Chapter 336 Union City

When Zhang Chenxi returned to the Bloodfall Base, his condition was not very good.

He came back with the team members who stayed in Nanfang City before.

But he was still injured, although it was only a minor injury, his whole body was still very dirty, his clothes were scratched several times by the mutated beast, and the back of his waist almost exposed his buttocks, not without embarrassment!

But Meng Huo didn't say anything when he saw him, and Su Tang just complained, "I can't take good care of myself at such an age!" and hurriedly told him to wash up and rest.

After Zhang Chenxi left, the team members reported to Meng Huo, "It seems that I have a disagreement with City Lord Qiao. I'm in a bad mood, and I don't want to walk well. I have to kill the mutant beast..."

As for why the differences?

Meng Huo and Su Tang guessed nine out of ten after thinking about it.

"In the past, Qiao Mingxi was okay, but I didn't expect that after becoming the city lord, she would become more and more disorganized. It was just the news that the base merged and became independent, which made her suspicious, and made a fuss in front of Chenxi... Really You can be short-sighted!" Meng Huo said disdainfully.

Su Tang smiled, "This matter, in the final analysis, is on Chenxi. Women are always prone to worrying about gains and losses in front of the person they like. Although Qiao Mingxi has extraordinary abilities, she is still a woman after all. She was afraid that her husband would be vacillating, so she left There are also mistakes in chess.”

Meng Huo thought for a while, and said, "In any case, we should not interfere in this matter, let's see what Chen Xi thinks. As for the base, what to do or what to do, we don't need to look at the face of Nanfang City."

"Naturally." Su Tang nodded.

No one asked Zhang Chenxi what to do, and he immediately felt at ease, feeling that he was most comfortable in his own base.On the second day after he came back, he resumed his work and rest, trained with the team members every day, and went hunting together... As for Qiao Mingxi, he planned to calm down for a while before talking.

Speaking of it, the emotional handling of these people is a bit blunt.

This is of course closely related to the environment.

At this time, no one has the time to worry about these things, and those who love or not love will rarely die or live.

Who makes the living conditions of human beings difficult!

Of course, this year has been regarded as frequent good news.

First, the land improvement agent was successfully developed, and then the full-effect zombie antidote was put into practical use. At present, everyone is waiting for the policy of base autonomy.

Yang Lifan's zombie antidote was backed by Su Tang's planting space, and he selected a few apprentices from the base to make it step by step, and the speed was still very fast.It didn't take long to have a lot of reserves.

In addition to having enough bases at home, basically the nearby bases would respond to anyone who came to sell them, and the price was far lower than the price of a single antidote in Central City, which was really a blessing to the south.

In this way, the pace of hunting in various bases in the south has also accelerated a lot.

Bringing an antidote, the supernatural beings are particularly confident, and their performances on the spot are often quite good!
Everyone is preparing for a return to normal life.

Su Tang had already sent someone to the central city to contact Nani, hoping to get a prescription for the land improvement agent.

Naturally, it's not that easy.

So Meng Huo also entrusted Baile City to assist.

He is not a heartless person, and he is also concerned about Hei S's body, and even wants to go to Central City.

But after much deliberation, it still didn't work out.

The danger is too great!

The current Xueluo Base must be registered in the hearts of those in the Central City. If he goes back, it doesn't matter if he has high abilities, but if someone tries to get the idea of ​​a small family in the base, it will be a big deal for him. Meng Huo was more disturbed than hitting his idea!

It's not that he doesn't trust Su Tang's ability.

But after all, there is more An An...

Thinking of An An and how serious Ren Menghuo was in front of the team members, he still couldn't help but smirk secretly.

Needless to say, my son is so cute!

Starting from yawning when he was a little guy, now he can turn over, sit up, and occasionally crawl twice. Every move makes Meng Huo surprised and sighs!
Only now do I understand what people in the past meant when they said that wives and children were hot on the kang.

Gentle Township is really a hero's tomb!
With these two concerns, how could he be willing to leave!

Fortunately, it was useless for him to come forward, and the matter was finally settled.

The formula for the land improvement system, the government originally did not agree to give it out so easily, it is not that it will not be given, but it must be exchanged if necessary.After all, there are more people in Central City, and it is not so easy to feed everyone.Of course, there are a lot of taxes in the city, but after all, it is a disaster for the family.

But first, Xueluo Base brought back the antidote for zombies, and then Academician Wang personally spoke up. With this antidote, the formula must be given!
On the other hand, the Central City's drug reserves are not that rich. Since Xueluo dared to ask for the prescription, he must be prepared. The crystal nucleus is fine, but the finished medicine is made, and the Central City asks to return some of it.

