Chapter 371 Perfect Body

"Stop grabbing food from me?"

Qianmianpinu thought that the 'treasure' he was talking about must be Zhou Yin's corpse.

"Of course not!" Sai Tai nodded like a rattle.

"Well, then I can let you live a little longer."

Qianmianpinu planned to break Sai Taisui's big and small bones slowly one by one.

This way, she would not die so quickly, and it would give her enough time to appreciate his struggling appearance.

"Let's start with the hands first." The thousand-faced skin girl smiled and took Sai Taisui's hand.

"Crack, click" every time there is a crisp sound, the thousand-faced skin girl "giggles" and laughs.

Corresponding to it was Sai Taisui's shrill screams!

"Oh, it's a bit loud, but I like it, but it's not good to attract people's attention."

With a wave of the thousand-faced girl's hand, a transparent sound barrier enveloped the two of them.

"Scream so loudly that no one can hear it except me." The Thousand-Mask Girl smiled at Sai Taisui warmly.

"Bodhisattva, please forgive me, don't dare again! Ah!" Sai Taisui cried bitterly, begging for mercy.

"Crack, click."

Not only did the thousand-faced skin girl not stop, but his begging for mercy was like a stimulant, making her break bones even faster.

Now his arm has been broken off and weighed several sections.

I saw that the whole arm was blue and purple, swollen unbearably, and ruptured blood vessels faintly appeared under the skin, but not a drop of blood flowed out.

Sai Taisui screamed until his throat became hoarse. He wanted to die, but he couldn't die, and he couldn't escape. There had never been such a desperate moment in his life.

"Okay, let's start the other side."

The thousand-faced girl smiled and held up Sai Taisui's other hand...

Suddenly there was a loud noise from the foot of the mountain.

This attracted the attention of the thousand-faced skin girl, and flew to the foot of the mountain.


"My Yun'er told me that she lives on this peak with her master and ancestor, why not let us go up?"

A group of relatives from Yunniang's family have arrived at the foot of Hunyuan Peak.

He was stopped by two elders and a group of guards.

"If I, Yun'er, were really killed by your suzerain, wouldn't there even be a chance for us to collect the corpse?"

"It's not what you imagined..." An elder was interrupted as soon as he spoke.

"What do we imagine? Is Yun'er still alive? Then why don't we meet!"

The female relatives among them burst into tears again.

The two male elders really didn't know where to use their strength when facing the female elders who cried for a while after saying a few words.

Yun Niang was indeed dead, and her body was lying in a side hall of Hunyuan Peak, and no one mourned her.

And her family members were crying and shouting at the foot of the mountain, wanting to see her.

Faced with this situation, the two elders with a high sense of morality actually wavered when they came:
"Wait here for a while, we will go back and discuss and come back to reply."

After finishing speaking, the two elders flew back to the peak with their swords.

"Waiting for notification again!"

"Taixuanzong is really deceiving people too much, can this kind of vague words deceive us?"

"You can't stop me, I want to go up the mountain to find my daughter myself!"

The elderly man rushed into the guard first, and the guard stepped aside immediately:
"This mountain is so steep, you won't be able to climb it with your body."

The guards didn't stop them on purpose, and they couldn't go up anyway. If they stopped them by themselves, they were more likely to be damaged.

The thousand-faced girl who was observing secretly stomped her feet angrily.

"Just let them go up like this?"

"I finally waited for two people to leave, but in the end, these two people not only came back, but also brought so many people!"

"Endless! I have been waiting here for three days, I can't waste any more!"

"I'm going to find my good sisters and let them trick all these people away."

The thousand-faced girl made up her mind, and when she was about to leave, she suddenly remembered that she had forgotten a monster.

After flying back to the place where Sai Taisui was tortured, he found that there was no one there.

"With his strength, I'm not afraid that he will catch Zhou Yin after he leaves. Any elder on the peak can beat him to the ground."

Afterwards, the thousand-faced girl left Taixuanzong in the blink of an eye.

Fly to the west.


Sai Taisui dragged his injured body down the mountain.

The moment the thousand-faced skin girl looked away from him, he immediately tried his best to get away from the devil and hid.

"I have been discovered by the suzerain's maid, and now Taixuanzong can't stay any longer and must leave."

Sai Taisui climbed down the mountain wall with only one arm.

After leaving Hunyuan Peak with difficulty, he hid all the way in the sect and sneaked towards the exit.

Finally, under a big tree, he couldn't hold on any longer, and passed out due to exhaustion.

In the coma, it seemed to hear:

"This, isn't this Tao Tetsu's new friend?"

"How did he get hurt like this?"

"Call Tao Tie!"


Zhou Yin has been with Taishang Daozu for a few days.

As he expected, it greatly improved his energy recovery!
He can now touch and control physical objects.

For example, he wants to take a teapot on the table.

As long as he concentrates his consciousness on the hand when holding it, the hand can lift the kettle.

At this time, although the hand looks transparent, it has actually materialized.

When the consciousness dissipated from the hand, the kettle immediately fell down, and the hand became nothingness again.

What surprised him the most was: even though he had achieved a transparent body, Taishang Daozu still didn't find him!
Previously, it was only his own consciousness that could be detected when he peeped at Taishang Daozu.

Now he can turn his things into a mess, and he doesn't realize that someone is standing in front of him.

The self has become a state that can be materialized without being perceived by others.

Seems ok?
Now he feels that his whole body is full of energy, Dao Qi is full, and his recovery is perfect.

"In this state, if you possess my body, you should be able to resurrect?"

"If you can't be resurrected, you can refer to the way of the black smoke woman, and the skin is born on the nothingness, turning the emptiness into reality."

Zhou Yin saw the scene of the thousand-faced skin girl recovering her body in hell, and she was very impressed.

It is possible to reshape the physical body with only a trace of Qi, which is equivalent to immortality!

"It's a pity that I don't know what to do with muscle growth and body shaping now, and I don't know how to start."

It's not that Zhou Yin has never tried it before, but after many attempts, the power generated when it is materialized is getting stronger and stronger.

There is no development in the direction of muscle growth at all.

"I hope my flesh is not rotten, I have to go down and have a look."

"Zhou Yin!" Zhou Yin fixed his name by calling his name.

The environment has not changed, and Zhou Yin is still with Taishang Daozu: "It turns out that the current me is the real me, and the body below is just a shell."

"Tao Yaoyao!" Zhou Yin located Tao Yaoyao again by calling her name.

Because he felt that Tao Yaoyao should be beside his body now.


Hell, Yama Hall.

Tao Yaoyao held the sword and was panting heavily. She almost killed all the little ghosts present.

Only a few fragments remained, protecting Cui Jue, and retreating tremblingly.

Cui Jue ordered them to go forward several times, but no ghost dared to go forward.

(End of this chapter)

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