Chapter 54

Bo Lan didn't want to sit side by side with her anymore, and she didn't want to talk to her anymore. She had a premonition that some topics she didn't want to touch were being brewed by Gao Ruoya, so she said, "I'll go to the doctor and ask him situation." After speaking, he stood up.

"Bo Lan!" Gao Ruoya stopped her.

Bo Lan stopped, didn't turn around, just stood there waiting for her to speak.She wished all she had said to her was goodbye.But she said: "I thought you would be together after I left." Gao Ruoya's voice was deep and deep, as if she was talking to herself.

"We never contacted after he left!" Bo Lan said, and she felt more justified after saying this.Yes, no matter what, she has never contacted Yang Junwei and Yang Junwei is the same, no matter what happened between her and Yang Junwei, whether there is her factor in the reason of what happened, that is their business.She didn't do anything subjectively, so she doesn't have to take responsibility.Thinking of this, she became more calm.

However, Gao Ruoya obviously understood what Bo Lan said, and she continued: "After leaving Suzhou, you have never appeared in our lives, but you have always been the protagonist of our lives. I know that our affairs have nothing to do with yours. It doesn't matter much, although I once hated you very much. You didn't do anything, but you once confessed to him, and your confession was deeply burned in his heart. I know you want to say: you were When you're drunk, you don't know what you've done, do you!"

Bo Lan didn't know what to say for a while, so she just nodded.

"Junwei said the same thing. I think this matter is over. In the long life of the two people, who has no other thoughts. But, he didn't delete that video. I don't mention it. He doesn't delete it. He doesn't delete it. I don’t delete it, and I don’t mention it. He may think I forgot it, but I kept watching him, watching him change countless mobile phones, and that video has been kept. Then many things that seem to be nothing are regarded as his feelings for you."

When Gao Ruoya said this, she paused, and she took a deep breath.He continued: "You smoke, don't you? Every time he sees a smoking woman, he will be in a daze. I know he thinks of you. He always complains that the female secretary under him is not smart enough, not smart enough, and has too many things. I know you are his perfect assistant. I don't hate Yang Junwei anymore. I don't know if he has told you about the influence you have had on him and us over the years?" Gao Ruoya also stood up, and she told Bo Lan walked to the same line, spoke lightly, and asked lightly.

Bo Lan shook her head, she really didn't understand, she didn't understand, she could only explain according to her own logic. "I don't need to know too many details. I just know that he chose to stay with you at the beginning, and he hasn't contacted me for so many years. That's enough for me to know. Besides, I'm married, Miss Gao!"

"Hehe, that's Yang Junwei one step too late. Maybe I should leave him earlier, so that he can come to you earlier, and I should leave him when I found out about the video he recorded, so that he might be able to catch up with you. At that time, I was the one who delayed him and myself, and up to now, he has nothing!" When Gao Ruoya said this, she felt sorry for Yang Junwei.

(End of this chapter)

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