Chapter 96
Lan Yin sat on the bed, and drank the light yellow medicinal liquid that she contained in the injection in one gulp.

Feeling the effect of the medicinal liquid in the body, the temperature in the body gradually rises...

This is not the first time she has used this potion to allow her body to integrate the natural elements in the air.

Lan Yin has been trying for half a year, and she is quite familiar with the fusion process of natural elements and body.

At this time, every time she breathes, the natural elements brought into her body are all integrated into her body under the action of the medicine, becoming a part of her power——

The natural elements permeate the whole body, and the limbs and five bodies feel powerfully filled with energy under the action of the natural elements.

Lan Yin likes this feeling very much. The gathering of strengths at this time is the achievement of her research results.

According to Lan Yin's previous experience, the duration of a fusion potion is about half an hour.

But because the medicinal materials in this era are much more effective than hers at that time, the duration of the medicinal effect has been almost doubled.

From the beginning to the end of the effect of the medicine, it lasted for nearly an hour.

Although this amount of time does not seem to be much, in fact, the final result obtained after adding dozens of times the concentration of natural elements and prolonging the effect of the medicine is enough to compare with Lan Yin's continuous use in her era. The effect of the natural element fusion potion for nearly a month——

Feeling that the power in her body grew from nothing, and finally her whole body was filled with power, Lan Yin was overwhelmed with surprises——

When the duration of the final fusion effect of the medicine is over, Lan Yin calculates the improvement progress of the medicine to her body according to her physical condition and the effect of strength increase.

Originally, her fragile body was only about seventy or eighty catties.

But now, under the effect of an hour's body fusion of natural elements, she calculated the weight of her body according to the grip strength in her hands.

The final result is that she can carry more than 280 kilograms of weight!

A week ago, the fight between her and Gu Zichen was won entirely by skill.

But now, she has absolute confidence that she can fight Gu Zichen purely by strength!
And this kind of strengthening progress, after Lan Yin calculated and converted, she found that the effect of using the fusion potion once was about equal to the effect of using the potion in her era for one month more than 100 years later!

If things go on like this, it will only take more than a week for her to achieve the effect she achieved after using the medicine for half a year——

Lan Yin didn't expect that when she came to this world, she would accidentally make a breakthrough in her research on natural elements!
She even looks forward to seeing how her body will change under the transformation of natural elements in the future!

It was only at this moment that Lan Yin deeply realized the words 'the future can be expected'.

and look forward to—

The natural element fusion medicine can only be used once a day, otherwise the body will not be able to withstand the powerful medicine effect and cause certain damage to the body.

Lan Yin was very cautious about the research on the efficacy of the medicine. After using the fusion potion, she immediately tested her body.

After determining the time interval of the medicine in this era, it was consistent with the conclusion she had obtained through precision instrument testing more than 100 years later, so she was able to determine the time for the second use of the medicine with confidence.

Because under the effect of the medicine just now, the physical strength, and even the spirit, are much stronger than before.

So much so that it was time to rest at night, but Lan Yin didn't feel sleepy at all.

She even had the urge to go out for a few laps——

(End of this chapter)

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