Chapter 1188 City Army
In the end, holding the Longquan Excalibur, Chu Feng bid farewell to Tang Seng, and flew back to the capital with a whoosh.

"Sanzang, shall we fly?" Han Shichen looked at Chu Feng's back enviously and asked.

Every man has a dream of flying, and Han Shichen is no exception. However, he feels that he is not even a stupid bird. At least the stupid bird has wings. He has nothing!
"What are you thinking, Sanzang?" Han Shichen felt a little strange when he saw Tang Seng rubbing his chin, his eyes slightly narrowed, with only two small slits exposed, and an absent-minded look.

"Do you know what this Chu Feng is doing?" Tang Seng recovered from his fugue.

"He said it, the defense envoy of the capital." Han Shichen felt that Sanzang was so strange that he forgot it so quickly.

Tang Seng patted Han Shichen on the shoulder: "Han benefactor, this poor monk thinks that it will be quite difficult for you to realize your ambitions in the future. Look, this poor monk is a cheap disciple with such a cultivation level that he is only a city guard. His superiors should There are also many powerful characters, those people may kill you at any time, what should I do?"

"Heaven has eyes. God won't let the next life die in a daze. Besides, don't you still have Sanzang?" Han Shichen said confidently to Tang Seng.

Tang Seng glanced at his mouth: "You have to know that Sanzang has a lot of things to do, and it is impossible to stay here with you all the time! So, you have to be stronger."

"What does Sanzang mean to teach little supernatural powers?" With Tang Seng's words, Han Shichen's eyes immediately glowed with a burning look.

"Forget it, you can't learn the skills of immortals, you should find a way in the cultivation system of your small world! Interrogate Xin Shiwuniang last night, you heard that the great Confucianism recognized by the heavens also has supernatural powers, you If you are a scholar, you should go this way!" Tang Seng pointed out a way for Han Shichen.

"Sanzang, then teach me!"

Han Shichen's eyes lit up too, who wouldn't want to be a hero with his feet on the colorful clouds, at least he could run away when he was hunted down.

Tang Seng shook his head resolutely: "You and I have a blocked path, and I can't help you in cultivation, but there is a good suggestion that you can consider."

"Tell me Sanzang!" Han Shichen immediately became interested. He knew that Tang Seng had great powers, and maybe a word could benefit him for the rest of his life.

"Since the heart of grandeur can give birth to grandeur and righteousness, and with grandeur and righteousness you can display great Confucian supernatural powers, then you should fully display your grandeur and righteousness." Tang Seng said in a deep voice.

"What's the difficulty? Naturally, there is a heart of grandeur. It's just a life. Whoever wants to take it can take it. It's just that my father also has a heart of greatness. Why didn't he cultivate supernatural powers?" Han Shichen was a little puzzled.

Tang Seng is not very clear about this problem.

After all, he is also a layman about the practice of Confucianism.

However, there are some things that can be guessed as long as you use your brain. He thought for a while and said: "According to the deduction of the poor monk, one way to become a great Confucianist should be an understanding beyond heaven and earth, while the other is to leave it alone." The courage to live after death. My father is too concerned about life and death, so he may not be able to understand life and death thoroughly."

"Han Benefactor, you can take care of everything that is unfair. No matter what kind of dignitaries, no matter what kind of great supernatural powers you are, just rely on your heart, and there are poor monks around, just to protect you from death."

Hearing this, Han Shichen laughed loudly: "Okay, Sanzang, then you will go crazy with Han for a while."

The two communicated and reached a consensus.

Tang Seng's worry was not unfounded, but something that would definitely happen in the future. Now that he is here, no matter what, Han Shichen will be safe and sound, but what if he leaves?

His weakness will only make him repeat the mistakes of Old Shangshu Han.

Because his enemies are too many and too powerful.

"Let's go, walk into Beijing!"

At a certain moment, Tang Seng spoke.

The two found small paths at the foot of the mountain, turned down the mountain, and headed straight for the nearest city gate.

"Relying on the original heart, disregarding life and death, the heart of awe-inspiring, the awe-inspiring righteousness..."

Walking all the way, Han Shichen muttered non-stop, as if he was comprehending.

Tang Seng didn't bother, let a frail scholar do such a crazy thing, why should he give him a process of psychological adaptation!

After a lot of time, the two finally arrived near the city gate.

From the situation in front of the city gate, Tang Seng has been able to see some of the situation in the Great Jin Kingdom.

This is the capital city.

A capital does not have what a capital of a country should look like.

Every important place in the capital is the political, economic, and cultural center of a country, where the people are prosperous and the people's livelihood is nourished.However, as far as I can see, although the people of the Jin Dynasty entering and leaving the capital are accompanied by chariots and horses and dressed in luxurious clothes, the appearance of most of the people is a bit unbearable to look at.

Looking at the shabby clothes, saying that they are poor is not wronging them at all.

In one sentence, not only are people generally not rich, but the gap between the rich and the poor is huge. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.

Tang Seng stopped to watch.

Han Shichen also stopped, but his expression was completely different from Tang Seng's. There was more emotion and reminiscence in his eyes.

"Let's go!"

Tang Seng patted him on the shoulder and walked towards the gate of the city. This was his revisit of the old place, and it was expected that he would have such emotions.


There were guards at the gate of the city. Although they were watching out for travel, they did not interrogate anyone. Only Tang Seng and Han Shichen were stopped when they came over.

Immediately, a small leader and several soldiers stood in front of Tang Seng and Han Shichen.

"It seems to be targeted!"

Tang Seng glanced at Han Shichen and said something softly.

He had already expected this kind of situation, but he didn't expect that it was really expected by him.

He had always wanted to send Han Shichen to the capital in a low-key way, and send him to the examination room intact to complete the system tasks, but the facts made him gradually change his mind, because there were too many tedious things along the way.

So, at this moment, he didn't want to keep a low profile.

"What's up?"

Tang Seng didn't even proclaim the Buddha's name, and asked directly with raised eyebrows.

The little boss at the head sized the two of them up and down in front of Tang Seng and Han Shichen, then suddenly sneered and shouted, "Come on, take these two criminals down!"

Following his shout, dozens of guards in front of the city gate roared over and were about to attack.

The city army has also been corrupted to this extent?
Tang Seng was not afraid, but his heart was slightly cold. The city army was guarding the gate for the emperor, and it was actually controlled by the person behind the scenes. This person's authority is really extraordinary.

"Amitabha, open your dog eyes and see what this is!"

Tang Seng didn't make a move directly. With a gesture, he took out the defensive envoy deck that Chu Feng gave him, and waved it in front of these people.

(End of this chapter)

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