the most beautiful time

Chapter 24 Give You the Fullest Bloom

Chapter 24 Give You a Full Bloom (1)

When she was in college, her father unfortunately died in a car accident.She, who used to live a carefree life with bright clothes, suddenly fell into a predicament.In order to relieve the pressure on her mother, relying on her keenness in matching clothes, she soon found a job as a costume designer in a photo studio called "Romantic Classics".She loves this job very much, not only because she can solve her own living expenses, but also because she can be so close to her favorite fashion clothes, so close that she can touch their soft skin inch by inch, admire their exquisite designs, and even , when no one is around, try them on secretly one by one.Yes, she never told anyone about it. This is the fundamental reason why she chose the clothing department. She continued her dream of gorgeous clothes in such a secret way.

Often, she is the first to come to the company.After cleaning up the entire clothing department, what she likes most is to reassemble those clothes one by one to change into various styles, and then stand in front of a bright mirror and try them on herself.If there is time, she will quickly weave a hairstyle to match.Every time she sees herself in the mirror, with the same charming dress and hair accessories as before, the corners of her lips will always be slightly upturned, revealing a smile that is a little strange to herself.

This is a secret, the whole company, no one knows.Everyone only heard that there is a very dedicated girl in the clothing department who knows the collocation style of every outfit. Even if the makeup department temporarily changes the position of a flower on a customer's head, she can immediately find the best solution for it. Appropriate clothing.But that's all. No one has ever cared about why she is so obsessed with clothes, why she works overtime until late without complaint, and why she stubbornly insists on even the color of anklets when choosing clothes for customers.The company is basically full of girls who work for a long time, and there are almost no students who work part-time like her; so no matter how dedicated she is, there is still a layer of separation between her and other colleagues.Especially, the arrogant and conceited photographer named Sen.

Sen has the long hair that all photographers have. He is passionate when he is working, but he is as indifferent as ice immediately after shooting. He is the quietest when others are lively, and he often has amazing behaviors when others are silent.She has never liked Sen, although she loves the photos he took very much, and often fantasizes that she can stand in front of his camera, and under his gentle or seductive guidance, stage a gorgeous movie.But this is just a fantasy. Even if it is just a simple series, it will cost a lot of money. Of course, it is a luxurious fantasy for her.

She never took the initiative to speak to Sen, and neither did Sen.The two of them are almost the hardest-working employees in this company. They are so busy that they don't even say hello, let alone sit down and chat.Many times, she and Sen are like two people who have nothing to do with each other on the road. They saw it from a distance and walked past without even nodding.

But once, she was closing the door slightly, facing the mirror in front of the sunny French windows, and trying on a white dress from the "Angel Series" that she had just purchased.When she put on a colorful garland, barefooted, walked gently to the mirror, and saw the self she hardly knew, she really thought that she was the angel in her dream, so beautiful, she didn't even have a dream dreamed about.She closed her eyes slightly, imagining that she gave birth to white wings and flew freely under the blue sky. Every posture was recorded by a camera, and her soft and light youth was left behind one by one. imprint.

Just when she opened her eyes, a figure flashed in the mirror.She turned around in a panic to change clothes, not wanting to, but bumped into Sen.For a moment, Sen's eyes were like a blue lake, deep, gentle, and silent; but then, the blue disappeared completely, and Sen returned to his former indifference, and coldly threw her a sentence: "Take care of what you need today." The "wrapped clothes series" filmed, all ready.And the redness on her face, just in this sentence, burned all the way to her bare toes.

A few days later, the company will find models to take samples for several series of newly purchased clothes.It was just a role of a girl, and hundreds of people applied for it.Standing at the counter, she looked at the surging youthful faces outside, and suddenly felt a little sad in her heart.She thought that if the car accident hadn't happened, she would have been one of the applicants. Perhaps with her good looks and her calm grasp of the camera, she would have easily won the job.

But it's just thinking about it this way, knowing that everything is just an illusion, so I still work with peace of mind.But that night, when she was about to leave work, the store manager stopped her and said: In order to save money and have a more realistic advertising effect, the company decided to choose people from the company as models. down you.She looked at the store manager in surprise, and didn't speak for a long time. It was the store manager who asked her again, is it okay? Then she realized that she was at a loss and asked the store manager over and over again. ?

When she finally stood in the studio and shot the sample of the Angel series, she convinced herself that everything was real.That was really the most beautiful memory in her life.She stood in front of Sen, and under the guidance of his fiery language, she weaved the dream of images that she had longed for for so long.And Sen in the dark, on that afternoon, burst out with passion that she had never seen before.As a result, she was in a trance for a moment, thinking that all of this was born vigorously for this enchanting afternoon in the dark.

That set of samples later really became the most proud work of the studio.Many girls who love beauty, when they pass by the huge advertisement in front of the store and see such pure and dreamy images, they all step into the store without hesitation.As a result, she was hired by an advertising company with a generous salary as a long-term cooperative model.The period of her most fearful and helpless youth finally came to an abrupt end.

It was many years later that she discovered the secret from her clear eyes in the photo.In her pure eyes, Sen, holding the camera, stares at herself so intently, just like staring at a piece of jade that needs to be cared for with the most tender and meticulous love.She always thought that all the changes had nothing to do with Sen, but herself, who walked through this sad youth step by step.However, it was his own eyes that revealed the whole secret to her.

When she fell in love with the secret of clothes and was met by Sen, he used the most invisible way to reach out and send such a bright youth to her side.And when a secret meets another secret, the dark and lonely years are silently illuminated by strange love.

I noticed Cailian in a singing competition.I remember that I won the first place, and after stepping off the stage, I sat proudly on the contestant's bench, but there were not many people looking at me who was in high spirits.I even tried to cough loudly to attract the attention and admiration of the unsuccessful singers; unfortunately, the surroundings were still cold, and some girls, still humming triumphantly, gave me a dismissive look.My happiness was instantly dimmed in the coldness of outsiders.At this moment, Cailian patted my shoulder from behind and said with a smile: "Ann, your singing voice is so beautiful."I turned my head, and in the flickering lights, I saw a warm current slowly flowing out from Cailian's gentle eyes. In a moment, it soaked my heart longing for others to share happiness.

Since then, Cailian and I have become close friends.Cailian is a girl with an ordinary appearance and a poor family background. Apart from singing, she has nothing else to attract the attention of outsiders.As for me, I am the head of culture and entertainment in the department. Not only can I sing and dance well, I have a beautiful appearance, and I am also loved by teachers and boys.Cailian and I were walking on the road, and strange boys often came to strike up a conversation. I always ignored their hospitality coldly, but Cailian felt sorry for it, and helped me answer their questions in a soft voice.Every time I wait for them to leave, I always "teach" Cailian: Never be too nice to these boys, otherwise they will push themselves even further and become annoying.Cailian always carefully defended: But they really like your talent, and they are willing to be your fans.I wanted to refute Cailian a few words, people who don't like me, why should I share my happiness with them?But every time I saw her hard work in helping me "review" the love letter, I swallowed the words back.

(End of this chapter)

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