The Passionate Guns of Sui and Tang Dynasties

Chapter 762 Chasing down Tang Gaozu

Chapter 762 Chasing down Tang Gaozu (2)

Tang Gaozu Li Yuan is known as a famous statesman and military strategist in history, but more precisely, he is also a martial artist.

Li Yuan is different from the founding emperors of other dynasties. He deduced a sentence from him, one needs to be strong to forge iron.

His country is largely based on his own hard work, which is not like Liu Bang in the Han Dynasty and Zhu Yuanzhang in the Ming Dynasty. He mainly benefited from the support of powerful figures.It is no exaggeration to say that without the help of Zhang Liang, Han Xin and others, Liu Bang is just a street rogue.Without Liu Ji and Xu Da's strategizing, Zhu Yuanzhang would have to sell sour plums if he was not a monk. In any case, he would not be able to sit on the throne of God.

But Li Yuan is different. Although his Tang Guogong is a hereditary title, he lost his father at the age of seven. If he hadn't been ambitious and hard-working in civil and martial arts, it would be difficult for him to stand out in the wars of later generations.When Li Yuan grew up, he followed Yang Jian and his son's crotch horses to conquer and kill, Ping Nanzheng destroyed the Northern Qi Dynasty, established the Great Sui Dynasty, and made many military exploits.From Tang Guogong in the Great Sui Dynasty, to being forced by his son's design, Taiyuan rebelled against the Sui Dynasty, and then to the establishment of a unified Tang Dynasty regime, all of this was mainly because he brought a few sons to work hard on horseback.And although the well-known counselors around them also contributed a lot, they are still a little less coquettish than the Li family father and son.

Li Yuan's life was a life of being a soldier. In the turbulent era of cold weapons, not to mention that he had no martial arts, even if his martial arts were low, it was very difficult for him to pass all the way and be crowned the Ninth Five-Year Master.

Having said so much, I just want to prove that Li Yuan is first and foremost a general in the battlefield, and then an enlightened feudal monarch.

However, the evaluation of Li Yuan in history is not high, and there are still many disputes.

The book returns to the text.Although Li Yuan, who is well-versed in martial arts, has a sword that is not old, but when he saw Yang Yong coming to kill him, Li Yuan panicked. This is not the first time he has dealt with Yang Yong. Never tried it either.But after Yang Yong crossed over, the two of them stretched out their hands. After hearing and seeing, they don't know what kind of evil his aunt and cousin fell into. The martial arts became more and more weird, from invincible with divine power, to invincible with a magic spear, and then to invincible with a magic arrow. , The legend is unbelievable.

In fact, let alone him, even his son, Jin Hammer Invincible Li Yuanba, who has always been arrogant and conceited, has to restrain himself a little when he mentions Yang Yong.In front of Yang Yong, his martial arts is like lifting tofu with hemp rope, which is impossible to lift at all.As the king of a country, this self-knowledge is still there.

Therefore, Li Yuan did not dare to fight, and ran away when he broke his horse.

Of course Yang Yong understands the principle of capturing a thief and capturing a king. If he can catch Li Yuan, all problems will be solved.Therefore, Yang Yong chased after him with his horse and gun.This is a battlefield where tens of thousands of horses fight in melee, not a single duel between two people, so there are as many Tang soldiers and rebel soldiers as crucian carp crossing the river, and there are scenes of fighting and fighting everywhere, but the interference of ordinary soldiers on Yang Yong can be ignored .

"Yang Yong, don't be crazy!" Just as they were about to catch up with Li Yuan, the three Tang generals shouted and rushed over to let Li Yuan pass, and surrounded Yang Yong.

The three members will be none other than Chai Shao, the son-in-law of Zheng Datang, Duan Zhixuan and Yin Kaishan.It turned out that during the scuffle, Chai Shao saw that Li Yuan was being followed by Yang Yong, and he was chasing him. He was also very scared. He knew that he was not Yang Yong's opponent, but Li Yuan was his king, and he was still an old man. He had to come over to save him, but Chai Shao also had a trick. He gathered two helpers, Duan Zhixuan and Yin Kaishan, to kill him together, just like he did with Shan Xiongxin in Gaoqiao Town, trying to win with more, trap Yang Yong, and let Li Yuan escape.

