A good time for farming through the ages

Chapter 133 [133] Leisure Toothache

Chapter 133 [133] Leisure Toothache

Zhuo Lin didn't care what the boys were doing, because since that time, they got up every morning before dawn and went out for exercise with Tao Yi. After eating, Tao Yi ran to send them to school. Of course, they didn't I wanted to be lazy, so I ran.

When I come back from get out of class in the afternoon, I will go to a place with grass to cut grass for pigs. In winter, I will cut hay or some reeds by the river, then dry the grass, chop it, soak it, boil it, and then add some bran and bran to feed pigs. For example, many of the dried peanuts, sweet potato and soybeans in autumn have been preserved.

Wheat has wheat straw, sorghum, corn, rice, etc., also have stalks. The stalks of these crops are fertilizers and nutrients, so every household keeps them. Sorghum, millet, and corn stalks can be used for cooking. Rice, wheat, etc. Chop it up, soak it, cook it, and add vegetables. In winter, there are rotten cabbage leaves peeled off. Anyway, pigs are omnivores and can eat everything.

But the best feed is the bean cake left over from the oil extraction. If this stuff is fed to pigs, the pigs will be fat and strong.

But not everyone can buy these things. You can see that during the famine years, these were precious things for people to eat. Now that life is better, many people feed them to pigs, and their families don’t expect the pigs to be able to Killing and selling for money, in the future, they will kill and eat at home, so I didn't think so much. Even if there is no oil and water, the bean dregs used to make tofu are enough for them to eat.

After soaking in water, the rice stalks are particularly durable and strong. They can be used to weave straw hats or other durable household items, and they can also be kept. When there are many vegetables in the future, they can be tied up and sold for vegetables. It is very useful, so the rice stalks Most of the people dried it and put it away, not willing to take it out like straw to feed pigs.

Chu Jiang from the Chu family next door is the same age as Tao Yi. They and their fourth brother Zhuo Yuan were both born in [-] and are of the same age.

Seeing the Zhuo family brothers get up early to exercise every day, I was very curious at first, and then I simply practiced together.

Chu Jiang and his third brother, fourth brother, fifth brother and sixth brother go to the same elementary school, but he is only in the second grade now. After Zhuoer took care of Zhang Tiejun, he became curious about Zhuoer because he has a good relationship with the Chu family. Tao Yi's training method was exposed, so Chu Jiang joined in without hesitation.

These boys are full of energy. They get up at four or five o'clock every day, and they train until eight or nine o'clock at night, and they don't feel tired. Zhuo Lin can't do it. When a child is a child, he must have the consciousness of being a child. He sleeps until he wakes up naturally every day. It's almost nothing. Nor do it, but it's not that she is lazy, but Wang Juan doesn't let her do it.

Now the burden of cooking at home has been handed over to Tao Yi. Except for breakfast, which is cooked by Mrs. Wang, Tao Yi cooks lunch and dinner. Zhuo Lin can feed a chicken, pick vegetables, and wash vegetables. toothache.

There is Tao Yi for cooking, and A Niang for washing clothes. I am afraid that she will not wash them clean. Only when she has good ideas, no one will argue with her.

I don't know if it's because she has brought more recently, Zhuo Jian now doesn't even listen to A Niang's words, he just listens to her instructions, and follows the little tail behind him every day, doing whatever she asks him to do, which annoys the whole family Everyone said that Zhuo Jian was a little traitor.

Zhuo Lin was different. When she was not working, she would lie down on the recliner made by her father. If she wanted to eat an apple, she would ask Zhuo Jian to get it. If she wanted to drink water, Tao Yi would pour it for her. Beautiful!

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(End of this chapter)

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