The Great Reincarnation of All Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 167 Yangshen·Doraemon Comes Reality, Endless Universe

Chapter 167 Yangshen·Doraemon Comes Reality, Endless Universe

Since the birth of the Sun Gods, they have had a heart called "justice". They like to send some giant beasts of their size to some low-level planets to cause destruction, and finally they appear as saviors to defeat those monsters .

The Sun God Race seemed to be very happy with this way of life, so it was still the case hundreds of years later, but when they met the humans created by Ye Chen, who were renamed the Universe God Race, a war broke out.

The sun gods are not weak in the universe. The upper limit can exert the power of a sun, and some even penetrate some of the mysteries of time and years, and can reverse the time flow of a planet, which is very powerful.

With this, the Sun Gods made the Universe Gods suffer a lot, but that's all.

Because in the inheritance of the Cosmic Protoss, there are also many methods to penetrate time and time, and even some powerful warriors do not need any methods, because their own power is enough to destroy some time and space.

Therefore, after the Sun God Race fought against it for a period of time, they were subdued by the Universe God Race created by Ye Chen. Finally, because of their tall stature and strength, they were treated as construction slaves.

And with the passage of time, the Cosmic Protoss has grown infinitely, with an aura of invincibility.

Therefore, they gradually forgot about Ye Chen, the creator god, and no longer worshiped him, but regarded him as a legend in the myth.

In fact, in Ye Chen's thought universe, there are many people of races like the Sun God Race. When they have no martial arts inheritance, they use their own methods to interpret Ye Chen's thoughts all over this universe. reason.

It's like the teacher posed a problem and the students solved it in many different ways, or it's like showing the same book to a thousand people, and those thousand people have different understandings of the book.

Now, Ye Chen's Dao pervades the universe, they can interpret it with martial arts, soul, and technology.

Among them, in a galaxy at the west end of the universe, there is a magic system created by a person named Harriet, and the people there use a broom to fly around all day long.

However, after meeting the cosmic protoss created by Ye Chen, this magic civilization was easily wiped out.

But not long after that, the Cosmic Protoss encountered an extremely powerful civilization, and the name of this group was the Technological Protoss!

Obviously, this is a group that uses technology to develop everything. They have no inheritance, and they have used technology to explain Ye Chen's way from the very beginning.

And in this technological protoss, a guy named Edistan became a decisive figure in the technological protoss. He invented many things, and his first invention was a thing called bamboo dragonfly.

As long as you wear this kind of thing on your head, you can make people fly, but it is very uncomfortable to always pull your head, so it was quickly improved into flying clothes, armor and so on.

Not only that, but Edistan also invented generators, light bulbs, computers, televisions, mobile phones, radios, printers, etc. A series of things that can only appear in modern times.

In fact, Edistan's extraordinaryness is not only reflected in his creations in life, but also in his inventions in destroying wars. He also has extremely high talents.

Among them, something called a mushroom bomb is very extraordinary. Even a strong man born of flesh and blood will be injured if he is not paying attention.

However, this thing is not very capable of being controlled like one's own martial arts.

After the birth of the mushroom bomb, Edistan's lifespan was about to come to an end. In order to continue his scientific career, he invented the life potion. With just one injection, not only can he gain superhuman strength, but his own lifespan will also be shortened. will increase for hundreds of years.

At the beginning, when the Cosmic Protoss came into contact with the Technological Protoss, the Cosmic Protoss made great progress with the help of technology, especially for some ordinary people, technology was a benefit for them.

Therefore, this life potion or other destructive weapons were very popular from the beginning, especially those with low strength, but then they were resisted.

Because these things are foreign objects, which are not good for self-cultivation.Some people even predicted that when these things evolve to another level, the existing cultivation system will be abandoned and eventually disappear in the long river of history.

The reason is very simple, people are lazy, and cultivation is too hard. If you have achieved the results of ten years of cultivation, if others can reach this height with only some special transformation, the contrast in that person's heart is very great.

Although this method can quickly gain strength, but in the spiritual realm, no one can help them improve, so such people usually die very quickly, and are often used as cannon fodder by the cosmic gods.

Not only that, if these transformed creatures want to become stronger in the future, they can only rely on the transformation of the life potion of the technological protoss, and there is no way to practice martial arts.

Thus, the war between the Cosmic Protoss and the Technological Protoss began and broke out directly.

And in this battle, as long as they haven't reached the realm of flesh and blood, it will be difficult to cause damage to the technological protoss.

