Chapter 1452 Strange Team
"The ministers and I have also made an oath here that we will do our best to assist the third prince and take care of the government. From then on, we will not enjoy any privileges. We will do our best for the sake of the people of the world and die!"

Behind Concubine Rong, some ministers raised their heads and shouted.

"I swear!"


"Me too!"

The rest of the people immediately shouted. At this time, they were really full of enthusiasm, and their hearts were full of infinite passion.

Originally, these courtiers who were thrown into the sky prison thought it was a doomsday situation, but no one could have imagined that it would suddenly turn around like this.

None of these scholars have the ambition to benefit the world after ten years of poverty.

However, as soon as they entered the officialdom, they found that the deviation between the ideal and the reality turned out to be so large. Their revenge was ravaged and vulnerable to the cruel reality.

Originally, they thought about obeying the official rules of this world, drifting with the tide, and going with the tide.

But the stubbornness they read from the sage books does not allow them to have such thoughts, let alone to do so.

Therefore, under unnecessary persistence, they entered the prison in a daze like this.

Now, they finally have a chance, finally got a stage where they can show their ambitions, how can they not be excited!

Their pride not only made their blood boil as ministers, but even those officers and soldiers who walked in front were also emotional.

Those who served as soldiers, how could there be one who was not born in a poor family, and the purpose of serving as a soldier was to support their families and fill their stomachs.

To be able to live a prosperous life, opportunity is everyone's dream, who would like to see the great chaos in the summer, the people's lives are in dire straits, the enemy country has a chance, and the country is destroyed in the end?

The voices behind them made them very excited.

Although they used to have many unbearable thoughts, at this moment, they were greatly infected.

It was as if the soul that was once full of dust had been washed in one go, completely purified.

"We also swear our allegiance to the third prince and the new emperor!"

"We are willing to fight and die for the people of Daxia to live a better life!"

"We will fight for future generations!"

They also shouted.

At the beginning, the sound was not very loud, and the sound was very heterogeneous, it sounded chaotic and messy.

However, in just a few breaths, this situation changed.

Because a general with the highest official position there, hearing these sergeants yelling such a messy voice, is definitely too ashamed of their status as soldiers.

It's really embarrassing to the soldiers.

So, he shouted loudly and glanced at everyone.

"Everyone, shout to the general!"

"I'll wait for the general!"

"I'll wait for the general!"

"For the sake of Great Xia, I will not hesitate to bleed, sacrifice, and devote myself to death!"

"For the sake of Great Xia, I will not hesitate to bleed, sacrifice, and devote myself to death!"

"Support the three princes, protect the new emperor, implement benevolent government..."

"Support the three princes, protect the new emperor, implement benevolent government..."

Such a rhythmic sound gradually became more orderly and powerful, echoing on the streets of Xia Jingcheng, spreading in all directions.

It was a shocking situation.

More and more people heard their shouts. Along the way, more and more courtyard doors opened on both sides of the street, and people began to come out of the courtyard.

Look at these teams coming down the street.

At the beginning, those people were still a little afraid, just watching carefully.

However, as time went by, they found that no matter whether it was the sergeants or the ministers, their faces were flushed, their expressions were excited, and their blood was boiling.

That inner voice is easy to spot.

And the atmosphere created by this kind of voice is the easiest to infect other people.

So, gradually, some common people boldly came out of the courtyard, followed behind the team, and shouted along with the soldiers.

They didn't just shout, but followed the team all the way, all the way to the direction of the city gate.

With the joining of these ordinary people, more and more ordinary people joined the team, and the team grew stronger and stronger.

Likewise, their voices became louder and farther away.

It's an amazing combination of teams.

Those in the sky are monks, those on the ground who open the way are soldiers, and behind the soldiers are ministers.

Behind the ministers are more and more common people.

At any time in the past, it was impossible for such people to come together anyway.

The common people are afraid of soldiers and avoid them like tigers, and ministers and soldiers are also two types of people who are incompatible. There is a huge disparity between the status of ordinary people and ministers.

However, today, on such a wonderful occasion.

These people were miraculously merged together, formed a team, and began to stride forward for the same goal.

Many people heard the hope of the Great Xia Kingdom from this voice, and saw the dawn of the Great Xia Kingdom.

However, the voice uttered in the slogan is undoubtedly the most ideal life vision of all people. Therefore, more and more people join the team, and the team grows stronger.

In the beginning, it was just men.

But later, some women and some old people joined the team.

Because those women saw that there was also a woman in the line.

That woman is naturally the third prince's mother, Concubine Rong.

The team became larger and more diverse, and gradually some children with good deeds joined in and joined the procession.

In the end, the development of the situation was unexpected even by Tang Seng.

Originally, there were only more than 1000 people in the team, and it grew stronger and stronger, gradually becoming thousands of people, to tens of thousands of people.

Soon it broke through [-], [-], [-]...

The team was mighty, rushing towards the city gate like a torrent.

Those people have already seen that this team is safe and has really gathered together for a great goal.

More importantly, the third prince is blessed by the Buddha and is the confirmed candidate for the new monarch.

The Son of Heaven, the Son of Heaven, is something no one can resist.

With such a strong backing, and the third prince's reputation for benevolence and righteousness is all over the world, I think it will take a few years, ten years, ten years, and at that time, Daxia will definitely be a prosperous and prosperous Daxia country.

And they were fortunate to be born in this era, to witness the great transformation of Daxia with their own eyes, and have the opportunity to be in the same team as the high-level Buddhists, the high-level officials sent by the Buddha, and shout for the prosperity of Daxia.

This is something they can be proud of for a lifetime.

(End of this chapter)

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