Chapter 179
Lan Yin asked Principal Chen to deliver the medicine in advance, just in case, so that the Chinese teacher would not be able to last until then.

After all, her original intention of making the 'light therapy machine' was because she found out that their class teacher Tian Min was suffering from cancer, so she had the idea to start making a cancer treatment machine.


In the hospital, no one in the Tian family took the medicine sent by Principal Chen seriously.

Mr. Tian Min divorced at an early age, his ex-wife took away his daughter, and his parents were getting older, so he didn't tell his parents that he had cancer and was hospitalized.

So besides his sister, he has no other relatives around him.

Teacher Tian Min's sister got the potion, and just threw the potion bottle into a bag for sundries.

She thinks that there is nothing doctors can do about it, if the three-no medicine can be found anywhere, if it works, then hell!
Seeing that his younger brother's health is getting worse day by day, even the doctor has issued an ultimatum, saying that the family members should be mentally prepared, and it has only happened in the last half a month.

After receiving such news, Tian Min's sister could only inform his brother's only daughter about his brother's illness.

Although the custody of Tian Min's daughter is with her mother, she has not broken contact with her father for more than ten years.

At Ningcheng Art School, Tian Xiaodie learned that her father was suffering from cancer, so she immediately asked for leave from the school and went to the hospital.

When she arrived at the hospital, Tian Xiaodie, as the patient's biological daughter, was eligible to enter the intensive care unit for a limited time to visit her father.

When she came out of the intensive care unit, Tian Xiaodie overheard the doctor mentioning that before her father was sent to the hospital, a Chinese medicine doctor had done acupuncture for her father.

That Chinese medicine doctor may be able to help the patient's condition.

When Tian Xiaodie heard this, she immediately went to Ningcheng No. [-] Middle School——

After making many inquiries and asking for help sincerely, she finally invited Lan Xinning to the hospital to treat her father.

Lan Xinning used acupuncture to save people, and the miracle doctor's vest worked again.

Three days later, Teacher Tian Min came out of the intensive care unit...

Although his cancer is still dangerous, at least now there is no fear of his life.

Seeing this, Tian Xiaodie was extremely grateful to Lan Xinning!

After waking up, Teacher Tian Min learned that his life was saved by Lan Xinning, a classmate of their school, and sincerely thanked Lan Xinning for saving his life.

In short, the father and daughter absolutely trust Lan Xinning's medical skills!
They even thought that as long as Lan Xinning was around, he could continue to live——

So that a few days later, when Tian Min and Tian Xiaodie were notified by the doctor that Tian Min could use the latest domestically developed machine that can treat cancer for physical rehabilitation, both father and daughter unanimously rejected it!

Before that, they had never heard of any machine that could cure cancer.

This sudden "good thing" made Tian Min think that he had become a spare test product in the eyes of others?
Compared with the doctors and machines in the hospital, he and his daughter agreed that they believed in Miss Lan Xinning's medical skills more.

But Lan Yin didn't know that she specially arranged a "light therapy machine" treatment qualification for the Chinese teacher, but was given up by Teacher Tian Min without hesitation!
And what this abandonment changed was Tian Min's fate——


A few days later, in Ningcheng No. [-] Middle School, it was time for the monthly exam again.

This time, with the previous precedent, Lan Yin conducted several consecutive exams again.

Before noon, Lan Yin had finished all the exams, and it was her rest time during other people's exams in the afternoon.

(End of this chapter)

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