it is estimated that it will be difficult.Therefore, if the two teams cooperate, at most the materials will be shared equally, but the danger will be greatly reduced.

This is also one of the possibilities they discussed in the car before.

When everything was ready and Su Tang was about to set off with someone, Ren Xiao suddenly stopped her.

"Hold it." He stuffed a talisman into her hand, and said in a volume that only the two of them could hear, "Xiao Peng is so 'excited', you use this for him, be sure!"

Su Tang was taken aback for a moment, and then tightly held the talisman paper in his hand.

She glanced at Ren Xiao, met the pair of clear eyes, and knew that he probably saw something, but at this moment, she didn't have time to say more, so she could only slightly nodded, "Understood, thank you."

Ren Xiao shook his head without saying a word, and retreated slightly worried.

Su Tang turned around bluntly, "Let's go!"

The whole rescue team sneaked to the battle place. On the way, Su Tang noticed that Xiaopeng was different from usual, especially when the roars of the zombies came, he seemed a little restless.

Su Tang resolutely took advantage of the others not paying attention, and slapped the talisman on his body.

The patterns on the talisman paper shone for a moment, and then disappeared. Every inch of the talisman paper ignited and disappeared... Xiaopeng seemed to feel something, and turned to look at her.

His eyes gradually returned to their original calmness.

Su Tang heaved a sigh of relief, and smiled at him. The two let go of their speed one after the other, and walked in the front, leading all the team members towards the direction of the besieged people.

No one made a sound, they were so silent but unstoppable, like unsheathed sharp knives, tearing apart the encirclement of the zombies.

In this kind of battle, Su Tang did not use a bow and crossbow, but chose a long knife with a strange shape.

The handle is slightly longer for easy horizontal holding with both hands.

The back of the knife is thick and sharp, and the front end of the long knife is curved sideways, somewhat like a sickle.

As long as the angle is right, any blade can kill the enemy!
With her proud strength, it is basically a zombie head with one knife.

On Xiaopeng's side, these low-level zombies have an instinctive fear of him, and will not take the initiative to attack, and he has no desire to kill them, so most of his thoughts are used to protect Su Tang, and most of them rush to Her attacks will be blocked by his earth shield that appears and disappears from time to time.

In this way, Su Tang's offensive became more and more fierce, almost invincible.

At the same time, the performance of the other team members of Xueluo is also good.

The repressed desire to fight is now fully erupted, and the fierce deputy team is opening the way, and they have all kinds of abilities.

All of a sudden, it didn't take long for them to break out of the zombie group!

The besieged supernatural beings naturally saw them, and seeing that they were here to rescue them, many of them immediately lifted their spirits and showed joy on their faces.

Su Tang's eyes swept across, and he guessed that the embarrassed young woman guarded by these people in the middle should be their captain.My heart sank, this couldn't be another Lu Nuan-style character, that would be too bad!

But she didn't have the time to think too much, she shouted to her side, "Xiao Fang, take them back, I'll come back!"


Xiao Fang acted quickly, together with the rest of the rescue team, organized those supernatural beings to evacuate to the rear as soon as possible from the passage they opened!
The other party obeyed Xiao Fang's command very cooperatively, and did not try to be brave or talk nonsense.

The retreat went smoothly.

And Su Tang is no longer distracted, more and more zombies are coming towards her as a target, and she must go all out!

"Little friends, block them with me!"

Buy more time for others!
As she said that, her figure speeded up in vain, flying among the zombies as light as a butterfly.Wherever he went, he harvested heads.

Before the headless zombie could fall down, she had rushed to the next place.

When the retreating people looked back and saw this scene, they felt dazzled.

Among the ugly corpses, that slender and beautiful figure is particularly shocking!
(End of this chapter)

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