Chapter 525 Huai River War (5)

Yang Yong yelled and cursed, rushed over and shot down wildly, and several archers flew into the sky screaming.The rest were so frightened that they ran away, and Yang Yong chased after him with a gun, and those who couldn't run in time were strangled by Yang Yong.Seeing that Yang Yuling and Princess Yujing arrived on the shore, they could fully display their kung fu with one step, one sword and two knives, dancing like a windmill, killing Wu Jun's corpses rolling around, blood and flesh flying.

Even though the three of them landed on the shore, and even though they didn't have horses, the bravery of the three of them was more than enough to deal with this group of archers. Before a cigarette was fired, Wu Jun's archers were killed like birds and beasts.

Zhang Mai has 2 sailors. He not only has a group of archers under his command on the shore, but also 2 horses. He personally commands the remaining [-] sailors to fight on the river. The navy is responsible for eliminating them, and his [-] horses are responsible for eating those who escaped ashore by chance. This is his strategic plan that he thinks is seamless.

But at this time, Zhang Mai was completely shocked, completely different from just now.Just now, he saw Yang Yong's large and small warships were hit by his tricks. Many warships were destroyed and people were killed. Countless rebel soldiers were tossing in the water. There are countless navy killers. He was so happy at the time that he even thought of celebrating in front of Du Fuwei.

Zhang Mai knew that His Majesty the King of Wu must be paying attention to this battle at this time. This general's 10,000 navy defeated Yang Yong's [-]+ army, while the famous general Wang Xiong was defeated very badly. In this comparison, In the future, it will not be a problem for this general to become a general of the Zhu Kingdom.

But now, all these good ideas of his have come to nothing. He never imagined that the underwater fortifications he spent so long building, which could stop Yang Yong's hundreds of ships and thousands of troops, were finally defeated. Yang Yong drove a small boat to solve the problem. Is this true?

When Yang Yong was chasing and killing his archer with his two beautiful wives, Zhang Mai was still thinking about these things.Later, when he saw that his archers had been killed and dispersed, and Yang Yong had more than 30 large and small warships landing one after another, he woke up like a dream, pulled out the sword in his waist and shouted: "Brothers, go ahead and kill them all!"

Zhang Mai saw that not many of Yang Yong's troops went ashore, especially only Yang Yong and two female generals were the first to go ashore, so he issued such an order.Relying on the strength of their numbers, [-] soldiers rushed towards Yang Yong and others with shouts.

At this time, Yang Yong's men and horses were not many, and there were only 6000 soldiers on the dozens of large and small warships, and at this time, some of the ships had rushed a lot of Wu troops, and the two sides were fighting. Therefore, this calculation , even fewer of Yang Yong's troops landed.

But the soldiers are good but not many, not to mention the fighting power of the thousands of rebels, the four generals led by Yang Yong, two men and two women, are very impressive. Luo Song is even braver than Luo Cheng. The robed general Wei Chigong is a legendary god, whose bravery is as famous as Qin Qiong, Yang Yuling and Princess Yujing, plus Yang Yong, the invincible sharpshooter, who can stop these five people?Whichever one is pulled out is the enemy of ten thousand people.

Luo Song and Yu Chigong couldn't take it anymore on the boat. After getting off the bank, they got on their horses and raised their guns and charged into the enemy group. The two beauties approached, and someone had already brought the sabers and horses of the three of them over. Yang Yong and the two beauties were overjoyed when they saw it, and they took the reins in their hands. They flew on their horses and each carried their swords and guns like a tiger with wings. The four generals were on both sides, and Yang Yong was in the middle. Five members led five horses like tigers into a flock of sheep, and there was no general in the place they passed, and there were thousands of soldiers behind to cheer for the end, and those who did not kill them would make up for their swords and guns, so a few of them were in the enemy camp. After going back and forth, the corpses of those who killed Zhang Mai were scattered all over the ground, and blood flowed like rivers.

The situation took a turn for the worse, and the battle situation was completely reversed.Many soldiers of the Wu army were driven off the Huaihe River. Although they were sailors, they were not aquatic creatures after all. Without warships, they would be hard to soak in the water, and it would be a pity that they would not be able to catch life-saving straws after a long time. Therefore, the drowned Not a few.

Zhang Mai was quite lucky. In the melee, he met the female general Princess Yujing.Among the five generals, her martial arts is the worst. At the beginning, Zhang Mai thought that Princess Yujing was a female general, and she was very beautiful, so she wanted to bully others.But he forgot how much he was, Zhang Maitai was a fool, and he wanted to beat him in the water without hesitation, but on the shore, his three-legged cat's kung fu was far from the match of Princess Yujing.

