Chapter 283
It has to be said that this man's straightforwardness surprised Su Tang.

There are quite a few people who have their eyes on Meng Huo, regardless of other things, in Baile City alone, men and women who want to throw themselves into their arms can probably make someone become a groom every night.

However, to say that in front of the two of them... is unique!
Su Tang suddenly laughed lightly.

"Your vision is also very good, but unfortunately, he is already mine!" If you want to rob people, it depends on whether I agree or not, and you can run rampant if you are not a cultivator!
The man turned his eyes to her, examined her for a moment, and suddenly let out a "huh".

The next moment, he approached the four of them with the fragrance of peach blossoms.

Su Tang didn't avoid it, she could feel that this man didn't intend to attack them.This aroused her curiosity instead, what does he want to do?
But Yuan Huimeng moved and stopped in front.

"You don't want to get their ideas." The Hehuan faction is the best at harvesting, and there are countless ways to steal people's minds. Although he doesn't know how to enter the grain, the children don't have to worry about it, but the two behind him may not.

The reason why he would do his best to help Su Tang was to repay the other party. He couldn't be too busy to help Su Tang, so let the other party fold here first.

Therefore, knowing that he was probably lost, he still stood up.

The man snorted, obviously impatient with him, waving his robe and wide sleeves, attacking in an instant!
This was the first time Su Tang and the others saw Yuan Huimeng make a real move.

The result... beyond imagination.

There is no grand scene of the battle between the cultivators in his mind.

They waved their hands back and forth, attacking and defending, in addition to the extremely light movements, it was not even as exciting as the battle between the supernatural beings... But Su Tang could still detect that there was some kind of powerful force between the two of them !
Then, she could see that Yuan Huimeng was at a disadvantage.

She frowned, turned her head to look at the little friend without any trace, and made the palm of her hand float up and down.

The little friend was stunned for a moment, then nodded, and soon, the ground under his feet suddenly began to shake slightly.

Su Tang immediately shouted, "The ground is shaking! Could it be that this place is about to collapse?!"

Meng Huo shook his body casually twice in cooperation, but he glanced at Xiaopeng thoughtfully.As a zombie, he is too smart...

Taolin was created by a man, so this kind of trick was naturally seen through quickly.

However, he still stopped and did not chase and beat Yuan Huimeng fiercely.

This made Su Tang more sure that the other party had no killing intent.

The man stood a few meters away, looking at Su Tang with a half-smile, "For the sake of your obedience, I'll give you a chance, tell me, who stole the virtual creature from you?"

Su Tang's heart moved suddenly, "Could it be that you raised this virtual creature?"

"Naturally." The man raised his chin and said disgustedly, "This kind of place is very poor in aura, how can there be wild ones! I worked so hard to raise them for medicine, but some dog stole them while I was out. go!"

"It's indeed a dog!" Su Tang rolled his eyes, and echoed, "This dog not only stole your worms, but also used medicine indiscriminately, forcing me to drink it, which made me look like I am now!"

The man was stunned for a moment, and then said after a pause, "It's like this..." He frowned, and said again after a long while, "Come here, let me have a look."

Yuan Huimeng opened his mouth to stop it, but Meng Huo helped him with his arm.He turned his head to meet the other person's eyes, opened his mouth and closed it again, and finally didn't say anything.

At this time, Su Tang had already walked up to the man and stretched out his wrist.

The man saw that she behaved generously and did not doubt himself, his eyes were a little more happy, and he cast a mocking glance at Yuan Huimeng, and then put his finger on Su Tang's wrist.

After a while, he withdrew his hand.

"Do you want to get back to normal?"

Su Tang said, "Of course! Do you have a solution?"

The man's face was full of pride, "Of course I can do something about the worms I raise, but if you want me to take action, you have to pay a price."

"You said."

"Tell me who stole the worm first?"

"I haven't seen it with my own eyes, so I can only say it's a guess. One of them is Du Chengxuan and the other is Wang Xian. However, both of them are dead."

The man said angrily, "He's actually dead?! It's cheap for them!" Then, he hesitated again, "You won't lie to me, will you?"

Su Tang laughed, "They used to live in the central city, and they are rare tenth-order supernatural beings. The reason for stealing the imaginary insects is probably to study the potion for restoring youth in a private laboratory. If you don't believe me, you can Go check it out for yourself."

Her eyes were honest, the man stared at it for a moment, then slowly nodded, "It turns out that you are a tenth-level supernatural user, but you still have some skills, no wonder you can steal my bug."

The implication is to believe her words.

Su Tang smiled and said nothing more.

Meng Huo walked behind her at some point, and interjected, "What price are you willing to pay?"

The man looked at him, "What if I say I want you to stay?"

Meng Huo smiled slightly, "I belong to her, so what's the point of staying even if she doesn't want to? Besides, although I think I'm good, I have to say that there are still men in this world who are no worse than me... ..." If you just want a man, it's easy to handle.

The man glanced at the two of them, naturally he would not miss their tacit gaze, and felt depressed for a while.

It's really boring to finally fall in love with a man, but he still has the owner.

Being depressed, he caught sight of someone staring at him vigilantly out of the corner of his eye, and he suddenly laughed.

"Since that's the case, I don't like beating mandarin ducks with sticks, so let's make do with him!" He said, pointing at Yuan Huimeng.

Su Tang and Meng Huo followed his hand and looked at it, both of them were taken aback.

Although he really wanted to return to the original state, Su Tang would not do such things as pushing people, especially acquaintances into a fire pit. Besides, Yuan Huimeng's disgust for this man was so obvious.

She shook her head immediately and said, "Forget it."

Meng Huo said, "Can you tell me about the conditions for retaining people?"

The man raised his eyebrows, but he said to Yuan Huimeng instead of Meng Huo, "Of course the one who stays will be with me day and night, and he has to do whatever I want him to do. If there is even the slightest disobedience... he probably doesn't want to try my Hehuan's method of harvesting mending!" When he said this, his face was full of malice.No one could doubt that if Yuan Huimeng really stayed, he probably wouldn't get any good treatment.

Su Tang's face twitched.

It's actually picking and nourishing... This kind of "miraculous" thing, she thought it could only happen between men and women, picking yin to nourish yang, picking yang to nourish yin, but she didn't expect that it could also happen between two men time, and obviously, the man in front of him only liked him.

Then it's even more impossible for her to respond.

Just as she was about to speak, Meng Huo cleared his throat, and said suddenly, "Naturally, we must choose someone with strong strength for this kind of thing. The leader above, I wonder if you have seen it, he should be the most suitable." There is no doubt about what he said. It's Qiao Li!
Su Tang stared and almost burst out laughing.

This is definitely a typical example of a dead fellow who never dies!

(End of this chapter)

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