Chapter 1413
Rested for more than an hour.

During this period, the sergeants quietly put soybeans into the mouth of the horse to replenish its strength.

After more than an hour, the third prince stood up from the grass and walked to Tang Seng's side.

Tang Seng didn't say anything, but nodded slightly at him.

The third prince already knew the message from Tang Seng's signal, that is, nothing happened in the Zijinguan Grain and Grass Camp, and the next step could be taken.

"Everyone get on their horses, obey the commander's order, and sneak close to the grain and grass camp!"

After the third prince said a word, he took the lead in urging his mount, and headed towards the grain and grass camp.

The strategy used by the third prince in this sneak attack on the Grain and Grass Camp was almost the same as that used by the Great Jin Army to attack Longhu Pass.

It's just that the targets of their surprise attacks are different.

The third prince took the lead, and many Qingchuan battalion soldiers followed behind, trying not to make too much noise, sneaking towards the grain and grass camp.

This time they attacked the grain and grass camp of the Great Jin Army, and Tang Seng handed over all command rights to the third prince.

At this time, Tang Seng was just one of the many Qingchuan battalion sergeants.

He let go of his spiritual sense and walked all the way, sensing the movements in the grain and grass camp all the way.

Suddenly, Tang Seng frowned, and said to the third prince: "There is no need to hide your whereabouts, you can sprint at full speed!"

As soon as the words fell, there was only a rumble of war drums coming from the grain and grass camp that stretched for six or seven miles.

In an instant, more war drums sounded, and the deafening sound of war drums broke the tranquility of the night in an instant.


From Tang Seng's reminder, the third prince already knew that the whereabouts of the army had been exposed.

And the sudden sound of war drums confirmed the third prince's guess.

At this time, he suddenly roared: "Kill..."

Afterwards, with a gesture, the third prince took off a long spear from the horse's side and rushed towards the grain and grass camp.

The rest of the sergeants did the same, each took off their spears, galloped their horses, and spread out their formation, forming a long snake formation to charge towards the grain and grass camp.

At this time, from their current positions, it could already be seen that the grain and grass camp three or four miles away from their position was already in chaos.

The Dajin sergeants guarding the food and grass ran out of the tents, took up weapons in a hurry, and joined the defensive camp.

However, more tents were just lit up at this time.


At this time, the Qingchuan camp had galloped to a distance of about two miles from the grain and grass camp.

This distance was completely within the range of the Qingchuan camp's long spears. The third prince slowly stopped the horse and gave orders loudly, and then the long spear in his hand shot out angrily.

Many sergeants lined up in a long snake formation also stopped their mounts and each waved their arms. In the night, black shadows flew towards the food and grass camp like dragons.

What's ridiculous is that Tang Seng actually joined the queue of throwing spears.

As soon as he gestured, the spear in his hand turned into a black line, cut through the dark night, and penetrated into the chest of a Jin soldier dressed as a general in an instant.

He came first, and it wasn't until he killed the general that the javelins thrown by the Qingchuan camp sergeants could barely hit them.

It has to be said that the spears projected by the Qingchuan camp warriors tonight are completely different from those ten days ago.

Whether it is speed, strength and accuracy, they are not the same as they were more than ten days ago.

Many Jin troops who had rushed to fight fell to the ground under the attack of these spear troops.

There was a miserable howl in the Dajin grain and grass camp, and it became more chaotic than before.

"Second round, continue launching!"

At this time, the first shot was fired, and the third prince yelled again.

Following his shout, the second wave of gunfire burst out again.

"go ahead……"

As soon as the gun was shot, the third prince didn't even look at the result of his shot, so he immediately ordered again, galloped forward for a distance of a hundred feet, and then stopped the horse again.

"The third round of launch!"

His roar sounded again.

At this time, the sergeant of Qingchuan battalion who followed him to this place took off his spear without any hesitation, and fired a third shot.

More than 400 Qingchuan battalion warriors and more than 400 spears.

The rain of guns formed by the third round of long spears just shot into the many Jin troops who ran out of the camp to prepare for the battle.

Moreover, the distance between the two sides is closer than before, and the lethality caused by the spears is even more difficult for the Jin army to resist.

Many Jin troops fell in this wave of gunfire.

The food and grass camp of the Great Jin Army was even more chaotic. Seeing that many robes died, those Great Jin troops rushed towards the depths of the camp like a tide.

But at this time, a group of shield soldiers with huge shields in the battalion suddenly rushed towards the edge of the camp.

The third prince threw his hand into the air, but did not order the fourth round of gunfire to be fired.

Seeing the other party holding up a shield as high as a person, the third prince could tell that the other party had made some preparations, but the preparations were not sufficient.

The tall shield in the middle can withstand strong bows and crossbows, and can withstand the long spears fired from Longhuguan more than ten days ago.

However, it may not be able to stop all the spears projected from the Qingchuan camp tonight.

Those shields are not only tall, but also very thick. It takes several people to hold them at the same time to lift them up and block the Jin army.

"Come with me!"

Although he was able to run away from the defense of this shield, Tang Seng did not waste the opportunity to throw the spear in the fourth round.

Don't you use shields to resist our spears, then we will find places where you don't have shields to attack.

After shouting, the third prince took the lead and galloped towards the other side of the grain and grass camp.

The rest of them naturally followed closely behind the third prince, and also took a detour to the west of the grain and grass camp.

This detour, the third prince watched the movement of those big Jin troops while urging his horse. Sure enough, he saw those big Jin troops holding their shields also coming towards the direction they circled.

However, the shield is so cumbersome, the speed of the Jin army is naturally not going anywhere!

"Fourth launch!"

At this time, the third prince had already guessed it. It may be that in a hurry, the soldiers of the Jin Dynasty did not have time to make too many of these cumbersome shields, which could not stop the flexible cavalry at all.

For example, here, there is no such bulky shield.

Following his words, the fourth round of gunfire burst out again, shooting out of the Jin army in this direction.

Group after group of Jin troops were shot and fell down, and some spears still shot several Jin troops in succession, piercing them into candied haws.

(End of this chapter)

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