Chapter 502 You are not human!

Wukong's delusion-breaking eyes are powerful, and he can easily see through this person's heels.

Tang Seng said calmly: "Let's see what this guy wants to do!" At this time, he had already stepped forward, and said in a deep voice, "The poor monk is a monk from the Eastern Tang Dynasty, who went to the Western Paradise to learn Buddhist scriptures! Come all the way! , frankly, I don’t know why the benefactor doesn’t ask the reason, and speaks such vicious words at each other?”

White-faced youths are naturally white-faced people during the day.

This guy was a little anxious when he saw Tang Seng and his disciples directly killing the villains he let him in.Without even thinking about it, he directly became the local magistrate and killed him.

According to his original expectation.

Tang Seng and his disciples were convicted of crimes, and then he used this opportunity to help Tang Seng and his disciples get cleared of the charges. At that time, Tang Seng and his disciples passed the test smoothly, and he can use this opportunity to get a title of uprightness and integrity .At that time, with such a capacity, he will wash away the gloomy atmosphere of the past, and leap to the quasi-sage realm one step at a time.

It's just that he thought well.

Tang Seng didn't play his cards according to the routine.

Tang Seng, who was supposed to move forward in a hurry, chose to stay overnight and directly smashed the actions of these ghosts arranged by him.

But even so.

White-faced people think they still have a chance.

That is to make things big.

It's best to make a fuss, the step where Tang Seng's master and apprentice need to prove their identity.At that time, who would not know him among the gods and Buddhas all over the sky?What he wanted, perhaps even more than he had imagined before.

at this time.

In the deep pupils of the white-faced man, a cold light flashed past, and he said in a deep voice: "Why? That's because you and these guys are in the same group! During the day, you pretend to be Buddhist monks to deceive big men like Kou Yuanwai Good man. In the evening, join forces with your companions and conspire to seize the property of Kou Yuanwai!"

The white-faced man speaks eloquently.

If it weren't for Tang Seng as the person involved, I'm afraid I would have believed it.


The words of the white-faced man had no effect on Tang Seng.

For a group of mortals such as Kou Yuanwai, it is different.Although this place is under the Lingshan Mountain, they have seen many strange people.But the white-faced man is the local magistrate after all.

The white-faced man, in his capacity as a county parent official, said such a thing, and they couldn't tolerate their disbelief.


Kou Yuanwai's complexion suddenly changed.

His sons all backed away a little, and his wife was the first to shout: "Let me just say, these people are not good people! Fortunately, the county magistrate came in time, otherwise I'm afraid our Kou family is really going to end."

Speaking of this, the old woman's voice suddenly rose, "Please, sir, make the decision for us!"

This is what white-faced people want.

There is a party.

Coupled with the fact that he got all the stolen goods, he can be charged with the crime.

By the time.

How can there be any problems if you can handle Tang Seng's master and apprentice?
of course.

He wasn't afraid that Tang Seng and his disciples would fight back on the spot.

After all, this place is under the Lingshan Mountain. Although there are not many evil spirits, there are still some.Besides, he didn't reveal his true identity.Once he started, he didn't worry about himself at all.

He believes that someone will jump out at the critical moment.

Invisibly, the white-faced man's heart became more eager.

In a trance.

This guy has taken control of the situation.

Seeing this guy's cold gaze fell on Tang Seng: "All the stolen goods, what do you have to say?" While speaking, the guy who turned into a parent officer waved his sleeves, "Left and right, take them down for me! "

Wukong exploded on the spot: "What a stupid and mediocre official, my old grandson wants to see today, who of you dares to come here."

While speaking, the golden cudgel was already rising against the wind.

The majestic waves of light forcefully dispelled the surrounding darkness completely.

Seeing this scene, the old woman who was still complacent just a moment ago knelt on the ground in fright and said tremblingly, "What is this!"

Kou Yuanwai is still calm.

The faces of his sons were rather ugly.

As for the white-faced people, there were more smiles on their faces.

That's what he wanted.

The bigger Wukong made the incident, the more people paid attention to him.When the time comes, he only needs to show the scene he is going to show, and what he wants will flow into his body continuously.

This guy was not idle either, he put on an upright face, and reprimanded him: "What? I was told by this official that you are going to kill someone to silence me? You monster monkey can threaten others, but threatening this official has no effect at all! My official As a local parent, I will not let you be so rampant no matter what! Left and right, why are you still standing there, and rush up with me!"

The white-faced man looked fearless.

How could Wukong know what he was thinking, and he was even more furious: "You are really old-eyed and dim-witted, you don't know what is good or bad, let me help you!"

The sound of buzzing and beating came crashing down.

But it was the golden cudgel in his palm, which had already made the appearance of falling down and smashing the white-faced man to death.

In the depths of the eyes of the white-faced man who was facing this scene, strands of uncontrollable strangeness emerged.

These things, although secret, were still captured by Tang Seng.In an instant, Tang Seng understood all the ins and outs: "This guy obviously has a terrifying power hidden in his body!"But he didn't explode, and chose to touch Wukong in such a way.What does he want to do?We can now say that just under the Lingshan Mountain, if there is a little more movement here, I am afraid it has already been sent to the Tathagata! '

'With his attitude, nine out of ten he is acting for those people in Leiyin Temple! '

'Since that's the case, I'm not as good as you want! '

Seeing that Wukong's golden cudgel was about to fall on the white-faced man, Tang Seng said loudly: "Wukong, I will help you, my teacher!" With a flick of a finger, nine blazing fire dragons entangled and integrated into a thousand-dimensional cross-space Zhang's huge fire dragon is directly blessed on Wukong's golden cudgel.

The shock wave that suddenly set off infinitely approached the quasi-sage realm.

Everyone in the Kou family was terrified, even the Kou members who insisted on it before, their knees softened, and they fell to the ground, exclaiming: "What a terrible power!"

The old woman finally understood, the shock on her face washed away the incomparably intense panic.

After all.

It was because Tang Seng ate a little more food from their house that she had a little evil thought in her heart.If there is no follow-up matter, the evil thoughts will pass away as well.But the white-faced man came out and fanned the flames, turning the originally tiny evil thoughts into terrifying waves, and then said those words out of nowhere.He and the old woman were full of remorse. If they had known this would happen, they would not talk too much anyway.

Not to mention the old woman.

It is said that the white-faced man turned pale with fright, and said angrily: "Tang Monk, do you want to kill people to silence your words?"

If only Wukong did it alone.

He can persist until the expert from Leiyin Temple comes.

But if Tang Seng is added.

The combined power of the two has already surpassed his cultivation strength.In this case, except those quasi-sage Buddhas sitting on the throne of Leiyin Temple, who can save him?
The white-faced man finally panicked.

(End of this chapter)

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