Chapter 65

Lu Jichen, you want to be happy.

"Beep beep..."


The electrocardiogram alarm sounded, and a straight line appeared on the screen, and Natalie, who was lying on the flat car, had closed her eyes.

In the morning rush hour, there was a lot of traffic all the way. Lu Jichen almost walked to the Second Hospital. When he arrived at the emergency center, he saw Natalie's body covered with a white cloth.

When the white cloth was lifted and Natalie's bloodless face appeared in front of his eyes, Lu Jichen didn't say anything, with an unbelievable expression on his face, his eyes were fixed on Natalie's face.

A fresh life, the person who talked to him more than an hour ago, and the person who talked to him about his ideals eight hours ago, encouraged him, and told him not to give up his ideals, has now become a corpse .

"Stop messing around!" Wearing a black suit and no tie, he stepped forward in a decadent, trembling hand toward her face, even with a hooked smile on the corner of his mouth. tease him.

He thought she was being naughty again.

"Sir, please be sorry! Since she is a foreigner, we have notified the embassy. In addition, this Miss Natalie signed an organ donation letter with the International Red Cross before her death. Now, we have received the International Red Cross... ..."

"Stop talking! She's not dead! Don't make trouble with me! I'm going to be angry!" Lu Jichen shouted to stop the doctor's words, holding her face with both hands.

Natalie didn't respond, her face was serene.

"Sir, we're out of time! The only donors are..."

"Boss!" Xu Chen rushed over and frowned upon seeing this scene.

"Natalie!" Lu Jichen growled again, but she still didn't respond, her mind was twitching, and she couldn't accept this fact, even though she subconsciously understood that she was really dead.

In just one or two hours, a fresh life was gone.

After hearing what the doctor said, Xu Chen walked up to Lu Jichen, and gently patted him on the shoulder with one hand, "Boss, condolences! The United States has been notified, and the hospital needs to... Organs donated by Tully." Xu Chen carefully said the complete words, taking Lu Jichen's emotions into consideration.

Lu Jichen didn't say a word, bent down, and gently kissed Natalie's forehead, "Natalie..." He murmured, his heart throbbing with pain.

He stood up, took a deep breath, forced back the moisture in his eyes, and let the doctors and nurses push Natalie's body to the operating room.

From America, someone called.

"Sorry!" Facing Natalie's mother, Lu Jichen choked up and said, and there was a choked up voice, which was authentic American English.

"Lu Jichen, respect Natalie's wish, your master is not in good health, we can't go to China, please, send back Natalie's ashes!" The woman's voice choked, these words sounded very rational to him, It made Lu Jichen even more moved.

The daughter died unexpectedly in a foreign land, and the two of them couldn't even see her for the last time.

"Okay." He gritted his teeth and said, his nose sore.

Lu Jichen, who was immersed in grief, squatted at the door of the operating room. In the operating room, Natalie's heart had been removed, and other useful organs had been removed.In the car accident, she was severely injured in the head and was directly brain-dead.

The taxi driver who was with her was also seriously injured and is still in a coma. The truck driver who caused the accident has been brought under control.

With Xu Chen helping him arrange Natalie's funeral, he doesn't have to worry about it.

Natalie's body was rolled out, covered with a thick sheet, and the funeral home's make-up artist had already retouched her face, and she looked as if she was asleep.

He followed to the funeral home, on the way, holding Natalie's cold and stiff hand, "I still can't believe it." He said calmly, with a bitter smile, "I remember what you advised me last night , I will try my best."

"I say thank you in the morning, and I am also grateful for your understanding of me and the encouragement you gave me. It is very rare to meet a confidant in this life. Thank you." He continued to say calmly.

In the United States, Natalie is the only friend of the opposite sex who has had a good time with him. She is straightforward and lively. In her, she seems to be able to find the shadow of Qiao Ran back then.

He also knew that she was not her.

Natalie likes to hear Lu Jichen's story about him and Qiao Ran the most.

She loves him, like falling in love with the hero in a movie, she can't bear to intervene, but she can't extricate herself.

At the last moment of his life, he did not hesitate to tell the secrets he knew, hoping that Lu Jichen would cheer up, just because he loved him.

When Dong Jingmeng sent the plan for the company's annual meeting, Qiao Ran was still on the phone and asked her to wait.

"Yo, I haven't seen you for a few days, did you change your hairstyle?" Dong Jingmeng cut her hair short, shoulder length, and looked more intellectual.

"I cut it on New Year's Day. It's the new year, start from scratch!" Dong Jingmeng said with a smile, and handed her the planning plan.

