Milk cute group treasure, fathers are fighting for favor again!

Chapter 232 "If you can't do this job, I'll find someone else."

Chapter 232 "If you can't do this job, I'll find someone else."

I took makeup photos a year ago, and started the machine only after the next year.

Gu Cizhi sent Ye Luo's photo and the makeup photo sent to him by the photographer to the people in the studio, and asked the studio's professional retoucher to put the two photos together.

Ye Luo's photo was taken secretly, and the distance is far away. The pixels of the photo ten years ago are not good enough. The photo retoucher of the studio team can only see clearly two eyes, one nose and one mouth. Going blind, people going crazy.

The current restoration and retouching technology is actually based on the contours of eyebrows and eyes, but the photos are too blurry, and the retouchers almost created a person according to the contours.

One of Gu Ci said directly and viciously at the beginning: "If you can't do this job, I'll find someone else."

In order not to lose their jobs, the employees of the studio began a long process of revision, editing the pictures one by one according to Gu Cizhi's request.

"Big eyes."

"Keep your eyes cold."

"The tip of the nose is slightly raised."

The staff couldn't fix the essence no matter what, Gu Cizhi sent the picture of Ye Luo he took to the retoucher.

After the retoucher got the photo, his mentality collapsed.

If there are other reference photos, give them earlier. He was blinded before, how can he restore it to 100% restoration?
The picture editor received Gu Cizhi's salary, so he only dared to vomit blood and silently complained in his heart, and then began to work hard to make pictures.

Gu Cizhi was very satisfied when he saw the final version sent by the retoucher.

A monthly salary of nearly six figures is not in vain!

Gu Cizhi held the phone and kissed the photo again and again, and asked the retoucher to develop the photo and plan to hang it on the wall.

The whole studio was running for Gu Cizhi, and the photos were delivered the next day.

When the photos were delivered, Gu Cizhi was on the phone on the balcony.

Xiaoxiao jumped off the sofa, ran to the door with short legs and asked, "Who is it?"

A soft and waxy voice sounded from inside, and the corners of Brother Li's mouth raised involuntarily, "Smile, it's me, Uncle Li."

Hearing that it was Brother Li, he tiptoed with a smile, stretched his short hands high and struggled to open the door.

As soon as the door opened, Brother Li saw the cute little white face with a smile, his eyes were crooked with a smile, and he called him in a sweet and soft voice: "Uncle Li."

Brother Li's heart melted at the cute smile with bright eyes and white teeth.

Li Ge hugged the big photo frame covered with cloth and asked, "Where's your father?"

Xiaoxiao saw that Li Ge was holding a huge thing, and quickly pushed the door wide open with his body, so that Li Ge could come in with his things, and put his back on the door to answer Li Ge's words: "Dad has gone to answer the phone."

Seeing Brother Li struggling to hold the photo frame in, he asked curiously with a smile: "Uncle Li, what did you bring here?"

It doesn't look like something to eat, and it doesn't look like something to use. It's square and covered with a cloth, which looks weird.

Gu Cizhi heard the doorbell, hung up the phone and came out to look.

Seeing Brother Li coming over with a photo frame, Gu Cizhi was very excited, "So fast?"

Brother Li put down the photo frame, shook his sore arms and said, "You are urging, can you hurry up?"

Smiling and looking at Gu Cizhi suspiciously, "Dad, what is this?"

Gu Cizhi didn't answer, Chong Nai Duan Zi beckoned mysteriously, "Smile, come here."

Xiaoxiao turned around and closed the door, obediently walked in front of the photo frame, raised her head to look at Gu Cizhi, her bright eyes were white and her teeth were white and tender, she was indescribably soft and cute.

Gu Cizhi took a corner of the cloth and handed it to Nai Tuanzi, "Pinch it and lift it."

(End of this chapter)

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