Chapter 47 Search
Since the beginning of the last days, the sky above has never been clear, and today is no exception.The thick haze blocked the sun, and the eyes were covered with a cold gray scene.

Xuguang base was originally a small city, but because of the outbreak of the end of the world, it became a dead city.

After being vacant for a period of time, it resumed use as a surviving human base.

But now, it has been abandoned again.

Following Meng Huo and others into the unguarded base, Su Tang looked at the place vigilantly.Although I have gently reminded everyone that the environment here is likely to breed zombie animals, other people also expressed the same feeling, so they should be extra cautious.But there are still important issues left unresolved.Although Quyi can read minds, she can't read the maps in other people's minds. Where are those mysterious cellars where materials are stored? !

Su Tang was slightly sad.

Sure enough, stealing other people's things is not easy!
At this time, Meng Huo had already started to give orders to act in groups.The twelve people were divided into four teams, and each went to a direction to investigate.Once encountering a situation that cannot be handled, the signal flare will contact.

After 2 minutes, each group took up three flare guns of different colors representing different situations and left quickly.The last team ready to go was the combination of Meng Huo, Yue Hongfang and Su Tang.

As they began to move forward to the right, Xiaoguai began to consciously act as a scout again. It first flew into the sky, circled a few times before coming down, and the sound of relaxation proved that there was no major danger.This proves that he is very capable.

While looking at the surrounding situation, Su Tang affirmed what it did, and stuffed a first-order crystal nucleus into the mouth of the little boy who was begging her for food.

People should have left soon, but this place already looks dilapidated.The gravel road under his feet has long been mottled, and the rough buildings on both sides of the street are full of coldness, and some of them can't even drop the doors.In some places, there have even been fierce fighting. The ashes of the walls and half-collapsed houses are not an exaggeration to describe them as broken walls.

Su Tang sighed secretly and scratched his head, there was really no one there, as expected of the end of the world, he heard the beast tide running so fast!
Soon, the three of them came to a fork.

When Meng Huo was about to go to the right, Quyi suddenly said, and pointed his chin to the left of the fork in the road, "Sister, go that way."

Su Tang paused, "What's there?"

Quyi rubbed her shoulder contentedly, "The good thing you want."

Huh? !

Who said that he was just a child and usually hid at home, so he was not familiar with the city's terrain, and he didn't know where the cellar those people were talking about came from!

Because she couldn't roar, Su Tang had no choice but to turn her head and stare.

He whispered without guilt, "They're looking at you."

Su Tang puffed her face, quickly put her head back to the original place, and said to the two staring at them, "Xiaoyi knows a place, there may be supplies, let's go and have a look?"

Meng Huo only paused for two seconds, "Okay." Maybe there is something unexpected, how could it be bad?Moreover, places with supplies are usually more "lively".Besides, he really wanted to know what the hell those two girls, one big and one small, were doing...

So, a group of people quickly took the road to the left.

More and more prosperous.

Of course, it doesn't refer to people, but the houses on both sides are much denser.It can be seen that many residents have been accommodated here.

This road is not long, turn left at the end, then turn right, the street turns into an alley, but there is still no trace of people.

Until reaching a very inconspicuous courtyard, Qu Yi suddenly called a stop.

"It should be here."

It turned out that she not only knew, but also knew such details!So, you were lying to me before!Su Tang shouted in his heart.Damn, I was deceived by a kid, I really don't want to admit that my IQ is so low!

She didn't think about it at this time, whether Qu Yi's number of stages in lying or faking expressions is not comparable to hers.This can be regarded as a sequela caused by the ability... After all, many people praise you for being cute, but they think in their hearts that it is such a burden, that they can still live until now, and that they will drag their father to death sooner or later... Such things Xinxin has read too much, from the initial anger and sadness and even swearing at each other, to now consciously hiding her true thoughts, for Quyi, this is a road that she has to take.

Fortunately, Su Tang knows how to explain himself.

It doesn't matter, at least she said it now, which means she believes in me!
Pushing open the door of the yard, she walked in the front.

Looking up, there are houses on three sides, all of which are built into small rooms, and the inside is very quiet, without any breathing sound.Surrounded by it was a small open space, messy, with discarded wooden basins and some garbage scattered around.

It's not like Su Tang thought, there are backyards and the like.

In this case, the entrance to the cellar should only be in the room.

Qu Yi said that was all she knew.Those men had gone hunting with her father, so she knew where their party lived.Su Tang accepted her words and briefly talked about the situation of the supplies. Of course, the source of the news was also pushed to Quyi's father.

Yue Hongfang didn't seem to believe it. Of course, it was strange for him to believe Su Tang.He looked like he wanted to question, but finally he endured it and looked at Meng Huo.

As for Meng Huo, he glanced at Qu Yi casually, and said directly, "Then search the room first."

Su Tang thought so too.

The three of them quickly started to act, there were only a dozen rooms, and the interior layout was very simple, and they got it done in a while, but what didn't work out was that they even stepped on the stone slabs in the house, but they didn't find it. Anything suspicious like a cellar entrance...

The three of them who came back to the small open space suddenly fell into a brief silence.

Meng Huo pondered for a moment, then suddenly raised his head, "Are you sure there are?"

For a moment, Su Tang was also a little uncertain.

For the entrance of the cellar, the bottom must be empty, and it should definitely feel different from the ordinary ground, but what is the situation now?Those people have delusions, and they are so serious that they are thinking so wildly in their hearts?No no, that's obviously not possible.As for Quyi, she... probably wouldn't talk about such things casually...

What went wrong?
Just thinking about it, my shoulder suddenly hurt.

Quyi's small and sharp canine teeth bit her body through the clothes, and then slowly let go, "Are you doubting me?"

Su Tang's face turned blue, it hurts a lot, okay?Also, please read your mind and be more careful, I am looking for reasons from various aspects, okay? !
Meng Huo saw her tangled expression, he moved his fingers thoughtfully, and took out the flare gun, "It seems that we can only call Cunliang over, after all, he is an expert in this field. "

Although his words were understated, Su Tang realized that this was a crisis as well as a turning point!
Along the way, after Quyi's explanation, she knew that there were many other people who thought like Yue Hongfang, thinking that Meng Huo was too generous to her, even close to connivance, and they were not without dissatisfaction.

Although big things won't happen, they will have to walk together for a long time afterwards, and even face the enemy together. It is impossible to leave without shaking hands, so they can only build good relationships. She doesn't want to use a lot of energy to pay attention at any time Are there any changes in the people around you!
Therefore, if this matter cannot be done, it is very likely to become the fuse for the deterioration of the relationship.And once it is done, for the sake of materials, other people will not have much opinion on her and Quyi.

Here comes the key question.

Does she believe what Quyi said?
The answer is to believe!
That child is very smart, since he brought them here, he must be sure.The key is whether they can find it!

She nodded to Meng Huo, "I'll take another look during this time."

(End of this chapter)

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