"Hearing what you said, I also want to get my hair done. It's been a long time since I did styling." Qiao Ran looked at it and said, "The planning is very good, and it's more innovative than previous years."

"The invitation letter has been sent out. By the way, do you want to send one to Mr. Lu? Or do you invite yourself?" Dong Jingmeng asked with a smile.

"Send one, and I'll tell him in private." Since that day, she hasn't seen Lu Jichen for several days. She doesn't know where he went, and the office opposite has been empty.

Clearly remembering, he said, giving up.

Give up entanglement with her?


With no more emotional entanglement, she can have no scruples.

Dong Jingmeng left the office, and Lin Xu came in with a strange expression.

"What's the matter, just tell me!" Qiao Ran knew Lin Xu well, and he rarely had such a hesitant expression.

"Mr. Qiao, Natalie, died in a car accident four days ago." Lin Xu looked at her and said cautiously, knowing that she was worried about this person.

The cup in Qiao Ran's hand almost fell to the ground, his brows were frowned, and he looked at Lin Xu in surprise.

"It's true, Mr. Lu should be going to America now." Lin Xu continued, knowing that she couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe it either.

Qiao Ran didn't speak, but waved his hand lightly, signaling him to go out.

The moment the door closed, she staggered, leaned against the desk, and put one hand on her heart. It was unimaginable that a living person would die within a few days.

Even though, she only saw her three times.

I can't say what kind of feeling it is, the dead are the most important, and the prejudice against her disappears in an instant.

What about Lu Jichen?How is he feeling now?
Qiao Ran braced herself up, turned around, and looked at the opposite office. The glass reflected light and she couldn't see anything.

He should be in the United States now, helping to take care of the girl's affairs.

Her face with a wry smile was reflected in the glass, with a complicated expression and a sense of melancholy.

Natalie's funeral was held at a cemetery in New York City.

Lu Jichen was dressed in a black suit, with a white flower on his left chest, with his head down, the drizzle was pattering on the ground, and the fine hair was stained with small drops of water.

Everyone was dressed in solemn black, accompanied by Natalie's parents, looking at their daughter's tombstone, they did not shed tears or feel excessive sadness.

The priest is reading the Bible.

After the funeral, Lu Jichen held a white bellflower in his hand and placed it in front of Natalie's grave. He squatted in front of the tombstone, looking at the girl with a hearty smile in the photo.

"Relax, your life is continuing, you have saved five people, Natalie, we are proud of you." He squatted on one knee and smiled at her.

This is why her parents are not so sad.

Master said: The length of life does not lie in the length of life, but in the soul.

So, they are not overly sad.

Just as Jiang Zhou stepped forward, Lu Jichen stood up, "Achen, you are also at ease with us. My daughter, I know best. Don't feel guilty about her, and continue to do your work with peace of mind." The old professor, who is over half a century old, said frankly.

Lu Jichen admired his mentality and understanding of the world.

"I understand," he said.

He accompanied the two old people out of the cemetery.

The small western-style building he used to live in is still there. The landlord said that he has been renting it all the time. He said that Natalie paid the rent for him, but no one lived in it. She came to see it occasionally.

"Call me stupid, you are even more stupid." Lu Jichen went in and said softly.

He has failed her for her affection.

His drawing board is still there.

"Today, you got married! You didn't even tell me about your marriage! You bastard, you must have lost your head with joy, and you didn't even invite me!" Lu Jichen's nose was a little sore when he wrote English with a pencil.

I never thought of asking her.

There is another page at the back, which reads: Shall I go to you?
Only then did he realize that Natalie's sudden trip to Los Angeles was for him.

Many, many details are automatically ignored, because if you don't care, you don't think much about it.

When Lu Jichen returned to China, Qiao Ran knew that he didn't go home, didn't look for her, and she didn't look for him.

Perhaps, he was still immersed in sadness.

He took over the fitness club that Natalie bought.

At this moment, he was sitting in Natalie's office. From the position of her desk, he looked towards the opposite floor-to-ceiling windows, which happened to be the Lu's Building.

He took a deep breath, leaned back in the chair, and closed his eyes.

"She, she, didn't, didn't abort the child." In his ears, what Natalie said on the phone before she died, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked around.

In the empty office, white lace curtains were fluttering, "Natalie, who are you talking about?" His heart was trembling, he looked at the flying veils, and asked in a hoarse voice.

Aborting the child, the first thing that comes to mind is Qiao Ran.

(End of this chapter)

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