However, the Cosmic Protoss only needs one powerful existence to destroy the territory of several living planets of the Technological Protoss.

This war was fought in a different way, with both sides feeling helpless and unable to find a point of focus.But they quickly adapted, and both sides began to grow infinitely in the war.

Among them, Edistan invented the arbitrary door of space. This door penetrates the mysteries of space. In their known area, they can quickly reach it as long as they open the door.

Along with the growth of space technology, they also invented space rings, space bags and the like.

Not only that, but Edistan also invented many things, among which there is something called a substance converter, as long as this thing is used, a piece of white paper can be turned into steel, or other material forms.

But the stronger one is a kind of time light that penetrates the profound meaning of time.As long as it is irradiated by this kind of light, the broken bowl will return to its original state, and even turn into the original clay form.

In the same way, if the light of time shines forward, that child, in an instant, becomes a grown-up.

This kind of weapon is terrifying to ordinary people, but it is a toy for warriors who have penetrated the mysteries of time and space, but the technological protoss has achieved this in an alternative way.

All of a sudden, the Technological Protoss attracted the attention of the Cosmic Protoss, and directly sent millions of flesh-and-blood powerhouses to kill the Technological Protoss with lightning speed, and finally accepted all their technologies.

However, the guy named Edistan was left behind, controlled by the cosmic gods with secret methods, and continued to research and develop technology.

In desperation, Edistan could only continue his invention work.Not long after, he invented a thing called the size of the light, the person who is illuminated by this thing will change his body shape, be reduced or enlarged.

But at the same time, this kind of thing is useless to people with advanced strength, and can only be counted as a general civilian facility.


Ye Chen smiled lightly, it's not that Edistan is so great, because everything he can do is what Ye Chen's Tao can achieve.

For example, if Ye Chen's Tao can create a universe, then the life forms in this universe created by him will naturally be able to create a universe in it.

It's just that the process of creating the universe is different. Some people create the universe directly, some use technology to create the universe, some use magic to realize it, and some use fighting spirit to create it... and so on.

All in all, as long as Ye Chen can do it, the creatures inside can do it with the development of time, the difference is only a way in the process.

In this process, Ye Chen also obtained countless different ways of solving problems from him.

So, it's not that Edistan is awesome, it's just that Edistan reminds him of a guy named Doraemon.

All the props he invented have the same function as Doraemon's props, and sometimes even one prop has the functions of several props of Blue Fatty.

Sure enough, not long after, Edistan invented something similar to the Genesis combination.

This thing looks awesome, but it can be made as long as one understands the mysteries of time and space, just like Ye Chen created the universe of ideas.

Similarly, this kind of thing can only be regarded as some advanced civilian facilities, because it can only be used by ordinary people. If a human immortal descends inside, everything inside will be destroyed directly.

At the same time, things like telephone booths, replica mirrors, opposite worlds, prophecy notebooks, shoes that can enter the story, etc., were also made by Edistan.

However, this kind of thing can only be used in those small worlds that have been opened up, or in the Genesis combination. It is unrealistic to want to do things in the thought universe created by Ye Chen, and he does not allow it.

Similarly, these things are only high-level civilian facilities for the Cosmic Protoss, for those clansmen who do not have any talents and sit and wait to die.


On the other side, on the original primitive planet, since the guy named "Yan" was born, the entire human race began to develop magnificently.

However, on this planet, the monsters are the most powerful. After the birth of Yan, the monsters also awakened one after another and launched an offensive against humans.

Although Yan was gifted with supernatural powers, he was invincible with two fists and four hands. He led the human race to support them. Just when he thought there was no hope, human beings gave birth to heroes one by one.

Among them, the most famous one is a man named "Xing", who has been invincible and invincible since he was born. He has great power both among humans and monsters, and is called the God of War.

In addition, there is a man named "Chi", whose combat power is only a little worse than Xing Xiang, but like Yan, he is an all-round talent in civil and military affairs, and the people of the tribe also admire him.

Since the birth of these two people, human beings began to rise slowly, and finally, under the leadership of Yan, they fought together against the enemy and killed endless monsters, confirming the dominant position of human beings on this primitive planet.

Since then, Yan, Xing, and Chi have been called the three gods and are admired by the world.Once human dominance was established, though, civil war broke out.

Because there can only be one leader of human beings, the three of them fought in the dark, but in the end no one won, and finally a guy named "Hao" took over the world.

And in the process of this battle, many precious inheritances have been destroyed, the Taoism system has been forgotten, and even the martial arts system, even the most advanced skills, can only be cultivated to the realm of martial saints.

