Chapter 88 Detoxification
The last two finally got into the car.

Wang Yuan was expressionless, obviously not very happy.

The girl named Nani was indeed alright. As soon as she got into the car, she apologized to everyone before she could catch her breath.It's the man next to her named Pi Yan... Su Tang thinks that Li Lu's saying that he has a bad temper is not unreasonable.

Although he is slender and extremely handsome, he has a very cold attitude.He just looked around indifferently, and sat down on the seat with a big face.That look that says "what do I have to apologize for?"

There are still such people in the last days, Su Tang said that he saw a strange thing!
The other people in the car also couldn't understand it, but on this occasion, since Wang Yuan didn't express his opinion, it was difficult for others to say anything.

Only Hu Li couldn't bear it anymore and gave him a vicious look.

Pi Yan showed a look of disdain, which made him even angrier.

Fortunately, Nani smoothed things over and put her hands together where Pi Yan couldn't see, and begged Hu Li, so he blushed and angrily let it go.

Su Tang propped his chin and watched inexplicably.

She had just quietly asked Li Lu what the relationship between the two was.

Li Lu gestured like a couple.

But as a girlfriend, it is necessary to have such a low profile, almost like a maid...

However, after all, it was someone else's business, once she thought about it, she no longer paid attention to it.

After the car set off, people on the hunting team side stopped talking, while the soldiers on the other side of the car were very serious and even more silent.

In this dull atmosphere, the car left the central city and drove out through the north gate.

From this direction, you can see the factory area on the side, where the wall is very high, not inferior to the residential area.

Moreover, there seems to be a isolation zone around the wall, with traps, patrols, and lookout posts.

It can be seen how much the government attaches importance to this place!
Su Tang is very interested in the factory area, especially in the arsenal and smelting factories, but unfortunately, without thinking about it, it is clear that she cannot enter such places at will.

To be honest, it can be seen from the current weapons.

Today's smelting and manufacturing techniques are not as good as the world she lives in. It is probably because of the end of the world that the conditions cannot be met.

Really sorry.

She was thinking miscellaneously, the car was driving faster and faster, and she had already left the central city far away.

After about an hour, we arrived at the first area that needed to be cleared.

Far away, some mutated beasts were waiting for an opportunity to move.

However, because the suppression was carried out in different areas, only the first vehicle stopped to carry out the task at this time, while the other vehicles continued to move forward along the main road.

The further the car goes, the more difficult the surrounding environment becomes.

In the beginning, there were many wildernesses, and then there were many shrubs or woods. Such places can easily hide mutant beasts or large mutant plants.

Su Tang reckoned that the mission area was not chosen by the hunting team themselves, but should be distributed by the military according to the strength of each team.The more difficult it is to get it done, the more benefits it will bring, which is nothing to worry about.

But when she arrived at the area where their team belonged in the afternoon, she was still a little surprised.

The right side is okay, mostly wilderness.But on the left side, there are large stretches of tall shrubs, almost catching up with the woods!Is it possible to cut them all down? !

She really guessed it right.

However, instead of chopping it all up, it was burning it up!

The hunting team and the soldiers included a total of 20 people. Except for the driver who stayed behind, all of them brought special kindling and set fire to the bushes, which were hundreds of square meters in size.

"This method is too simple and rude! And don't you understand the principle of spring breeze blowing and rebirth?!" Su Tang muttered to himself, and went to the assigned position with the others.

Nani's crisp voice suddenly sounded, "This won't solve the problem at all!"

Because others have a very bad impression of Pi Yan, they don't even treat her very well.But Su Tang's heart skipped a beat. Does this girl have any thoughts?
She deliberately slowed down a little, and asked with a smile, "Why do you say that?"

Na Ni was embarrassed. Seeing her friendly attitude, she couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said, "As far as I know, these shrubs grow very fast and are extremely difficult to eradicate. Just burn them with fire, and they will regenerate in a short time." .”

"I see..." Su Tang nodded thoughtfully, which was pretty much the same as what she thought.But they can all see it, Wang Yuan can't see it?Or, is that the order from above, and they just execute it mechanically?If this is the case, there is no other way but to burn it first.

She smiled at Nani again before returning to Shan Chenxi.

Seeing that she seemed to be asking casually, Nani couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

Seeing that the people in front walked a little far away, Pi Yan sighed at her, "Do you still expect her to stand up and say something?"

Nani shook her head, "I just..."

Pi Yan interrupted her, "Okay, I know you're determined to eradicate these mutated plants, but it won't happen overnight. And I'm worried about your safety, so don't stand out on such occasions, so as not to reveal your identity, Understand?"

Nani lowered her head helplessly.

Turning around and continuing to walk forward, Pi Yan grabbed her hand. "I only have you. Auntie must also hope that you can live well."

"Ah Yan, I understand, I understand, I will not do dangerous things again." After a pause, Nani withdrew her hand, "By the way, I'd better dig a vine root and take it back first, so as not to be disturbed later. convenient."

Pi Yan stood aside, watching her squatting back, with complex lights flashing in her eyes.

