Chapter 354 Changed
Let’s talk about Europe first. About two months ago, people were found dead by the roadside on the streets of a small city in Europe for several mornings.

The skin of the deceased was shriveled, and after a forensic examination, it was found that the blood had been drained to death.

The occurrence of such a situation spread like an epidemic. In just half a month, similar situations occurred in several cities in Europe.

And a week ago, the same situation had 'spread' to the central cities of Europe.

The place where this year's International Mathematics Contest is held is within the limits of the city where this special 'epidemic' spreads.

Because the number of dead is not too many, no more than a hundred people every day, the organizers of the International Mathematical Contest did not take it seriously, and the International Mathematical Contest continued as usual.

Besides Ou Guo, Lan Yin noticed a lot of other news.

For example, the number of people who died at home inexplicably in the Sun Kingdom has doubled recently, and in the Human Monster Kingdom, people will see human heads flying in the air every night.

In some western countries, there have been many cases of missing persons.

In short, compared with the past, all parts of the world have undergone some changes.

As for Huaguo, where Lan Yin is located, if we talk about changes, the biggest change is the rumors of gods coming from nowhere.

Many people are discussing on the Internet, in fact, there are gods in this world?

Among the abnormal events happening in so many countries, apart from seeing the chaos in each country, Lan Yin was sure of one thing.

——The world is really about to change!

And the chaos and rumors happening all over the world are the first signs of a "changing sky"!
Not to mention other places, the city where the international mathematics competition was held, the people who were drained of blood and died, made Lan Yin easily think of the famous vampire legend in Europe.

According to her view of the world before she came to this world, whether it is the cultivation of immortals in Huaguo or the mythology of the West, they are all legends.

But as she travels to this world, she clearly knows that the development of this world is different from the technology-first one hundred years later.

Since there are immortal cultivators in China, some western myths may also be real.

Although it is not necessarily as exaggerated as in the legend, it also has a certain factual basis.

Regarding the legend of 'vampire' in Europe, there were no rumors before, and it happened only in recent months.

Some hermit groups who want to come to Europe have also undergone some major changes——

At this time, it is obviously not so safe to let Huaguo's mathematics elites go abroad to participate in mathematics competitions.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Lan Yin sent a message to Teacher Hong, who was in charge of leading the math competition, that she could bring a few more people with her when she applied to go abroad this time.

As for the recommended candidates, she already knew it well.

Teacher Hong responded very quickly.

Out of trust in Lan Yin, the most important thing is to give Lan Yin face, Teacher Hong said that he would apply to the competition organization for two more accompanying places.

Upon receiving this news, Lan Yin immediately asked her previous new-type alchemy teaching group if anyone was free recently and would like to take a trip abroad.

Little teacher Lan Yin sent a message, even if everyone has something to do, try to arrange it as much as possible, everything is based on little teacher Lan Yin.

Therefore, apart from Shen Yunxi and Kong Sili who studied fusion medicine with Lan Yin, and were asked by Lan Yin to concentrate on refining medicine, they don't have to worry about going abroad.

The remaining nine students that she had taught in the past enthusiastically signed up, expressing that they could go abroad at any time.

In the end, Lan Yin chose two of the nine and reported their identities to Mr. Hong.

(End of this chapter)

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