Chapter 284 Indirect Killing
Although Tian Xiaodie knew that her father had cancer and would not live long, but relying on Miss Lan Xinning's medical skills, her father's condition has improved a lot in the past few months.

Recently, Miss Lan Xinning was too busy to come to the hospital, but during this short period of time, unexpectedly, her father's condition deteriorated rapidly, and he died directly——

Dad spent almost all of Tian's savings during the few months in the hospital, but unfortunately, he still couldn't keep him.

Tian Xiaodie was heartbroken, and was about to complete the formalities, and when she left the hospital with her father's body, she suddenly heard someone chatting in the corridor of the hospital——

"It turns out that the phototherapy machine that can treat cancer is real! I obviously feel much better~"

Hearing the sound, Tian Xiaodie almost subconsciously followed the sound.

"What did you say?" Tian Xiaodie was no stranger to the words 'phototherapy machine for cancer treatment'.

A few months ago, shortly after Dad was in the hospital, the doctor mentioned that they should try using a phototherapy machine to treat the cancer.

But at that time, Miss Lan Xinning was there, and her father's health had improved a lot. Tian Xiaodie felt that they didn't need any machine for treatment.

What's more, even Miss Lan Xinning doesn't believe that machines can cure cancer, let alone try it.

So in the past few months, they have never paid attention to the phototherapy machine.

But now at this time, I heard the words 'light therapy machine' again, and some people said that light therapy machine can cure cancer?

Tian Xiaodie walked towards the speaker, looked at him and asked, "How can the light therapy machine cure cancer?"

Tian Xiaodie didn't believe it, nor did she want to believe it!

Because once she accepts this statement, it is equivalent to watching her father have a cure, but because there is no cure, he is going to the end of his life.

A cancer patient who was chatting with his family members heard that someone questioned the effect of the phototherapy machine. As a direct beneficiary of the phototherapy machine, he immediately became unhappy!
"The phototherapy machine can cure cancer! I have only used the phototherapy machine once for half an hour. Even the doctor said that my cancer has improved, and my condition is at least Reduced by a third!"

The cancer patient said, and gave Tian Xiaodie a hard look.

"If I hadn't heard rumors from somewhere in the hospital that the phototherapy machine didn't work, it was simply used by the hospital to cheat money to generate income, my cancer would have been cured long ago!"

After finishing speaking, the other party turned his head away, as if he didn't want to talk to Tian Xiaodie.

"The light therapy machine can really cure cancer...?"

Knowing this, Tian Xiaodie became dazed.

The rumor spreader that the patient said just now is himself——

So it was my own words that affected my father's condition, and indirectly... killed my father?

Tian Xiaodie suddenly became emotional, she couldn't accept this result!
But what has happened, she will not forgive herself!

At this time, the patient's family members around the patient seemed to recognize Tian Xiaodie, she looked at Tian Xiaodie who was in a daze, and said angrily.

"It was you who spread the word in the hospital before that the phototherapy machine was used by the hospital to extract money from cancer patients, right?"

"Fortunately, the "Our Life" variety show was broadcast. In the latest episode of the program, the surgery machine and the phototherapy machine were introduced. After I watched it, I asked my wife to use the phototherapy machine for treatment. If it wasn't for the show , my wife's illness will definitely be delayed because of your words!"

(End of this chapter)

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