Su Tang also saw her actions, and became more and more interested in her.

Do you want to go back and study after digging the vine roots?This hobby is very similar to Yang Lifan.

Zhang Chenxi touched her arm, "What are you thinking about?"

"Well, it's nothing." Su Tang looked at the dark bushes, "I always feel that these things are weird. When you lose the fire, you stand far away and use your ability to come. By the way, tell Fang Rui, Don't separate from Fang Liang."

Her intuition is often very accurate, as Zhang Chenxi knew on the way to Central City.Hearing what she said, he immediately became vigilant. "it is good."

Every person with supernatural powers, except the brother and sister of the Fang family who are used as one person, everyone stood at a distance and prepared to throw the fire into the bushes.

These shrubs are relatively dry and have special flammable kindling that can quickly start a fire.Except for this place, the surrounding area is mostly wilderness and rocks, so there is no need to worry about causing unnecessary fires.Of course, according to Wang Yuan, in addition to Fang Liang, there were also people with water abilities among the soldiers as backup.

Su Tang didn't throw it with his hands, but stood a few hundred meters away and directly tied the fire to the arrow.

When Wang Yuan used the walkie-talkie to inform everyone to start action.

Su Tang shot the arrow out.

The fire suddenly spread...

getting bigger!

There was smoke coming out.

Seeing that the action was successful, the supernatural beings walked back one after another, but Su Tang stood still, she was still being determined.

At this moment, a shrill cry suddenly sounded from the bushes, and four black shadows shot up into the sky two by two from the burning bushes!

Their speed was very fast, and they fell rapidly after only one maneuver in the air, and began to attack the supernatural beings and soldiers who set fire separately!
It's a mutant eagle!

Seeing one of them flying towards Nani, Su Tang quickly raised the crossbow he had set up!

Because of the distance, the arrow was fanned away by the mutated eagle's iron wings!
She ran forward and quickly fired a second arrow.


However, as the mutated eagle was injured, a man's scream came from a little far away.

It was Pi Yan who was scratched on the shoulder by another mutant eagle!

Nani didn't have time to thank Su Tang, she flew towards Pi Yan's direction.

At first she was standing too close and didn't have time to react, but now seeing her boyfriend hurt, she felt heartbroken and impatient, and her speed was not slow.Flying over, she released the wood-type ability at the same time, and saw that the mutated eagle that was about to fly away was instantly trapped by one foot and dragged down from the air.

At this time, two crescent-like lights and shadows flashed by, and the mutated eagle didn't even have time to make a sound, and the eagle's head was strangled!
On the other side, where the military soldiers were, there were also wailing sounds one after another. It seemed that almost all the mutant eagles had been dealt with.

Zhang Chenxi retracted the flying knife, looked at Su Tang, and the two walked towards Pi Yan together.

Some of the others just reacted, and some didn't have time to make a move, but found that the battle was over.I can't help but be thankful that this speed is really eye-popping... Fortunately, it wasn't me who was attacked by the mutant eagle just now.

So far, they had a new understanding of Su Tang's strength as a primitive supernatural being who was just Zhang Chenxi's girlfriend.

"Is he all right?"

Pi Yan leaned against Nani's arms with a distorted face, one shoulder was completely scratched, exposing bones, it was really scary.

In the last days, no one is afraid of this kind of injury alone.But Su Tang looked at the wound that seemed to be getting darker, sniffled, and suddenly raised his head to look at Nani, "This smell..."

Nani's face was extremely pale, she interrupted abruptly, "Thank you just now!"

"No need." It seems that she has already discovered that these few just now are not mutant eagles, but zombie eagles!
Nani hesitated for a moment, then suddenly raised her head and pleaded, "Can you help find Captain Wang? Everyone in the military has antidotes."

Just as Su Tang was about to nod his head, Zhang Chenxi said, "I'll go."

He winked at Su Tang and asked her to stare here.Being scratched by the zombie eagle with such a big wound, she might lose her mind at some point. If Nani can't do it, someone must do it for her.

Su Tang grasped the crossbow in his hand knowingly.

The others were on guard all around, but no one came over, Nani was very glad, but Su Tang stared at him neither far nor near, but refused to go away.She hesitated again and again, the pain on Pi Yan's face deepened, and the wound gradually turned black.

She had no choice but to act quickly.

She took out a rectangular box from her carry-on bag, took out an injection from it, injected it into Pi Yan's body, and then put the thing back into the bag.She breathed a sigh of relief, and then awkwardly said to Su Tang who saw all this but didn't show any expression, "This, I bought it myself, but I'm afraid the quantity is not enough..."

This explanation is too clumsy... Su Tang complained in her heart, but because the other party's face was obviously relieved, she had an incredible thought. Could it be that this is the antidote she developed by herself? !

The antidote developed by so many top researchers in the country may not necessarily be effective, but she feels relieved after injecting her own antidote... In other words, she is sure to cure Pi Yan!

But is this possible?

For a moment, countless thoughts flashed through her mind.

At this time, Wang Yuan rushed over with someone.

Yes, whether this is really the case or not depends on the effect!

(End of this chapter)

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