Chapter 1176

"No! If there is, it is because of Xiaosheng's father!"

It's useless to think about it, Han Shichen shook his head directly and replied.

Tang Seng noticed that his self-proclaimed name had changed to Xiaosheng, and he had resumed his identity as Gongsheng.

"Then there is only one possibility, it is your father's reason, someone wants you to die!" Tang Seng nodded and said.

Before, if he hadn't discovered the problem early, Han Shichen would have become a dead man now.

Tang Seng's spiritual thoughts covered hundreds of miles. In fact, he had seen those two strong men a long time ago, but Tang Seng didn't pay much attention to them.

Because those two people are always sitting at the corner of the foot of the mountain, each with a wine jug, drinking from each other, giving people an illusion, as if traveling on the road occasionally rests in the mountains.

Therefore, they deceived Tang Seng.

However, when Han Shichen entered the foot of the mountain, the two men threw the jug away, nodded to each other, got on their horses, and rushed towards Han Shichen at full speed.

Tang Seng noticed immediately.

It was also those two people who were careless. If they hadn't thrown the flagon, they might not have shown their signs.

When there is a businessman drinking, there is still wine in the jug. When he wants to hurry, he throws the wine with the jug and hits the road quickly.That is simply impossible.

Therefore, Tang Seng discovered the trick.

It was just a little detail that Tang Seng saw through and saved Han Shichen's life.

However, Tang Seng's negligence was that he only injured the other party, but did not restrain the other party, giving the other party a chance to commit suicide by taking poison.

As a result, both leads were interrupted.

If it's not because of Han Shichen, then it must be Han Shichen's father's enemy.

Or, it may have something to do with Han Shichen's trip to Beijing to rush for the exam.

Tang Seng immediately thought of this.

If the enemy of the Han family wanted to find out where the Han family lived before doing it, it would be absolutely foolproof.

Moreover, Father Han's enemies were formed two years ago, why did he do it now, and on the way to the exam?
The things inside are still intriguing!
After some thinking, Tang Seng felt that this reason might be higher than the probability of revenge.

And the person who wants to kill him is definitely not an ordinary person.

These two strong men were already very capable, but the moment they missed, they chose to commit suicide without even the slightest hesitation.

This is completely a dead man, no matter who is willing to be a dead man, then the person behind it is by no means an ordinary person.

"Are you afraid?" Tang Seng analyzed in his heart, but he didn't say it out. Han Shichen is obviously a scholar, and some things have to penetrate slowly. If he said it all at once, he would definitely scare people.

He wants to get to know this person slowly, and what he knows now is far from enough!
"Holy Monk..."

Han Shichen said with a wry smile.

Tang Seng waved his hand and said: "Here, the poor monk tells you a word, don't call me a holy monk for anything in the future, you just treat me as an ordinary monk, which is more beneficial to rescue your father. The poor monk is not only To save your father, if that's the case, just go and fish him out."

"But the poor monk wants him to come out openly and live in a dignified place. More importantly, if possible, let him return to his original post and continue to do the great things he wants to do. This is the most important thing. That is your father's ideal and ambition, right? So, from now on, you can just call me Sanzang!"

"Yes, Sanzang, my father is such a person. He would rather bend than bend. When Xiaosheng went to see him, his father said that if he couldn't be cleared, he didn't make troubles, and if he didn't make things right, he would rather go to prison. Sit and wear until you die!" Han Shichen nodded and said.

This person can adapt to the situation, Tang Seng said, let him call Sanzang, and as a result, he realized the transformation from a holy monk to Sanzang in an instant.

"In this case, you have to respect your father's choice. Sometimes, some things are actually more important than life." Tang Seng said.

"It's obvious now that someone wants you to die. But you must not die. Only when you live can your father realize his wish." Tang Seng continued to say persuasively.

"Xiaosheng understands this truth, and I still have my old lady and Yunniang, so Xiaosheng can't die." Han Shichen nodded and said.

"So, from now on, you and I are business travelers traveling together, just as companions. The other party will not kill you, so you should be more careful. As long as the poor monk is by your side, even if everyone in this world wants to kill you, You won't die either!" Tang Seng said further.

Hearing what Tang Seng said, Han Shichen smiled: "If it is true that people all over the world want me to die, then I can just die by myself. Isn't it a failure to live to that extent?"

"Haha, it's just an analogy. It's not that serious. In short, the poor monk will be safe by your side." Tang Seng patted Han Shichen on the shoulder, then hugged Han Shichen hard, passing some strength over.

Such a feeling of intimacy can reduce the alienation between each other and erase the word "Holy Monk" from Han Shichen's heart to the greatest extent.

Obviously, Han Shichen was a little surprised by Tang Seng's action, but he still happily patted Tang Seng's shoulder: "Sanzang, I think the biggest turning point in my life is when I met you."

"Well, I have the same feeling, don't let the poor monk down."

Tang Seng laughed, and the distance between the two of them shortened a lot.

For the next journey, two horses, one for each person, set out on the road.

While walking and chatting along the way, Tang Seng inquired sideways, and the capital here is still more than 1000 miles away.

It's not too far away, if you take Han Shichen to fly there, it will only take a moment, but Tang Seng still didn't do it.

He considered many issues. If he took Han Shichen to fly, Han Shichen would appear in the capital in a short while.If the person behind it is in the capital, he will immediately realize that there are experts protecting him, and then the next assassination will become more difficult to guard against and prevent.

It's better to just walk on the road. If there is an assassin again, it is much better to capture the assassin, find out who is behind it, and then start from the root cause, rather than going directly to the capital.

Having made up their minds in this way, Tang Seng and Han Shichen chatted and walked, seemingly relaxed and comfortable.

In fact, both Han Shichen and Tang Seng were very vigilant, but neither of them showed it.

Nothing unusual happened that day and night.

The next day, the two set off from a small county and continued to the capital.

On the way, Han Shichen met an acquaintance. It was a friend he knew when Han's father was still working as a minister of the Ministry of Industry in the capital.

His name was Yao Yide, and his father was a minister of the Ministry of Industry at that time. Later, he was implicated by Han's father and was demoted to a local magistrate.

This time, Yao Yide also set off from his hometown to participate in the Spring Festival in the capital.

The two met in Cheng and had a good talk.

The so-called nectar in a long drought, meeting an old friend in a foreign land, walking together all the way, the two talked a lot about the past.

Besides, both their fathers' careers were affected because of the court incident, and one was demoted and the other was imprisoned, so they had some common language.

It's just that Tang Seng paid special attention to this man named Yao Yide and his two followers.

(End of this chapter)

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