Chapter 147 New Plan

Of course, Zhang Chunxiang couldn't get used to Gu Jianhua and Gu Meili even more. She bought some food for the two brothers and sisters, and went back to the house unhappy.

"Jianjian, you said it will take so long for mom to come back, we can't support your younger siblings for nothing, right?"

"Shut up, those are my brother and sister, what are you talking about, besides, don't they also have to go to work?"

Gu Jianshe was a little irritable, but in fact, he didn't think so in his heart. Before, his mother was being suppressed by his mother.

Now that his mother was away, he felt that his younger siblings were just taking advantage of them.

"I'm not wrong. There are older brothers and sisters-in-law raising younger siblings in that family."

Zhang Chunxiang muttered, she used to have 1 dissatisfaction with the old woman in her heart, but now her dissatisfaction is shown on her face when the old woman is not there.

Gu Jianshe also knew that the brigade did not have such a custom, but he couldn't help but think of his brother's clever mind.

"Let's not talk about beauty, Jianshe is capable. When Mom was here, she always said that he would have great promise in the future. We still can't do too much."

"Listen to you, but Gu Meili can't let her be so lazy. She has also reached the age of marriage. If your mother comes back, she will be an old girl. I will help Zhang Luo Zhang Luo?"

Zhang Chunxiang was making up her mind, now that she finally got to the bottom of her heart, Gu Jianshe pondered for a moment.

"You're right. When my mother comes back, she won't be able to marry. As brothers and sisters-in-law, we can't treat her badly."

Apparently, Gu Jianshe and Zhang Chunxiang thought of a point. They had raised Gu Meili for more than ten years for nothing. It wouldn't be too much for them to get some dowry when she got married, right?

"That's right, then I'll go back and find someone to think about it."

Zhang Chunxiang's mood improved a lot when she achieved her goal, and she was overjoyed when she thought that another sum of money had entered the account.

And Gu Jianshe suddenly thought of the person who came to the house as a guest before, "The person my mother mentioned before, you can go back and ask.

Mom and brother have always had a good eye. If my sister married into the town, she might be able to help Xiao Cong a little bit in the future. "

"I know, let me ask Jianhua later."

Zhang Chunxiang curled her lips, she could actually see that Gu Meili probably didn't like him, but she felt that such a good condition was really cheap for Gu Meili.

But thinking that this family will belong to her husband and son in the future, Zhang Chunxiang rested on other thoughts, and should have a good talk with Jianhua.

Anyway, Gu Meili's life is good, but she can't forget their mother's family who helped her a lot, and it's good to find that person in the town.

Gu Meili didn't know that something she didn't expect was about to happen. After all, she looked like she couldn't lift her shoulders and resist, so it was a waste of food at home.

Gu Sheng didn't care about Gu Meili's affairs, because new rice would be planted soon after harvesting the grain, and they had to transplant rice seedlings again.

Standing by the edge of the field, Gu Sheng looked at everyone's busy appearance, gently touched her chin with her fingertips, and she hadn't found a suitable way of thinking about the things she recalled last time.

If you want everyone in this brigade to look towards you, you must be able to get things that benefit everyone, but what should you use.

Private sales are not allowed these days, and the things in her space are not needed for the time being, Gu Sheng feels completely clueless.

"Xiao Sheng, stand a little farther away, there are leeches in this field, if we catch them, we have to throw them up."

The team leader rolled up his trouser legs and started planting rice seedlings with the team. Looking at the muddy water in the field, Gu Sheng's eyes suddenly lit up.

 Dear friends, remember to vote, the last round of Rabbit paper has not passed the PK, today is the new PK, if it is not passed, it will be put on the shelves.

  Ask for a ticket, please~
(End of this chapter)

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