Hundreds of years later, the world ruled by Hao was overthrown, and then the whole planet fell into war and was ruled by seven kings.

The seven kings conquered each other, but no one could destroy the other. Until 300 years later, a "political" guy was born, and he unified the entire planet in just 20 years.

But in these hundreds of years, whether it was the original spirit system or the martial arts system, they were almost forgotten by the world.

Now, on this planet led by the government, it is already a civilization dominated by technology.

Among them, a person named "Ban" is the most famous. Like Edistan, he also invented the mushroom bomb, which indirectly ended the conquest among the seven kings and helped the government unify the planet.

But at this time, the Cosmic Protoss discovered this planet, facing a civilization that was stronger than them in terms of technology and martial arts, Zheng could only bow his head.

However, this guy named Zheng is a person who does great things. He gave the entire planet to the Cosmic Protoss without hesitation from the very beginning, and the Cosmic Protoss also let him continue to take charge of this planet.

At the same time, Zheng is also an extremely tolerant guy. A second generation of the Cosmic Protoss fell in love with his woman, so he directly sent the entire harem out, just for some more advanced civilizations.

A few years later, the second generation was cut into a human stick by the government and put in a jar. Whenever he was about to die, he would be brought back to life again, and he ended up in a situation where life would be worse than death.

A hundred years later, Zheng's cultivation has reached an ever-changing level, and the one who is still following him in the same era as him is the man named "Ban".

Ben is very talented in technology. If the cosmic protoss hadn't come too fast, then he could also be another existence comparable to Edistan.

But after coming into contact with the civilization of the Cosmic Protoss, his progress was also rapid. During the past 100 years, he concentrated on conquering the field of time and space.

In the end, he invented the Time TV, which at first could only penetrate the history of their planet. From this, they retrieved many lost inheritances.

However, when they thought of penetrating the source of this planet, they were stopped by a force. If Ye Chen didn't stop them, they would suffer the instinctive counterattack of the thought universe, and finally die without a place to die.

In fact, in Ye Chen's thought universe, only this primitive planet is the most special.

Because it is a planet in the universe, if there is no way of Ye Chen to suppress this planet and shrink everything on it, then this planet will destroy everything in the universe.

And that guy named Ban spent his whole life conquering the space-time domain, not only to explore the origin of the universe, but also to fundamentally exterminate the cosmic gods.

Because the Cosmic Protoss is too powerful, with hundreds of powerhouses at the ever-changing level, in the face of this kind of power, Zheng is not enough to look at.

Therefore, Time TV is their first step. Although it can only be used on one planet, it is also very remarkable.

Although Edistan also invented something similar, but that was only available in the Genesis set.

The reason why Ye Chen stopped was to see how far they could go, and what they could do if they were allowed to go back to the past.

Ben didn't disappoint Ye Chen either. After 300 years, he invented the time machine. Although 300 years is a long time, it is just the flow of time in the universe of thoughts. Ye Chen's own time has only passed three moments.

Afterwards, under the eyes of all the people, Ben embarked on his journey against the current years.

For the first time, he did return to the past of the original planet, but the whole person was like watching a movie. He saw Yan, Xing, and Chi, but he couldn't affect anything there.

After he came back, he seriously concluded that he was not strong enough, so although he went back to the past, he couldn't influence it.

So, he began to use various methods to improve, and after a hundred years, he reached the realm of flesh and blood, and started the second time journey.

The second time, he did manifest in the past and could influence the past, but he inadvertently killed an important figure in history. This man was a tribal warrior who had saved Yan Yi's life.

Ever since, in order not to change history, Ban did the same thing as that tribal warrior. In a life-and-death battle, he rescued Yan. path of.

Although the life process of the two is different, the major historical events have not changed.

And when the tribal warrior's mission ended, Ban was brought back to the future by the power of time.

Immediately afterwards, Ban made a conclusion. He was still not strong enough. Although he could manifest in the current world, he would be integrated into the long river of history.

But at this moment, as his political practice became more sophisticated, he discovered an amazing thing, that is, everything in the universe is so unreal.

Those cosmic gods, even his ancestors, or everything in the universe seemed to be an existence imagined by a strong man, and they were the descendants of some imagined creatures.


There is a very real existence in the universe, and that is the original planet.At this moment, everything on this planet is so real in the eyes of Zheng, but he and his people have chains and chains that lock them.

If the shackles on them are broken, then they are the real cosmic gods.

