the purity of love

Chapter 137 The Mystery Revealed

Chapter 137 The Mystery Revealed
Bo Lan was worried about not knowing the scale of development today, whether to cater or reject.Suddenly he stopped, was it time to call it a day or something was wrong.

I want to turn around and see his expression, what's wrong?But as soon as he moved, he was tightly clamped, and then his lips covered her right shoulder, and kissed her heavily. Compared with the gentleness just now, this one was like trying to suck a piece of her flesh away.

"Hiss..." She was bitten hard, Lin Zekai still has this hobby, he won't... When he was nervous about his next move, he let her go.

Bo Lan turned around, only to see him smiling gently at her as usual. "Sorry to hurt you!"

"It's okay!" Although the right shoulder was in hot pain, it was just a bite. Wang Jian would occasionally bite her when he was impulsive, so his strength should be lighter.

But his stopping gave her a choice, she could leave now, or stay. ,.She didn't know if Lin Zekai would be disappointed if she said she wanted to leave now, but she always felt that he was a little weird today.The night was getting dark, and staying here meant spending the night. "It's getting late, I'll go back first!" She still spoke.

He reached out and caressed her right shoulder, touching the raised teeth marks where he had bitten just now.If you want to go, go, anyway, today's goal has been achieved, if the hickey on her left shoulder was for him to see, then he replied without showing any weakness. "I'll take you downstairs!" His expression was as considerate and gentle as before, but he couldn't explain why, but Bo Lan felt that it was unusual.

The elevator went down level by level, and he only sent her to the elevator entrance, but Bo Lan told him to go back, so he went back, instead of insisting on sending her far away as usual.

The right shoulder is still a little prickly, it should be a mark.There happened to be a mirror in the elevator. She turned a little and saw the impressive tooth marks. She couldn't wear clothes with such a large neckline tomorrow.Suddenly she checked her left shoulder again suspiciously, what was going on, he seemed to have seen something just now, and then suddenly changed.

There was a slightly faded red mark on his left shoulder. Wang Jian... carefully recalled Lin Zekai's change of attitude, took out his mobile phone, and checked the message he sent her yesterday.

"Are you off work? Do you want to have dinner together?", "Are you busy, why don't you answer my phone?", "Are you okay!" The last one was at noon today. "Are you at home, I'm near your house!" It was almost the time when she left Wang Jian's place to call him.Then he must have been to her house yesterday and found out that she……

The elevator has gone straight down to the first floor, what should I do?Go back and find him, explain to him why you went to Wang Jian's house yesterday, and explain that they didn't do anything, even this red seal was printed by him while he was drowsy.

But... they did kiss in the morning.Chaos...too chaotic, how could I be in such a situation.She hates sloppy, unclear.There is no way to explain it clearly to Ze Kai, if she runs up now, even if she tells everything, she doesn't know if it will become darker and darker.

Go home, go home first, she needs to sleep, sleep well, when she is full of energy, all things are floating clouds, and it can be solved.

She was no longer surprised by Wang Jian's disappearance, but it was exhausting her energy to always stimulate her in the middle of the night.

(End of this chapter)

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