Chapter 35

I met a literati a long time ago, to be more specific, he was a cultural merchant.His job is to be an accountant in a unit, and he writes and writes in his spare time.Then one day he was probably tired of writing, or maybe his job made him realize that writing books is not as good as publishing books to make money. In addition, the work is extremely leisurely, so he recruited a few people and formed a small cultural company by himself. A young man who is talented but has no connections but wants to "become famous" publishes a book.

At first, the company was in a hurry, and people knocked on the door one after another, begging him to publish for them as a bridge between the author and the publishing house.He has been in the literary circle for a long time, and he often knows whether the book is profitable or not with a glance of his eyes.But he never acted as excited as Bole met Maxima in front of those authors who came to him.He always frowned slightly and said, this book is written at a mediocre level, and it may take a lot of twists and turns to publish it. I really can't do anything here, why don't you find another place.The rejected author, of course, refused to give up, begged in a low voice, and told the value of this book.He flicked through the manuscript again with his fat fingers, and sighed, seeing that you are so obsessed with words, I will take the risk to help you once again.

The contract signed in this way is of course completely beneficial to him. Those authors who are talented but have no money to publish their books at their own expense hardly get any royalties, and are willing to sign their manuscripts to him.So when the book came out, the author was grateful to him, and only had the sample book in his heart, but he didn't pay attention to the meager manuscript fee of several thousand yuan.

But there are also those who are "narrow-minded". I don't know if they are tired of reading the book, or they suddenly remembered the hard-earned manuscript fee, so they went to him to ask for it.Of course, he has prepared countermeasures, and he always refuses on the grounds that the books do not sell well and need to be turned over.So the authors waited for the stars and the moon, hoping that when the time would come, their books would suddenly be excavated from bookstores and sold in the market, preferably in second and third editions.Of course, the author will also bless the God of Wealth by the way, so that this cultural businessman can also make a lot of money, so that the book fee can be paid smoothly, instead of turning around several times, and it is not his turn to share a little porridge .

Most authors finally decide to give up after looking forward to a year or two, but still can't expect that little manuscript fee. They think, it's only a few thousand yuan, and don't care about it with him. Anyway, their book has been published, so it's not a big loss. .The cultural merchants, in such abandonment, leisurely and leisurely count the tickets, enjoying themselves.

But there are so few people, like a crab that bites its hand and refuses to let go, stubbornly wanting to get back the manuscript fee it deserves, no matter how the literati insisted, the book was not sold at all, and it was all waste paper The same piled up in the warehouse.Moreover, this kind of debt collection also adopts a protracted war, which is carried out in a planned and deliberate manner.From time to time, literati will receive a text message, or phone call, or email to demand debt.The literati transferred the phone to the secretary's desk, trying to avoid the trouble of answering it directly, but those authors would call his secretary again, or spread bad remarks about him on the Internet.

The literati were so embarrassed by such a "dead-faced" author that they wished they could disappear from the face of the earth.Such an idea really inspired the literati. He began to change his mobile phone number, abolished the original mailbox, QQ, and changed his office address, and told the people around him that no matter who came to inquire about his contact information, he was not allowed to tell him. .

Those writers who are chasing and intercepting, really can't find literati everywhere.Some people, in desperation, had no choice but to stop, scolding on the Internet, all when they got acquainted with a scoundrel.There are also some who want to go to court, but it will take a long time to think about it.

In this way, the literati managed to get rid of most of the debt collectors. Thinking that after a while, he would be able to come back and fight again in the arena.

Then one day, the literati had been quiet for many days, and suddenly received a threatening text message, saying, be careful, someone will intercept you in your dreams every night from now on, and you don’t even want to escape.The literati felt chills all over his body, and after thinking about it, he didn't know who leaked the secret, and leaked out the mobile phone number that was just replaced and almost no one knew.

In the end, the literati couldn't stand the ghost-like text messages every day, so they had to spend money to buy peace of mind, and sent the arrears of the manuscript fee to the owner of the text message, and then asked the author to tell him how he got the mobile phone number.The author chuckled and said, Tao is as tall as one foot and devil is as tall as ten feet. I bought your immediate boss, the boss of the publishing house. Unless you never want to make money by publishing free books again, I must see one and pinch one. , let you hang around until you have nothing to eat.

