Chapter 76 100% Success Rate
The movement of the movable robotic arm looks quite dexterous, unlike the stiff and stuck movable joints of the robot in Gu Ming's impression.

At this moment, the mechanical arms in front of him are quite flexible, and their movements are smooth and smooth. Each mechanical arm is performing a different 'work' division of labor.

Although there are no surgical tools installed on the card slots at the end of the mechanical arms, as the top medical experts in the country, especially surgical experts, even without surgical tools, Gu Ming can still follow the movements of these mechanical arms. , to determine the process of simulated surgery.

Just a few minutes ago, he was questioning the function of this metal machine that looked like a medical machine.

I am worried that once such a three-no product machine is leaked to people who do not understand medical skills, if the other party reads the so-called "instructions" on the packaging bag and thinks that this machine can really perform surgery and make fun of human life, it will cause disastrous results. Serious consequences of redemption——

But now, he has somewhat believed in the function of this machine...

Although appendicitis surgery is a minor operation, it is a surgical operation after all, and there are many necessary surgical steps.

The shape in front of my eyes doesn't seem so detailed, I don't even know where the "medical machine" came from, simulating the action process of appendicitis surgery, from the beginning to the end, there is no missing a step!
Moreover, the movement of the robotic arm during the simulated surgery was very stable, which Gu Ming did not expect.

It's not at all like a machine simulating a surgical procedure.

It's more like a senior expert who has worked hard on the operating table for decades and has developed superb surgical skills. With a [-]% success rate, he is performing an operation——

After watching the simulated surgery process, Gu Ming already believed that this is a machine that can perform surgery!

The original worry turned into surprise at this moment, and Gu Ming immediately checked its other functions on the display screen of the machine.

Ten minutes later, Gu Ming, the dean of the medical school, was shocked!

Among the various options for simulating surgery, he saw the simulation options for all surgeries in the medical world!

It even includes neurological craniotomy——

Brain surgery that requires craniotomy is the most difficult and risky of all surgeries!

Even experts who are good at this aspect of surgery have a chance of failure.

There are so many emergencies that such surgery has to face, Gu Ming doesn't believe that machines can replace human neurosurgeons to do such a surgery!
But after he clicked on the surgical simulation steps of brain nerve tumor removal, he watched the simulated surgical process and the surgical action of the robotic arm displayed on the display screen of the small 'medical machine' with his own eyes.

Although it was a simulated surgery without real objects, every step in the simulated surgery was so accurate that Gu Ming felt as if he was watching a real neurosurgery!
This humble little medical machine... is really a machine that can replace manual surgery with machines!

At this moment, Gu Ming only had one thought in his mind——

Who invented such a machine?

Once such a medical machine is popularized, it will be a huge reform for the entire medical field!

The use of machines instead of labor greatly saves the resources of doctors in surgery.

For many patients who urgently need surgery, the waiting process is reduced, the best time for surgery is not missed, and the success rate of surgery will be greatly improved——

If such a surgical machine can be used in practice, it will be equivalent to saving countless lives!

(End of this chapter)

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