Princess Yujing has two weapons, three weapons to be precise, not counting the bow and arrow behind her back, and she also has double crescent moon knives in her hands, so Zhang Mai was killed in a hurry when the two met five or six times.

Knowing that he was not an opponent, he pulled his horse and ran away. Princess Yujing didn't chase after him, but just sent him an arrow.The Tuyuhun people are also nomadic people who are good at riding and shooting. Princess Yujing has practiced martial arts since she was a child, especially the archery.With the sound of the thrush bow, a wolf-toothed arrow pierced through the air, and was nailed to Zhang Mai's back with a splash, piercing through the armor, and penetrated more than three inches deep. Zhang Mai screamed and fell off the horse.

Fortunately, there were many personal guards around him at this time, they rescued him on a warship and went down the river, and fled with the rest of the soldiers.

As soon as the main general ran away, the remaining Wu army had no leader. Whether it was in the water or on the shore, the soldiers of the Wu army suddenly lost their morale. Those who died died, those who fled, those who surrendered, and Yang Yong sent an order that those who surrendered would not die.Therefore, after more than an hour, the fierce battle was over.Zhang Mai's [-]-strong navy was defeated, and Zhang Mai, who was seriously injured, fled down the Huai River with his remnants.

Yang Yong didn't chase after him, because there were still many soldiers in the river who needed rescue. There were warships capsized, leaking, and on fire. There were soldiers on board and those trapped in the water.Yang Yong and the others were busy again, and there was no other way to die. All the soldiers, horses, and warships worth saving were saved.

At this time, Liao Yong, the commander of Yang Yong's navy, suffered many injuries on his body and was covered in blood. After simple hemostasis, he still gritted his teeth and persisted in fighting. The nearly [-] rebels were all transported to the south bank. In the evening of the same day, the battle of crossing the river was declared to be completely over.

Although Zhang Mai's 13 sailors were defeated, Yang Yong's rebel army also paid a heavy price. Judging from the number of casualties, the rebel army was no less than Wu's army.According to statistics, Yang Yong's troops suffered more than [-] casualties in this battle, mainly in the water battle. Among them, only [-] people were left in the [-] water army. After crossing the Huaihe River, Yang Yong There are nearly [-] horses and only [-] troops left.

Looking at the entire Huaihe battlefield, there was a mess, people floating in the river, people lying horizontally and vertically on the beach, and dead bodies everywhere.There are also pieces of broken flags, and scrapped knives and broken guns, all of which are pitched up and down.

But no matter what, it was a victory after all, and Yang Yong, like all the soldiers, felt delighted.All those with military merits are registered in the register, and after each war, a special person is responsible for this matter, needless to say.While Yang Yong sent orders to clean up the battlefield, he rushed to treat the wounded and took care of the prisoners, because more than [-] prisoners were captured in this battle, and these soldiers would become Yang Yong's prisoners before they could escape in the future.

As usual, Yang Yong issued an order not to abuse the captives, and to do their work well and register them. Those who are willing to surrender will be incorporated into the navy of the rebel army, and they will be treated equally with the soldiers of the rebel army. Those who are unwilling to surrender will not be forced. The clothes were scattered on the spot, and the matter was handed over to military adviser Xu Maogong to arrange it.

It was dark, and camp had to be pitched, but that was no problem.Because there were ready-made ones, Zhang Mai ran away with his people, and the camp of the [-]-strong navy had already been given to Yang Yong. He only needed a little tidying up and a few temporary tents, and the soldiers could move in.

That night, Yang Yong, Xu Maogong and others visited Liao Yong and other injured soldiers. Liao Yong was shot three times and shot twice. There were five wounds on his body, but they were all flesh wounds. He was awarded the post of general and rewarded with a hundred gold. Liao Yong wept and thanked him.

After visiting the wounded, Yang Yong checked the sentries and patrol personnel in the barracks. At the second watch, he was completely sleepless, and discussed with Xu Maogong the next plan.

The two ordered people to take out a military map to capture and look. Luzhou (now Hefei) was more than 200 miles to the southeast after crossing the Huaihe River. After Luzhou was captured, Danyang, the capital of Wu, was only [-] miles to the east.With victory in sight, the two were in high spirits and discussed the strategy of marching the army overnight.

Under the night, the Huaihe River returned to its usual calm. After a day of hustle and bustle, she fell into a deep sleep like a giant tired from fighting...

(End of this chapter)

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