The literati shivered, with a creepy cold, like an old robe, and came over eeriely.

I know a university professor who is well-known in the province, so he is also arrogant, and he must strive to be the first in everything, even going to the bathroom.So when the academic circle attends a meeting together, everyone treats him politely, fearing that if he is not careful, he will be angered and unnecessary troubles will arise.

He is quite gentle to unknown juniors like me, knowing that I may not be able to catch up with him if I try hard for 20 years, so I don't put up defenses, and loves to teach me everything, selflessly imparting his so-called philosophy of life to me.One time when I was having a meal, I was only engrossed in eating. I didn’t even know how to stand up and toast a top leader. I said flattering words, which made the leader’s face unhappy. He felt that he had been treated coldly. What did the corrupt officials say when they confessed their experiences of accepting bribes?He said that he couldn't remember who gave him a gift, but he firmly remembered who never gave him a gift.I smirked after hearing this, and thought this was really an interesting corrupt official.But he looked serious and said: So you have to be good at grasping the psychology of these leaders who are one level above you, and know their preferences, so that you can have a bright future and a smooth journey. Everyone toasted him. He didn’t remember, but he just bowed his head. He saw you eating, and remembered it bitterly in his heart.

I was horrified by these words, and then I understood why he was criticized and criticized in the circle, but he was like a fish in water in his career.It is said that he is a popular person in front of the principal, and any activities and projects that can be paid for are definitely given to him first.He is obviously very good at taking advantage of this kind of favor, not only seeking benefits for himself, but also winning the favor of the principal, and using this position to make other colleagues jealous but helpless against his "big success".

After a meeting, a group of us went shopping in the dark at night. He was probably too excited because of his wonderful speech at the meeting, so he drank too much wine at the dinner party. , fell to the ground.The companions were so frightened that they forgot to call 120 for an ambulance.When he was in a mess, his pale face suddenly opened his voice and called for help: I ​​am a well-known professor of X University, come and save me!As soon as this remark came out, a certain female teacher who had met the professor for the first time immediately burst out laughing inappropriately.

This kind of laughter was extremely lethal and contagious under the circumstances at that time. While I was comforting the professor, don’t worry, the ambulance will come soon, but on the other hand, like the professor, I pressed my hands on my lower abdomen and rolled my belly laughing. , endured and endured, and finally when the professor was carried on the stretcher, he quickly turned around, bent down, and burst into tears from laughter.

Afterwards, I went to visit the professor. He had just finished the operation and was still recovering. The school hired a nurse to take care of his daily life.I met him in the corridor. The sun was good that day, and many patients came out to bask in the sun, so there were many patients coming and going in the corridor.He was probably in a hurry to urinate and couldn't hold it anymore. When a patient blocked the way but didn't realize it, he finally became anxious and yelled out another brilliant sentence: Give way, give way, I'm a professor of X University!The person blocking the way was probably an uneducated person. Seeing the anger on his face, he said with a smile: Where is X University?Are you famous?Why haven't I heard of it?

The professor's face turned livid immediately, but he didn't say a word, or maybe he felt that explaining to such illiterates would hinder his identity, so he bypassed the man and ran to the toilet angrily.When he came back and sat on the bed, he was still angry, and vented his grievances to me over and over again: It’s really aggrieved to be in the hospital with such an uneducated person, thinking that I, a well-known professor at a well-known university, should be treated like this. Derogation is simply a great insult.

I didn't know how to persuade him, but I didn't forget to gossip selfishly and ask him: There are so many flowers, fruits and gifts in the ward, many friends and colleagues must have come to visit, right?The professor took a book, flipped through a few pages, and then said coldly: I don't remember who has been here, but the few people who haven't been here remember all of them. They are jealous of me. I wish I couldn't afford to be ill.

I responded with a gentle smile of understanding, but I was secretly happy in my heart. I thought, it’s okay, I was put into the column of his forgetting, otherwise, if I was remembered by him, I’m afraid it’s like being remembered by a ghost , trembling with fear every day, if he is not careful, he will become a wronged soul.

