
Chapter 1 Wengu Zhengde 5 Years

Chapter 1 Wengu Zhengde 15 Years

The dilapidated computer on the table was turned on, downloading a document at the speed of ants moving house.

Rain, boundless torrential rain fell from the sky, washing away the scaffolding on the opposite construction site.

Sitting in front of the computer, the sweat on Sun Dan's body was still oozing out.For three consecutive sauna days, the temperature has hit a new high this summer, reaching an astonishing 41 degrees.

The broken air conditioner was too late to be repaired, so I just lingered in the squalid house, the short-sleeved shirt on my body was completely soaked in sweat, and there was a smell of stinky hairtail in the air.

I hope that this rain can relieve the annoying heat. It is said that autumn will begin in a few days, and the weather will cool down.After a few more days, even if this summer is over, it will save a sum of air-conditioning maintenance costs.

"Is life impatient? Heat is an annoyance. Suffering is an annoyance. As long as you are patient, everything will pass." Sun Dan glanced at the banner on the wall. Get wet.The thin gold calligraphy that I have practiced hard for more than 20 years looks a little fat and deformed because of being soaked in rain.

Having said that, Sun Dan felt more and more uncomfortable in his heart, and there was an inexplicable irritability in his heart.

After graduating from a liberal arts university, because he couldn't adapt to the fierce competition in the metropolis, he went back to his hometown to take the exam for a civil servant and entered the county government office.At that time, all the classmates envied him for holding a solid job, and he was also proud of it.I thought that after a few years in the system, I could show off what I had learned.Even in that second-rate college, I really didn't learn much.But he doesn't think that he is a good-for-nothing. I am born to be useful. If I meet a good opportunity, I can always achieve my ambition.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the County Chronicle Office, Sun Dan spent the whole day with two old men digging in the pile of old newspapers for textual research. His face was dusty and his hands were ink, and he really became an old bookworm.The county government office is a place where no bird shits. You don't usually see many people. It's so quiet that it's frighteningly quiet. It's a forgotten corner in the county government.You can't even see a person's shadow on weekdays, let alone make a difference.

In a blink of an eye, five years have passed. Except for the salary adjustment, and his face becoming paler because he didn't see the sun, Sun Dan looked more and more lonely in the office. He even thought, if this continues, he will really change. Becoming a little old man.

Could it be that the sunny boy who wrote in the past is just like the light and dust, and just like all living beings?

Irritable, really very irritable.

The windows in the small room have been fully opened, and the torrential rain is still falling from the sky endlessly. A gust of wind blows, mixed with rain and mist, diffuses in the room, and it turns out to be a white mist like mist.

The cold air came like water, and Sun Dan felt very refreshed.I was about to moan uncontrollably.But at this moment, the computer screen on the table suddenly went black and turned off.

"Oops, hard disk, hard disk, please don't have any accidents, otherwise, all the hard work I have spent in the past six months will be in vain!"

Sun Dan now lives in the dormitory of the county government, with only a single room.He only has a salary of more than 1000 yuan a month. Before Sunshine Wages, apart from helping his parents in the countryside, his income was only enough to eat.His current computer is an old machine that was eliminated by the previous record bureau. It only cost 2008 yuan when he bought it in 100. The configuration is extremely poor. Can't play games at all.

Fortunately, Sun Dan usually only likes to look up some information on the Internet, and also likes to write some things, but he can barely use it.

Although the broken machine of the Archives Bureau is old, fortunately, the hard disk is large enough to hold a lot of written materials.Recently, Sun Dan was working with two old men in the office to sort out the cultural and historical materials of the county from the early Ming Dynasty to the early founding of the People's Republic of China, saying that it was to prepare for the newly developed Confucian Temple scenic spot in the county.

Speaking of Sun Dan's hometown in Zouping, Shandong, it is really a good place with outstanding people.Since ancient times, Qilu has been the place where humanities gather and materialize Tianbao. From ancient times to today, this place has produced many champions and candidates. It was the hometown of imperial examinations in Shandong in the Ming Dynasty.

In the past few days, all parts of the country are engaged in tourism development.There are really no good scenic spots here in Zouping. The only thing that can be sold is the Confucian Temple, which was built in the late Qing Dynasty and has survived a hundred years of wind and rain.Since there is such a historic site, it is natural to write a beautiful article.Renovate it, and then do some publicity, it may be able to revitalize the local economy.

For this reason, the county government specially allocated 1000 million yuan to build an imperial examination cultural sightseeing park with the Confucian Temple as the core.As for the hardware, it's not up to the people in the county government to worry about it.The first task for Sun Dan and the others now is to collect enough information to make a good propaganda article.

For this reason, Sun Dan and the two old masters in the office have been busy for several months, collecting a large amount of information, preparing to do a big job, and perform well in front of the leader.

"Maybe, this is a good opportunity!" Sun Dan thought in his heart.

As an ordinary clerk, maybe I only have this opportunity once, as long as I grasp it, I might be able to stand out.

