Scumbag Training Manual

Chapter 221 Clothing Disturbance

Chapter 221 Clothing Disturbance
It must be because she was a little troubled during the day, but Chen Miao fell asleep on the bed after returning home, and didn't even get up for lunch.

Lu's heart was anxious, she came in and looked at it a few times, and saw that Chen Miao hadn't woken up yet, so she asked Juan'er, but Juan'er only said that she went to join the army and the government office in the morning, she must be a little tired.

Lu had no choice but to ask the kitchen to keep the chicken soup warm, ready to drink at any time.

Chen Miao slept until the third quarter of the hour before slowly waking up, only feeling that her body was extremely soft.Juan'er hurriedly brought chicken soup and fed her a few sips to feel better.

Pei Jing still didn't come back, Chen Miao knew that he might be very busy these few days, and said that it might not be possible to take herself out to look at the clothes, so she took Juan'er and Pei Yue together, and asked Ah Man to drive the carriage. Choose materials in the market.

Since coming back these days, Pei Yue has never been out, but today she came out like a bird out of a cage, chirping non-stop in Chen Miao's ears.

Juan'er made fun of her: "Miss brought so many gorgeous palace clothes back from the palace, do you still need to buy clothes? I'm afraid the ones given to you by Empress Defei are enough for you to wear for several years."

Pei Yue made a strange face at her and said: "How can those palace clothes be worn in such a place? The clothes I wore before entering the palace are all too small. My sister-in-law's old clothes are remade."

Chen Miao said with a smile: "It's because I'm tired these days, so I didn't bother to buy more clothes for you. I'll just take a good look today, choose more, and buy some fabrics for everyone in the house to go back and make clothes."

Pei Yue said with a smile: "Anyway, you hold the financial power of the family in your hands, and if you don't spend my money, then I'm not welcome. I will choose two bodies for a while."

Chen Miao said with a smile, "It's just that you can speak well with your small mouth."

While chatting and laughing, a few people came to a famous silk and satin shop in the city, and carefully selected all kinds of clothing materials.

Seeing that these women's family members were not very well dressed, and there were no special signs on the carriage outside the door, and they were very picky, the staff of the silk and satin village became a little impatient, and only showed some ordinary patterns to them. They choose.

Pei Yue has trained her eyes to be extremely sophisticated and vicious in the past six months in the palace, how can she see these ordinary things, she can't help complaining a few words: "You are such a big silk and satin shop, why do you sell such ordinary things? Are you not afraid of smashing your signboard?"

Chen Miao just wanted to stop her, but she didn't expect that Pei Yue's mouth was so quick that she poured out all the beans in one go.

The little guy is a newcomer, he was a little dazed, and when he met the little girl in front of him, he was not polite at all, and he said straight up: "There are good materials, can you afford them?"

Pei Yue was rather annoyed by this young man, "Tell me, how much is the most expensive material here? It's good for me to learn more."

Chen Miao shook her head helplessly, and whispered to Pei Yue, "Don't cause trouble."

Pei Yue said unconvinced: "Call him a dog's eye!"

The little guy was also aroused by Pei Yue's anger. He took out several pieces of material from under the counter, put them heavily on the counter, and hummed softly: "These are all high-quality Shu brocades that were just shipped from the land of Shu. 50 taels Can you afford one?"

Looking at it, Chen Miao saw that the material of the cloth was indeed radiant, it was the best Shu brocade, and the colors were different, different shades, she couldn't help feeling a little moved, but the price was indeed a bit high.

Unexpectedly, Pei Yue said proudly: "How many horses do you have here?"

The young man didn't expect her to dare to ask, but he guessed that she was just talking about it, so he said: "There are only six horses in total, and a total of 300 taels."

Pei Yue lowered her head and rummaged through her purse for a while, took out three banknotes, patted them on the counter with a "slap", and said coldly, "Keep your eyes open, the banknotes from Tonghui Bank are Tickets can be redeemed throughout Rui Kingdom, there are three tickets in total, 100 taels per chapter."

The little man stared at her blankly, he didn't expect such a fourteen or fifteen year old girl to have so many banknotes on her body.

Pei Yue raised her chin: "Go, wrap these brocades for me, and send them to the carriage outside."

The young man no longer dared to underestimate the ordinary women in front of him, he hastily agreed, quickly wrapped up the few pieces of Shu brocade, and sent them to the carriage outside.

Chen Miao shook her head and said softly: "Yue'er, you are too impulsive, and money is not spent like this."

Pei Yue pouted and said, "I just can't understand the face of such a snobby villain."

Chen Miao sighed softly: "You are about to reach the age of Ji, no matter what your fate is in the future, you must always learn to be dignified and modest, so what about snobbery? There are too many people like this, and you can teach them one by one? Today's Shu brocade But it’s 50 taels, you can buy it. What if it’s 500 taels? Could it be that you really gave him 3000 taels of silver just to vomit?”

Pei Yue lowered her head and did not speak, Chen Miao sighed softly: "I see you have been depressed for the past two days, are you still worrying about the matter of Empress Concubine De?"

Pei Yue bit her red lips and nodded slightly.

Chen Miao smiled slightly, seeing that the young man had already wrapped all the brocades, she pulled Pei Yue towards the carriage.

When she got into the car and sat down, Chen Miao said softly to her: "As the saying goes, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. It's still half a year before you and Ji. Why are you in a hurry? Even if you don't want to marry Prince Xiang, It's time to just explain it to him. Prince Xiang is also a sensible person, so he won't come to embarrass you, little girl, right?"

Pei Yue was silent for a while, and then said softly: "I know, sister-in-law, I won't do this again in the future."

Chen Miao nodded with a smile, and said softly: "That's good, let's go to the front."

Pei Yue hesitated for a long time before saying, "Sister-in-law, what should I do with these pieces of Shu brocade?"

Chen Miao said with a smile: "I bought everything, what else can I do? Anyway, I think the color and feel of this material are not bad, so it happens that the one with darker color is made for Mother, Mother Yue and uncle. The next three are brighter in color. You and Juan'er and I can make a suit. Let's go ahead and have a look and choose some materials for Dad, Ah Jing and uncle. The servants and women in the family should also cut a suit Now, Ah Man is growing up, and I can see that his clothes are quite worn at the elbows."

Seeing her rambling on, Pei Yue couldn't help becoming very anxious. She pulled Chen Miao's sleeves and began to grind together: "Oh, sister-in-law, that's not what I meant..."

Chen Miao pretended to be puzzled: "Then what do you mean?"

Pei Yue almost burst into tears: "The 300 taels of silver is my body that I have saved for several years, and it was rewarded by Empress Defei. If I use it all to buy materials, I will lose a penny."

Chen Miao and Juan'er looked at each other and couldn't help laughing out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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