Chapter 741

"Li Xiuning, you are so unscrupulous in order to get revenge on the king, so the king is willing to go all out, so I have to tell the story between the two of us in public. If the son-in-law is willing to listen, the king doesn't mind. If he doesn't want to listen , the king is not reluctant, you can avoid it for a while. In short, this is a private matter between us, and I have to make it clear to her before I die."

In the feudal era 500 years ago, men and women paid attention to accepting and not being close, and the princess had a private affair with a man other than her husband. This is undoubtedly an explosive news. After a moment, all eyes were on Li Xiuning and Yang Yong.

Li Xiuning understood Yang Yong's psychology, and thought that Yang Yong would definitely give in to this move, but he didn't expect Yang Yong to shout out such a few words out of the blue. Today, in front of her husband, in front of her husband, Yang Yong brought up the old matter again, Li Xiuning's face turned red, and then she cursed angrily: "You dirty-hearted thing, you want to take advantage of the relatives of our two families! If you pour dirty water on this princess, this princess will kill you!"

Li Xiuning is also considered to be vigilant, in order to preserve her reputation, she concealed this incident in front of her husband and everyone, and brought out the relationship between Li Yuan and Yang Yong as cousins.

Because we all know that Li Yuan's mother is the sister of Empress Dugu, the wife of Emperor Wen Yang Jian of the Sui Dynasty. Therefore, Li Yuan and Yang Yong are cousins. From this point of view, Li Xiuning is a junior in front of Yang Yong. It can avoid suspicion and remove the ambiguous suspicion between the two.

At this time Li Xiuning's sword arrived, and Yang Yong didn't hide. He expected that Li Xiuning would not dare to kill him like this. After all, he is the King of Yiyong, and he has a hundred thousand soldiers under his command. , Let Luo Song and others abandon their swords and guns and catch them without a fight.

Sure enough, Li Xiuning's sword stopped half a foot away from his chest.

Yang Yong smiled indifferently and said, "You want to kill someone? This king has to make things clear between us even if he dies. This king loves the women without boundaries. He always treats the women he likes equally and never favors each other. Look at this king. The wives of the couple treat each other like real sisters. You are the only one who insists on making this king fall in love with you alone. This king really can’t do it. Don’t say that this king is romantic and unrestrained. Look at all powerful men Which one is not three wives and four concubines, which king and grandson is not a group of wives and concubines? Let’s not talk about it, isn’t your father and brother all like this? Why do you ask this king to love you alone?”

Yang Yong said that these things were not all made out of nothing, and he was talking nonsense, which was indeed the fundamental reason why he and Li Xiuning turned against each other, but today Yang Yong said these old things on this occasion, one is to stimulate Li Li Xiuning, and the main purpose is to let Chai Shao listen. , This can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone.Because he believes that there is no man in the world who is not jealous, and a man will definitely care about such things, not to mention that he is a son-in-law, and he is in full view of everyone, so Yang Yong secretly looked at Chai Shao's reaction after speaking.

Sure enough, Chai Shao's expression became complicated in the firelight.To say that Chai Shao and Li Xiuning’s childhood sweethearts are nothing more than childhood sweethearts, because the Chai family and the Li family are in the same family. Chai Shao’s father, Chai Shen, and Li Xiuning’s father, Li Yuan, are ministers in the same court. The two have a close relationship and frequent private exchanges. It is also because they met and hated each other late, after going to the house to play with each other, so Chai Shao and Li Xiuning knew each other when they were children, and later fell in love with each other until the Chai family came to propose marriage.

However, due to Yang Yong's crossing and breaking into Li Xiuning's life, Yang Yong has a close relationship with Li Jiancheng and Li Xiuning. At the Xianyang Restaurant, the three of them even risked their lives to help Yang Yong out of danger. Later, Yang Yong and Li Xiuning had frequent contacts, but Chai Shao always thought of them as relatives, and never thought about the relationship between men and women until Li Xiuning married him. Li Xiuning kept the secret between her and Yang Yong secret, and Chai Shao didn't know about it until today.

Chai Shao listened to the conversation between the two and saw their reactions, and his heart became complicated. He and Li Xiuning had a very good relationship as husband and wife on weekdays, and their relationship would definitely stand the test. He also trusted his wife very much. I can't help but care, because what Yang Yong said doesn't look like something out of nothing.

At this time, Li Xiuning couldn't take it anymore, and she couldn't calm down anymore, "Beast, I told you to talk nonsense here, I will cut off your tongue!" Li Xiuning cursed, and with a swish of the sword in his hand, he stabbed fiercely at The place where Yang Yong spoke.

Li Xiuning's sword was already pointing at her chest to force him to submit, so her sword was very close to Yang Yong, this sudden stab was lightning fast, with a click, the sword was inserted into Yang Yong's mouth.

It didn't scare the righteous soldiers present to death. Li Xiuning is a martial arts practitioner, the leader of the women, and a general who has shocked the battlefield. With this sword, Yang Yong's head must be missed. Luo Song, Zhang Jiaxiang, and Zhao Sihai are also away from them It was very close, and by the light of the torch, I could see it clearly, and I was there all of a sudden.

The ones who reacted the most were Yang Yong's four beautiful wives. They screamed at the same time, "Huh?"

However, something happened that surprised everyone at the scene. Yang Yong's head was not pierced, and there was not even a drop of blood in Yang Yong's mouth.

These people stared wide-eyed and looked carefully, Li Xiuning's sword only pierced a point of the sword, and Yang Yong bit the fierce sword with his mouth.

It turned out that Yang Yong had been prepared for a long time. When he saw Li Xiuning's sword coming, he couldn't stare and wait for death, but his hands and feet were bound and he couldn't move. The teeth closed, and the tip of the sword was firmly stuck with a click.

Ordinary people will definitely not be able to do this, because this is not a fantasy novel, and Yang Yong does not have supernatural powers, but Yang Yong has the power of a king. At this time, he used all his strength on his head and got used to his teeth to seal it. Li Xiuning's fatal strike.

Li Xiuning felt that the sword was being bitten by Yang Yong, gritted his teeth, stiffened his wrist and pushed the sword in again, but the sword seemed to have been stabbed into a stone, and he couldn't push it in.She had no choice but to withdraw her sword, but she didn't.

Li Xiuning's sword was in a dilemma, now Li Xiuning panicked.

Li Xiuning is not a weak woman with no power to restrain a chicken, but a full body of martial arts. In terms of boxing skills, she can fly over the roof, swing a knife on her hips, and gallop on the battlefield. But today, facing a prisoner whose hands and feet are tied up, she If you can't even control a sword, how can you not panic?

Yang Yong didn't give her another chance, he threw his head back suddenly, Li Xiuning felt a huge pulling force, which made her irresistible, and she didn't want to let go of the hand holding the sword, so Yang Yong pulled her body all of a sudden When he came over, he couldn't hold back his body, and bumped into Yang Yong heavily.

Because the two were face to face, this time they bumped into each other, objectively, it was as if Li Xiuning had actually thrown herself into Yang Yong's arms, even though Yang Yong couldn't hug her, and even though they were both wearing armor, Yang Yong can still feel the softness inside the armor.

Yang Yong let go of his mouth, and turned his face, which happened to be very close to Li Xiuning's face.Years later, after going through ups and downs, the old lover returned to her arms. Although she was reluctant, this was an objective fact. More importantly, Chai Shao was watching with wide-eyed eyes, so Yang Yong was desperate to be with her. Kissing wildly on that flowery face, this time, the whole audience was in an uproar...

(End of this chapter)

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