How could Yang Yong care about these three ingredients?The four men raised their swords and guns and killed each other in one place.

After this confrontation, Chai Shao felt that he was wrong. After all, Yang Yong was not Shan Xiongxin, and the force of the two was not at the same level at all. After a big shot, all the weapons in the hands of the three flew away.The three had no choice but to run away.

Yang Yong didn't bother to chase them, but when he looked for Li Yuan again, he was already lost in the crowd, and there was no shadow of Tang Gaozu.

Yang Yang was so courageous that he had no choice but to take out his anger on these Tang army soldiers, destroy the Xuelibao, unleash the Liuhe guns, and chase and wipe out the Tang army together with these rebel cavalry...

The eyes turned to Li Yuan for a while, and the three generals including Chai Shao rushed out to stop Yang Yong in time, which relieved his urgent need. Nengdi, your clothes are too conspicuous, it will be troublesome for him to catch up after a while, so take them off quickly."

Li Yuan understood, and hurriedly changed his helmet and armor with a junior officer, rode on his bloody BMW, and fled among ordinary soldiers.

After Li Yuan ran for more than 30 miles with the remnants of the defeated general, Chai Shao, Yin Kaishan and Duan Zhixuan followed up one after another. Seeing that Yang Yong's men did not catch up, Li Yuan and others stopped to breathe.

The weather was too hot, and even after fighting and running around for so long, Li Yuan didn't have a good rest. Li Yuan was sweating profusely, with smoke coming out of his head, and his whole body was soaked in sweat several times. The sweaty BMW sitting down was panting. Rough breath, trembling limbs, blood red all over, it is sweat rather than blood.

Someone helped Li Yuan off his horse, and all the generals also got off their horses, letting the horses have a good rest.

After Li Yuan was out of breath, he turned around and looked at the soldiers of the Tang Army who were no longer as mighty and mighty as before. All of them were in a state of disarray, with many wounds, grinning their teeth.

Li Yuan ordered people to check the number of people, and it turned out that there were only more than 1 wounded in the company that followed in front of him. captured, or fled to hide in the mountains, in short, he does not belong to his team.

Before Li Yuan could think about anything else, he took out the military map and saw that they had already entered the boundary of Jingyang, more than 100 miles away from the small county of Sanyuan. Seeing that the sun had already set to the west, Li Yuan, Pei Ji and others discussed that they had to go to Sanyuan anyway. , so as to get out of the body.

After a short rest, Li Yuan set off again with more than 1 people.After walking for more than 20 miles, Li Yuan was completely relaxed when Yang Yong's pursuers were not found behind him.

In front of you is a land of undulating hills. If you look around, there are only grass and trees, and the grass is half the height of a person. The trees are lush and lush, squeezing the official road in the middle into an undulating jade belt, which bends into the hills in the distance. out of sight.

At this time Li Yuan laughed, this smile confused Pei Ji, Chai Shao and the others. Their daughter died in battle, and less than one-tenth of the 10,000+ troops were left. After suffering such a disastrous defeat, how could their majesty still laugh at this time? ?Is it too sad and mentally abnormal?
"Your Majesty, are you alright?" Pei Ji asked puzzled.

Li Yuan said disdainfully: "Are you laughing at Yang Yong? He still doesn't know how to fight. If today's battle is ours, if we order people to take Xianyang and intercept it in a roundabout way, or set up an ambush in this area, we will be unable to escape."

As soon as Li Yuan finished speaking, it was too bad. Ambushes were everywhere in the grass and woods. People shouted and neighed. In the blink of an eye, the road in front of him was tightly blocked. They were all soldiers from the rebel army. I don’t know how many there were. The leader A general, about 30 years old, with good features, a righteous face, a silver helmet, a dark red hero's cloak, and a white horse spear. At a cold glance, he was Luo Cheng. Li Yuan and others were shocked and quickly recognized him. This general was shocked like a clay sculpture made of ice...

(End of this chapter)

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