My friend’s younger brother Qi graduated from university and wanted to find a job in the provincial capital. He cast a net everywhere. Finally, a public institution next to my company happened to be short of manpower, so I called Qi and asked him to come over for an interview.

My friend has been in the society for many years, and I know that once you are given an interview opportunity for a unit like this, the important thing is not whether you have the ability to stand out from the crowd in front of the interviewer, but your ability to act in private.Most of the time, the so-called interview is just a gimmick. In fact, it is to remind everyone that now they are standing on the same starting line, and whether they can become the final winner depends entirely on their own skills.

Two days before the interview, I accompanied my friend to this unit and found a leader in charge of personnel.When the leader saw us at first, he had a cold face and interrupted our conversation from time to time with one phone call after another.His words were full of bureaucratic accents, with Bao Qingtian's fair appearance, as if there was no room for negotiation on this matter, even if my friend's younger brother came to the interview, whether to leave or stay, all depended on his performance that day.

My friend smiled and said, I am the director of the editorial department of a TV station in Beijing. I heard that your company has made great contributions to the provincial capital in many aspects. I missed it because of something, and I will pass by the provincial capital when I have time in the future, and I will definitely come to learn from your advanced experience.

This remark immediately made the leader put down the work at hand and took a closer look at his friend.Then he took a sip of tea and said with a smile, oops, in fact, there were no quotas this time, but I think there are indeed a few excellent candidates in this batch of applicants, and in order to reserve talents, that's why I got it This interview.I have read your brother's materials a long time ago. He is a good young man. If he plays well, he is still very hopeful to come in.

The friend heard that the leader's words had a palliative meaning. If she worked harder, it might be possible to take down the leader.So we waited near this unit that day, and when we were about to get off work, we called the leader and asked him to have a light meal. Unexpectedly, the leader agreed very happily.

During the meal, the leader seemed to be very interested in my friend’s work at Beijing TV Station. He brought our topic to the TV station’s interview several times, and said that he had made great contributions to the unit in recent years and was also very familiar with the work of the unit. Business, if a friend wants to interview, he will undoubtedly be the best candidate to be interviewed.My friend smiled at me, handed over his business card, and said, then I will have to trouble you for your strong support for my work.

After this meal, the leader’s attitude did change, but when my friend and I went to inquire about the results in the afternoon after the interview, he started to groan again, saying that my friend’s younger brother’s performance in the interview was not good. That's great. After a while, I said that there are two other people who are as good as my younger brother. It's really hard to choose. Then I took out my friend's younger brother's resume, pointed to the academic qualifications on it, and said, oops, the students who graduated from junior college are still not as good as those from undergraduate colleges. Students have a good foundation.

The friend listened humbly and did not interrupt his chatter. He waited for him to pick out all the thorns before he took out a shopping card with a face value of 3000 yuan and said, "I came in a hurry this time. I should have given it to you." If you bring a gift from Beijing, you will forget about it as soon as there are too many things. If you don’t dislike it, please accept this little thing.The leader accepted the card half-pushed and half-heartedly, and said with a sigh of relief that he would recommend it to his friend and younger brother in front of the other two leaders.

The friend has experienced many battles and knows that he may not be able to accomplish anything with his own strength, so he implemented the same bribery policy on another leader of this unit through many connections.The three main leaders took care of two, and my friends felt a little relieved.

The hard work paid off, and my friend's brother really became the luckiest interviewee.Almost as soon as the results were announced, my friend received calls from two leaders at the same time. They all had a taste of asking for credit, saying that if it wasn’t for my key recommendation at the seminar, my friend’s younger brother would have almost It was brushed off.

With a dumbfounding expression, the friend thanked the two leaders humbly, and said that if there is anything in the future, she can ask her for help; while the two leaders mentioned that when the friend came from the capital for an interview, he must remember Find out what they are talking about first.

After hanging up the phone, my friend and I couldn't help but burst out laughing.I asked her why she was laughing, and my friend tilted her head and said, laughing, I saw two clowns jumping around on the stage, how about you?I also tilted my head and said, laughing at me, if one day I also become a little boss with some power, will I also become such a ridiculous clown in the eyes of others?
The two looked at each other, then smiled again and bent over.

(End of this chapter)

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