For this reason, he collected all the imperial examination questions, examinee rosters and articles in the province from the Zhengde Year of the Ming Dynasty to the end of the Qing Dynasty, and made them into e-books and stored them in his computer.Not only that, but the computer also stored a lot of messy historical evolution, local customs, anecdotes, four books and five classics, and a lot of historical textual research from the Internet, with a total of fifty gigabytes of information.

It took him a long time to collect these things, and now the screen is suddenly black, it would be a pity if the data is lost.The most important of these is an introductory article I just wrote about the history of the county's imperial examinations. This article was originally intended to be published in a national journal. How much time it will take.

Thinking of this, Sun Dan couldn't help yelling "Amitabha", and hurriedly got under the computer desk to check.


The boundless torrential rain is still falling unscrupulously.

Just as Sun Dan got under the table, suddenly, a white lightning flashed through the window and quickly stabbed the power strip under the table.At the same time, an earth-shattering rumbling sound exploded in Sun Dan's ears.He saw that the plastic power strip under his hands melted into a ball in an instant.And he also seemed to be pushed by a strong force, and he jumped out from under the table and fell straight to the ground.Before he came back to his senses, a more magnificent scene happened in the house.Countless white sparks rose from his body, like a firework set off in a festival, it exploded in an instant, lighting up the sky and the earth.

Countless data invade the brain like flowing water:
"To level the wealth of the world, it is only produced by Dao.

Husband's wealth cannot be gathered but can be born, and life has its own way, can you just say that the outside is the root and the inside is the end?
And those who are in peace with the world, and there are countless powerful husbands and wives, should not be the main business of the king.I don't know that the living people have a place to entrust their orders, and if they can't give them their desires, they will fight,..."

Vaguely, he remembered that this was the stereotyped essay written by Yan Yumao in the 36th Kangxi Examination. Based on this essay, he got No.2 in this year's examination, that is, the second place in the common saying.From then on, he embarked on an official career and became the Shaoqing of Taipusi, which can be regarded as a senior official at the central and ministerial level.


"To, is to reach. Fresh, is little. Zisi quoted the words of Confucius: the reality of the world, but if you do too much, you will miss the mark, if you don't go too far, you will not reach it, and it is not the way of perfection... "

This is Zhang Juzheng, the chief assistant of the Wanli cabinet in the Ming Dynasty, explaining "The Doctrine of the Mean" to the emperor.


More historical picture scrolls are unfolding in front of you one by one. Those white clothes win the snow, those majestic and high crowns, those winding water cups, those poor and rich poems, and those tried and failed shouts, all converge into a ferocious river and pour into the brain .


It was another thunder that shook hundreds of miles.

In the middle of the room, only a pile of human-shaped ashes remained.

A small civil servant just disappeared.

On the eighteenth day of the first month of the 15th year of Zhengde in the Ming Dynasty, Zouping, Shandong.

The densely packed reinforced concrete buildings of later generations were replaced by rows of blue tile houses of different sizes, and the wide streets became bluestone alleys.

It was just at night, and the little lights were lit up one by one, and the whole county town also appeared hazy and quiet in the moonlight and the shadow of the lights.

A lamp is like a bean, illuminating the room in darkness.

It would be better to die.

With a dirty gauze wrapped around his head, Sun Dan had a severe headache at the moment. Since he traveled to the Ming Dynasty, the shock and the injury on his head made him lie motionless in this moldy house for two whole days.

Others who traveled through time were either emperors, generals, or dudes, but when I came here, I became a poor and settled family, so poor that I was covered in lice.

Fortunately, after traveling to the Ming Dynasty, he was still called Sun Dan, and that was the only thing that could give him some comfort.

Although the house in front of me was dark, one could vaguely see the extreme poverty of the owner's family.The room was small and damp, the wooden wallboards were rotten, and the gap more than two fingers wide could allow mice to happily pass through.The northwestern wind howled in in waves, swaying in the house.The torn black quilt that was supposed to be on his body was not enough to maintain his body temperature, and within a quarter of an hour, his body was numb from the cold.

Sun Dan also knew that if he went on like this, he would be frozen to death.But he still didn't want to move, the huge blow made him lifeless.

In his previous life, he was a farm boy, and he worked in the fields with his parents since he was sensible.Later, because of his excellent grades, he successfully graduated from university and was admitted as a civil servant, which is regarded as a solid job.Ordinarily, he is not a person who has not experienced hardships. No matter how difficult life is, he must live on.

However, this experience was too ridiculous, too ridiculous for him to bear.

A person must have a goal in life. For example, in his previous life, his goal in life was to get along well within the system. It is best to get a job as an official, change his life, and let his parents who have worked hard all their lives live a better life.

But when he got here, he didn't know what he should do, and what could he do?
However, if I don't do anything, it's not my character. People have to live after all!If parents know what they are going through now, but they don't know what to feel distressed about.

At the thought of never seeing his parents again, Sun Dan felt pain in his heart, and two tears came out of the corners of his eyes.In order to support myself in studying, my parents' hair turned white.How can it be embarrassing for me to travel back to this damned era after finally taking part in the work?
(End of this chapter)

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