At this time, Zheng decided to go out in person. With enough power, he got on the time machine and went back to the past. He wanted to find the origin of the universe, look at the legendary God of Creation, and by the way, destroy the universe fundamentally. The Cosmic Protoss.


Just when he was going against time and space, a ray of power was born in the great universe where Ye Chen was, and with a bang, Zheng was wiped out in the long river of time.

"I forgot, however, that the time when the thought universe was created is also slightly related to the time in the Great Thousand World."

Only then did Ye Chen realize that although the time in the thought universe is dominated by him, the time in it can only be regarded as a stream in the long river of thousands of years.

Today, someone wants to change the time of the thought universe, which naturally involves the power of the Great Thousand Universe.

In fact, whether it is time reversal or travel to the past and the future, these seem to be very strong, but they are only partial time reversal or travel.

Therefore, when there is no major historical event involved, as long as you pay enough for yourself, you can do it, so it is nothing.

But if any important historical event is involved, the entire universe will attack that person from the power at the moment of birth to the power in the future.

In this case, unless he possesses a power that surpasses the combined power of the universe from the beginning to the future, otherwise, ten times of death is not enough for him.

Just like the secret of Xingzi, it is also a method that penetrates time and time, but it touches the time that is indeed a big world, so even if someone goes back to the past, nothing can be changed.

Because once a change is made, it will be impacted by the power of the entire future, and this future power includes not only the universe itself, but also countless great emperors.

To put it simply, if someone goes back to the past of an Immortal King and wants to kill him, he will not only face the sniping of the current Immortal King, but also the sniping of people who have a significant cause and effect with that Immortal King.

In this case, if one can overcome this force, then the past can be changed, but if not, the person who touched the years will surely die.

This is the reason why the Immortal King has grown to a certain level and has become a link in the chain of time.

And if going back to the past to kill just an ordinary person, it would be equivalent to getting a little rust on the chains of time, which would not affect anything, as long as a certain price was paid.


Suddenly, with a thought in Ye Chen's mind, he turned back the time in the thought universe and brought Zheng back to life.

At the same time, he also cut off the slight connection between the thought universe and the great universe, so that when Zheng is in reverse time and space, he will only be impacted by the power of the universe, and will not be disturbed by the great universe.

But even so, Zheng can't change anything when he goes back to the past, because in the future, there are people who have a lot of karma with the Cosmic Protoss. Once he changes any major events, he will be attacked by that force, and he is no match at all.

Ever since, Ye Chen secretly gave Zheng some strength.

The picture continued, Zheng stepped onto the time machine with the intention of killing the Cosmic Protoss, unaware that he had been destroyed once.

Soon after, Zheng went back to the past, but did not see the God of Creation, because Ye Chen had transcended all time and space compared to the thought universe he created. Fades in all time and space.

But even so, Zheng still saw the nascent cosmic protoss, and saw the battle between the cosmic protoss and the divine beasts.


Zheng made a decisive move. With his strength at this time, he was basically invincible.

It didn't take long before he wiped out all the cosmic gods and beasts.

And those forces that prevented him from changing the past and the future were stopped by Ye Chen, because he wanted to see what would happen.


Sure enough, when the political change passed, Ye Chen's thought universe changed, and two bubbles appeared in it, and these two bubbles were both a universe.

One of them is Zhengben's universe. When Zheng changed the past and returned to the future, he found that the world he was in hadn't changed at all.

But what Zheng didn't know was that there were no more cosmic protoss in another universe, and the empire he ruled had already begun to march towards the cosmic galaxy.

Apparently, he created another parallel universe.

Cutting down from the past, the origin of the universe was divided into two halves, and they themselves were also weakened by half, but everything was changing in proportion, so they didn't feel that they were getting weaker at all.

It's like dividing the air in the big balloon into two balloons equally, and it becomes two similar balloons.

Therefore, the total amount of Ye Chen's thought universe has not changed. If it was 10 at the beginning, it is still 10 now, but it has become a relationship of 5+5=10.

However, Zheng didn't understand the changes, so he traveled through the past countless times, which led to the birth of countless parallel worlds, but also caused them to become weaker and weaker, and finally even his IQ was affected, leading to the birth of countless parallel worlds. Things that can be solved by any arbitrary door have to use bamboo dragonflies or other messy things.

"There are universes within universes, and worlds within worlds. Who is in charge?"

Seeing this, Ye Chen smashed the thought universe with a slap, ended everything in it, and a mysterious and mysterious aura was born in him.

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(End of this chapter)

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