With the participation of Academician Wang, the central government will not open its mouth like a lion, and it is Hu Yi who came back to negotiate with the bloody base. He saw that the conditions were still within the bottom line set by Su Tang, and after consideration, he readily agreed and signed the contract. contract.

As for the matter of base merger and autonomy.

For his own sake and for Lu Nuan's, Meng Xiang's action skills are also good, and he quickly persuaded Wang Qi and some people who are different.

Of course, the crystal nucleus also spent a lot.

Finally, the policy was finally promulgated.

There are no hard and fast rules, but all bases that want to be self-governing must apply to the Central City. After meeting a certain number of supernatural beings, the number of ordinary people, and a certain land size, and paying fees, the central government will approve it.

A registered autonomous base means that it is legal and can enjoy certain benefits.

For example, Central City expects to open a road to the south within three years. This matter must be entrusted to a legal base to undertake, and the undertaker will receive a project fund from Central City.

At the same time, if the legal base encounters considerable difficulties, it can also apply for assistance from Central City.Both economically and humanly.

In short, all kinds of detailed policy terms are nothing more than connecting these independent bases with the central city more closely.

Of course, in terms of independent bases, they can also get a lot of benefits.

All legal bases in the central city can have priority in all purchases. In the past, large-scale purchases could only be made through the black market, and the price stopped many people. But now, it can be resolved through the government.

This alone is enough to make a lot of people excited.

Furthermore, everyone has to think in the long run.

In case one day encounters an attack like a horde of beasts, there are definitely two situations with or without a backstage!
The matter was done, and Meng Xiang was greatly relieved.

In fact, he knew in his heart that what happened this time was not his fault.

The central city government had already prepared and made up their minds. Some people objected, but it was just a little more time. Things will happen sooner or later.

It was just a coincidence.

But no matter what, he did his best, and Su Tang and the others would know about it.

Xiaoguai brought the news to the Xueluo Base first.

As soon as the news got out, as expected, many bases asked to join.

The first blood to fall is the radius of the solid stone.

Driven by him, many base leaders came one after another.

Of course, they also have requirements. Subordination and complete integration are two different things. The reason why they take the initiative must be to maintain a certain degree of independence.

Meng Huo had thought of this a long time ago, he was thinking about playing a big game of chess.

That is to establish "Bloodfall United City"!
The so-called United City means that he plans to surround all the bases belonging to Xueluo to form a super large safe area.

In other words, this United City is at least equivalent to a province in China before the end of the world. The blood falls is the provincial capital, and the other bases are second- and third-tier cities.

Externally, everyone is a community. Internally, the base leaders can have certain autonomy, as long as you can develop the base better!
Of course, some policies need to be formulated and unified by everyone.Various details, such as personnel flow issues, etc., need to be planned in advance.

It must be said that Meng Huo's idea won the approval of all base leaders.

Although the city lords of United City must come from Xueluo, and they must have more power than the base leaders, but they will never be a dictatorship, they always have the right to speak!

Speaking of which, the southern city is more powerful, so why don't they go to seek refuge?The fear is that it will be completely swallowed!And now, Meng Huo proposed the concept of United City, which is already the best result they can get!
Therefore, after spending some time in the meeting, Xueluo cooperated with more than ten bases to reach a consensus and delineate the scope of Union City.

When Hu Yi brought the formula of the land improvement agent and Meng Xiang returned to the Xueluo base one after another with detailed policy documents and applications, everything was already settled.

The improvement agent was naturally handed over to Yang Lifan and Ren Xiao to deal with.

As for the documents brought back by Meng Xiang, after they were filled out quickly, Meng Huo sent someone to send them back to the central city government.

On the other hand, the action to establish the United Cities also began.

Since it is United City, the first thing to do is to clear the road, clean up the mutant beasts around, and build defenses. This task will be shared by each base soon.

Such a big movement from them naturally spread to Nanfang City.

At the same time, the policies issued by the central city were also conveyed to them.

At this time, Qiao Mingxi, Kong Cheng and others discovered that they were actually isolated in disguise!
Not without worries.

But this is no wonder.

They have recently focused on cleaning up the zombies, and the outside of the city has basically returned to calm.

The second division played a big role in it.

Every time at this time, Qiao Mingxi couldn't help regretting his reckless actions towards Zhang Chenxi, but after a long time, he felt a little bit resentful towards him.

If you really value her, why don't you explain it?Why did you just leave so simply?

And Zhang Chenxi's gentleness when she mentioned Su Tang also became a thorn in her heart!

She stubbornly refused to send someone to contact him.

But Kong Cheng and Pang Qihui couldn't hold on any longer, they found her together and asked to talk to Xueluo.

From a certain point of view, Xueluo is undoubtedly declaring war on the southern city in this way!

(End of this chapter)

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