Chapter 536 Twelve Surprises

"Well, your idea is very good, but I have left seeds." Xiang Ze said.Don't forget that he has a different universe, there are a lot of seeds stored in it, and now he has started to cultivate...

"Ah? Boss, you didn't say it earlier!" Dayong's expectations fell through, and he inevitably complained.

In fact, it's not Xiang Ze's fault, it's only been one morning, everyone is busy, how can he have time to talk about it?It took him several hours to cultivate the seeds in the different universe, but it was only a few seconds outside, and no one noticed.

"Then Boss, shall we reclaim wasteland later?" Gou Laosan likes to eat noodles the most, and if he doesn't eat, he will panic. Hearing that there are seeds from Xiang Ze, he can't wait.

"No, we have rice fields, we can just cultivate them later." Xiang Ze already had a plan in mind.

"How do you farm in this winter? Unless... use a greenhouse?" Gou Laosan is from the north and knows about plastic greenhouses, but how can there be plastic on the island?
"Do you have grain seeds, do you have tomato seeds?" Yu Xiaoyu interrupted suddenly, and everyone turned their heads to look, only to see that she was holding a sticky mass of red, white, white and black in her little hand covered in blood... …

It turned out that when everyone was talking, she used Xiang Ze's knife to cut open the stomachs of dozens of seagulls, and found several kinds of vegetable seeds that hadn't been fully digested!

It seems that a ship carrying vegetables passed by in the waters near the island today... probably a supply ship of the rescue team.

"It's all rotten, can this still work?" Oldest Gou expressed deep doubts when he smelled the sour smell from a distance.

"Yes." Xiang Ze was very happy, and took a look. Apart from the tomatoes, there were also several seeds of green peppers, cucumbers, pumpkins, and watermelons.

Strictly speaking, these are not seeds, but Xiang Ze has a way to process them into real seeds.Don't forget that he has a laboratory in the universe, and he has a lot of rootless holy water...

At noon, a few people enjoyed a meal of fresh grilled shark meat while listening to Dayong's bragging. Now they don't have pots and pans, and they don't even have condiments. They all eat with relish and are extremely sweet. Firstly, the fish is really delicious. Secondly, as long as you are hungry, you can eat anything delicious.

After the meal, everyone worked together to connect the bamboo tube channel made by Xiang Ze to the boiler, and added water to try to burn it, but the effect was not very good.

Two problems, one is that the heat dissipation performance of the bamboo tube is not good, and it feels hot to the touch, but the temperature in the room cannot be raised at all.

The second is that the airtightness of the bamboo tube is much worse. When the temperature of the boiler rises and the hot water enters the circulation, it starts to leak everywhere.Xiang Ze has tried his best, but it is a pity that he has no tools. To be honest, being able to do this is already very impressive.

The windows of the shabby room are made of bamboo shutters. Hong Haibo and Xiaozhen are ingenious, and the shutters they made are airtight when closed.But now they have all been bitten by mice, so they can only be temporarily covered with some bamboo chips, and then stuffed with hay in the gaps, which is better than nothing.

Anyway, the temperature in several rooms in the shabby room can barely reach [-] degrees above zero.

It's definitely still cold, but at least it's much better than no heating.

The days in winter are short, it's only after four o'clock in the afternoon, and it's already dark outside. Everyone feels a little tired after eating a little.I went out for three days, and I took the plane for two days. I was happy last night and drank a lot of alcohol, so I felt a little hangover.

Yu Xiaoyu was injured again, she was sweating all over during the day when she was working in the north wind, and also got a bit cold, her spirits were low, her face was flushed, and she was about to catch a cold.

But no one can rest, Xiang Ze said, the piper may come again at night, and so will the damn mice!Everyone barely cheered up, ready to fight the mice to the death and revenge!
Several people discussed several ways to deal with mice, but they all felt that it was not feasible.Although the mice are small, they are numerous and powerful. Let alone killing them all for revenge, even defense seems to be quite difficult.

"Everyone is tired, go to bed early." Xiang Ze interrupted everyone's discussion and told them to go to bed.

"Ah? Boss, what should we do when the mouse comes at night?" Gou Laosan was startled.

"I'll deal with it. Don't worry about it. Get a good night's sleep. We still have a lot to do tomorrow." Xiang Ze is always in a state of full energy.

"Brother Xiang Ze, I dare to refute you. How can you deal with so many mice by yourself? It doesn't matter if we sleep, but if your brother has a mistake, the mice sneak in thousands of times. What about the eighty ones? I don’t want to wake up without a nose!”

Yu Xiaoyu's worry was justified, and the big guys also nodded subconsciously.

"Making a bet?" Xiang Ze smiled.

"What bet? I lost my nose, what are you going to pay me for?" Yu Xiaoyu said.

"That won't happen. Let Daben sleep with you at night. Even if a mouse comes in to nibble on its nose, it will nibble on Daben first. Its nose is bigger than yours." Xiang Ze said.

"Woo?" Big Ben was surprised, why should I be a bear?Dayong and Gou Laosan looked at each other, silently, thinking that the boss was joking, after following him for so long, it is rare to see him joking, could it be that he...

So they turned their heads to look at Yu Xiaoyu together.

"Okay then, but what are you betting on?" Yu Xiaoyu felt that with Dayong and Xiaolong around, at least her nose should be safe.

"If the mice come again tonight, as long as one sneaks in, I will lose, otherwise I will win, and you will help us all wash our clothes for a week." Xiang Ze made a bet.

"Then if I win..." Yu Xiaoyu felt that he really didn't want to win at all. "Then I'll help you wash your clothes for a week." Xiang Ze said flatly.

"It's a gamble!" Dayong said hastily.

"It's a deal!" Gou Laosan said.

Anyway, no matter who wins or loses, the boss or the little fish, their clothes have been washed.

"Oh? If Jiangzi... I bet!" Yu Xiaoyu suddenly wanted to win again. The scene of the boss Xiang Ze washing the clothes for the big guy is very funny just thinking about it!
"Well, that's it, you all go to sleep, I'll be on duty." Xiang Ze said this just to let the big guys relax and sleep peacefully.

Everyone is really tired too, why didn't Brother Xiaolong say anything for a long time?Falling asleep with the Kunlun knife in his arms, this kid was tricked by Fatty and his brothers and sisters into drinking a lot last night...

Soldiers come to block the water and cover them with soil, what should we do when the mice come?Attack with fire!

Xiang Ze didn't even need to do it himself, as long as he called out the fire dragon, how many mice would it burn?

In addition, he also prepared one... or twelve small surprises for the piper.

Now he is only worried that the Piper will not come, as long as he comes, Xiang Ze promises to surprise and delight him, there will be no return!Do you still remember the twelve fire toads in Tianli Guba?
At that time, the situation was urgent, so I casually put them into the different universe, which is another time and space. After the fire toads entered, they cut off the connection with Tianliguba, and they all returned to a dormant state.

Xiang Ze felt that it would be a pity to kill them all, after all, these guys are very powerful in breathing fire.

Wouldn't it be fun if it was for your own use?
(End of this chapter)

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