Chapter 161: Bi Luo Villa 10
There were too many worries, Luo Yingyue rubbed her forehead, if Luo Yingyue's body wasn't so useless, if she could still be as strong as Qi Yue in the 21st century, maybe all those worries would be resolved easily.

Qi Yue——
Luo Yingyue now misses how powerful she was when she was Qi Yue.

As the moon was sinking, a dark figure flashed past Biluo Mountain Villa.

Bing Yuan opened her eyes vigilantly, turned over and went out the door.

But Ye Yi came back from outside.

Bingyuan narrowed her eyes, "It's so late, where have you been?"

Ye Yi glanced at her coldly, without answering, and walked past her indifferently.

Bing Yuan grabbed his sleeve, although she was a head shorter than Ye Yi, her imposing manner didn't lose a bit, "Ye Yi, I advise you, it's best not to pay any attention to the princess."

Ye Yi glanced over, his indifferent eyes swept over Bing Yuan's body, and he felt very familiar with this woman.

"Let go."

A cold light flashed in Bingyuan's hand, but it was Jianguang who cut off Yeyi's sleeve, "You better remember what I said, if you dare to touch a single hair of the princess, I, Bingyuan, will definitely make you regret coming to this world." Walk around."

Yeyi's ice-like face finally had a half-expression, his sleeves cut off by Bingyuan showed his strong arms empty.

He stared at Bingyuan coldly, after a long time, he finally didn't notice anything wrong with her.

He fell down and snorted coldly, and walked away.

Bing Yuan looked at Ye Yi's back coldly, she knew who Ye Yi was.

Bei Junye's dark guards are all named after the character 'Ye'. She was named Ye Jiu before, and among the Bei Junye's dark guards, her strength ranks ninth.

Of course, he is the only one who knows about Bei Junye's hidden guards.

In order to make it easier for her to stay by Luo Yingyue's side, Bei Junye arranged for her to be the palace maid Fuqu.

Ye Yi is Bei Junye's number one secret guard.

She guessed that the reason why Bei Junye agreed with King Tang to bring his master back to Biluo Mountain Villa was probably because King Tang agreed to take Ye Yi with him.

Along the way, the chances of her getting in touch with Luo Yingyue alone were almost zero, so she didn't tell Luo Yingyue who Ye Yi was at the first time.

For several nights, she saw Ye Yi secretly releasing carrier pigeons while everyone was asleep.

Probably to deliver news to Bei Junye.

Even though Yeyi used carrier pigeons to deliver the news and did not do anything to hurt Luo Yingyue, Bingyuan still felt uneasy.

How terrifying and powerful Yeyi's power is, no one knows better than her.

Those who could become Bei Junye's hidden guards all came on the back of countless blood and corpses, even the corpses of their companions.

That day, in the iron cage, she witnessed Ye Yi beheading several companions without blinking an eye.

The reason why Bei Junye was able to quickly control the entire Beizhao Dynasty had a lot to do with the secret guards under him.

With Ye Yi's effort, sneaking into a country's imperial palace and assassinating an emperor without anyone noticing it might not be a problem.

This time, Bei Junye sent Ye Yi to accompany him. He didn't know what kind of plan he had in mind.

For such an emperor, Bingyuan felt terrifying besides being terrifying.

That is a devil emperor who eats people without spitting out bones, far from what he looks like on the surface.

While talking and laughing, taking someone's life, even though his body was covered in blood from his brothers, that person can still play chess and drink tea calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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