Chapter 174
The place to go to school is not in the town, but in the brigade next door, and the children of several brigades all go to school here.

But you can only go to junior high school here, and you have to go to the town for high school.

Today, the two children put on new clothes, which were made by Gu Sheng. She specially learned from Aunt Caihua.

Probably it was Gu Meili who was stimulated by making clothes. Gu Sheng learned quickly, but because the two children were about to start school.

She was holding on to her two children first, but she hadn't done her own and Fu Jin's yet.

Gu Li, who was wearing new clothes today, was very excited, she shook her braid.

"Brother, do my clothes look good?"

This sentence has been asked since putting on new clothes, and Gu Ming said that he has been immune.

But this girl is very persistent, and she has to ask every time she meets someone on the road.

"Aunt Caihua, these are clothes made by my sister, don't they look good?"

"It looks good, our little pear is the prettiest."

Aunt Cauliflower chuckled, and Gu Li's mouth fluttered in a satisfied agreement.

Gu Sheng discovered for the first time that the little girl from home is not only a foodie, but also very smug.

The girl asked for a long time, in fact, she wanted to hear others praise her for being good-looking.

Sure enough, when I met the captain, Gu Li shouted excitedly, "Hello, captain, is the dress my sister made for me good?"

She was fiddling with the pockets of her clothes. She didn't remember wearing many new clothes, and she would wear her sister's old clothes.

Because their mother was away, the elder sister's clothes were actually made by the father himself.

Of course, the clothes made by Dad, a big man, are not as delicate and beautiful as those made by women, as long as they can be worn.

"Looks good, looks good, Xiao Sheng is doing well!"

The team leader gave Gu Sheng a thumbs up. Her parents are not here. A girl can lead her life like this. The person in the team will not boast that she is capable.

But because of this, no one dared to look for Gu Sheng even if he was about to get engaged. After all, if Gu Sheng married, he would help her raise her younger siblings.

Few men in the brigade can be so selfless, so they can only look up at Gu Sheng from afar.

Gu Sheng didn't know what was going on in the captain's mind, she had a smile on her lips.

"I sent my younger siblings to school, and when I came back later, I took the team leader to see our rice fields. During this period, the fish grew a lot and the rice grew well."

"It's okay, I'll just go and see by myself, you'll be busy first."

Speaking of this, the captain is even happier, it's not that he doesn't know anything.

Every day after everyone gets off work, he will also go to see the condition of the rice fish with his hands behind his back. His idea is very simple.

If these fish eat the rice, he will catch all the fish and raise them in another place.

Unexpectedly, nothing happened. These fish seem to be very sensible and don't eat rice, but only eat aquatic plants and other insects in the water.

In addition, Gu Sheng ordered everyone to throw in some mowed grass on weekdays, and those fish are living happily now.

"Okay then, I'll go first."

Gu Sheng also had a big smile on his face, and people kept saying hello to her along the way, obviously everyone knew about the rice fish.

Judging from the current situation, Gu Sheng's fish will definitely succeed, and everyone naturally treats her very well.

It has been a long time since I felt the enthusiasm of the members of the brigade, Gu Sheng was a little flattered, but Gu Li was like a fish in water.

When I see people, I ask myself if my clothes look good, which melts the hearts of a lot of old ladies.

Seeing her younger sister's childish appearance, Gu Sheng didn't stop her. With her around, her younger sister should have a happy childhood.

(End of this chapter)

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