
Chapter 209 Silk is on the left, salary is on the right

Chapter 209 Silk is on the left, salary is on the right

"Ah, so you are the famous Tang Bohu!"

Although he already knew who this bad old man was, when he wrote the word "Tang Yin" on it, Sun Dan was still shocked: Brother Bohu, how did you do this.

The old man in front of him has white hair, wrinkled face, short and small, just like a reed stick.Is this still Tang Bohu, the head of the four great talents in the south of the Yangtze River, who enjoys the flowers, the moon and the autumn fragrance?

For a long time, in the minds of future generations, the word Tang Bohu is synonymous with the vagabond.Otherwise, there would be no talk of Sanxiao's marriage, or there would be no legend that he married more than ten concubines.

He is Sun Dan's idol. Back then, when he watched "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" filmed by Zhou Xingchi, he almost broke his stomach laughing.

Logically speaking, this should be a handsome, elegant and elegant person.

But the old man in front of him looks a bit like Zhang Youcai, down and out, if he holds the huqin in his arms, he looks a bit like a singer in a restaurant.

However, after thinking about it, it is understandable.Tang Bohu is now in his 40s and almost 50 years old. No matter how handsome he is, he should be old with the ancient diet, nutrition structure and health care methods!Besides, Tang Yin's life was not only full of ups and downs, but his circumstances were also extremely miserable. Anyone who encountered the kind of blow he received would be heartbroken and haggard.

Hearing Sun Dan call out his face, Tang Bohu shook his head with a wry smile: "It's nothing to be ashamed of, Tang Yin."

Seeing that it was indeed Tang Bohu, Sun Dan was overjoyed, and immediately squeezed the scroll into his hands.Handed the 20 tael silver ticket to him: "Mr. Tang's painting belongs to me."

Seeing that Sun Dan was in such a hurry, Tang Bohu smiled and nodded, reaching out his hand to wipe away the tears from the corners of his eyes.

After finally meeting Idol Tang, Sun Dan naturally would not let go of the opportunity to communicate with him.During this period of time, because he stayed with Chen Rong every day, Sun Dan developed a strong interest in Chinese painting, and he also likes to paint a few strokes at ordinary times.Of course, there is still a big gap compared with Chen Rong.Compared with Tang Bohu, let alone Tang Bohu.

Now, it's hard to meet a real master, how can Sun Dan let it go.He humbly asked for advice.Although Sun Dan's painting skills are poor, the theoretical literacy of modern people is much better than that of ancient people.After a few words, he plagiarized a large section of modern people's research results on Ming Dynasty literati paintings, which immediately made Tang Bohu look at Sun Dan with admiration.

Tang Bohu saw that Sun Dan is a person who really understands painting, and he doesn't hide his secrets, so he told Sun Dan about his experience in the past few years, and the two of them got in touch with each other, which made Tang Bohu feel good about Sun Dan. feeling.The two talked for a while, and then they called each other brothers and got up.

When the two of them talked about it, Sun Dan suddenly asked: "Brother Tang is in Suzhou, why did you come to Beijing?" , the light travel fee is an expense that he cannot bear.

Hearing Sun Dan's question, Tang Bohu suddenly felt a little ashamed, and sighed: "Tang is ashamed! In the ninth year of Zhengde, I accepted the invitation of King Ning and went to Nanchang to enter the court. Later, I noticed King Ning's wolf ambition and knew Being with him is a road of no return, and I decided to leave Nanchang and go home to hide for a while. But the cunning king of Ning put Tang under house arrest in Nanchang. In order to escape, I couldn't force him to do so. I was able to escape by walking naked on the street. But after returning home, the government kept coming to my residence to harass me. In addition, I didn’t have any savings in the past few years, and I was extremely poor. Now, the new king has succeeded to the throne and amnesty the world Only then did the government loosen the control over me. With the support of two friends, Wen Zhengming and Zhu Zhishan, I thought of going to the capital to try and see if I could get back my fame.”

Hearing what Tang Bohu said, Sun Dan felt pity in his heart.Speaking of Tang Bohu, his luck is really bad.When he was in his twenties, his family suffered a series of misfortunes. His parents, wife, and sister died one after another, and his family was in decline. Under the advice of his friend Zhu Yunming, he devoted himself to studying. At the age of 29, he participated in the public examination of Yingtianfu and won the No.1 Jieyuan. At the age of 30, he went to Beijing for the examination, but was implicated in the fraud case in the examination room and was denounced as an official. He lost his fame and was handed over to the local officials.

Speaking of that case, it was a far-fetched case, but it was a real unjust case.It's a pity that because of the age, no one thought to look it up.

Not to mention this matter, Tang Bohu came to work as an aide to King Ning in Nanchang when he was old. He thought he could find a safe meal, but he encountered King Ning's rebellion again.

Now, the emperor amnesty the world, and the government will no longer pursue him for the crime of being a traitor.It's a pity that Tang Bohu is a scholar after all, and he wants to come to the capital to try to see if he can get back the fame he was deprived of long ago, so that he can have an account for his family and ancestors.

It's a pity that ten years have passed since Hongzhi, who was elected by him, and things have changed in the court.As Guo Hong said before, Tang Jieyuan's mentor Li Dongyang has passed away for several years, and his previous relationship is completely useless.

After Sun Dan listened, he sighed: "Brother Tang, your incident has passed for many years, and it also involved the fraud case in the imperial examination. It is a case determined by Emperor Xiaozong. If you want to get your fame back, why don't you take that case to the court?" Turn it all over? It's too involved, I'm afraid it's not that easy?"

Tang Bohu shook his body when he heard the words, and murmured: "Why didn't I think of this?"

Sun Dan couldn't bear to continue talking, and comforted: "Justice is in the hearts of the people. Now that the new king has just ascended the throne, if he really wants to overturn the case, he probably has to wait until the court is stabilized. I guess, maybe, ten or eight years later, maybe it will be possible." Give brother Tang some justice."

"Ten or eight years, I'm afraid I won't be able to wait for that time. I know my body, and I won't be able to last for a few years." Tang Bohu smiled bitterly: "Actually, my visit to the capital this time is just to revisit the old place. Look at the scenery of the capital before I die, and remember the kindness that Master Dongyang has shown me. Ten years of Hongzhi... Hehe, ten years of Hongzhi... The voice and smile of Master Dongyang, a great scholar, flashed before Tang Yin's eyes all the time. So many years have passed However, my ineffective student failed to achieve anything, and I failed the teacher's full expectations."

Having said that, the two lines of old tears flowed down my cheeks.

Sun Dan was also a little sad, as far as he knew, this Tang Bohu did not have a good life for a few years.It seems that in March of the second year of Jiajing, it seems that he died on that day.

As he said, Tang Bohu came to Beijing this time just to give himself an excuse to revisit his old place.

Not knowing how to comfort him, Sun Dan took out a few more money tickets and stuffed them into Tang Bohu's hands: "A gentleman has the friendship of making money, and I hope Brother Tang will not dislike you. Brother, you should go back to Suzhou. A gentleman does things for others, but he wants to be ashamed of his heart." Fame, fortune and salary are just floating clouds. Even if there is no fame, after thousands of years, brother Tang's three outstanding poems, calligraphy and paintings will be enough to leave a name in the world. I'm afraid that no one will remember who they were in the tenth year of Hongzhi He won Juren. But when mentioning Tang Bohu's paintings, everyone would nod and praise "Achieving the state of samadhi, dreaming of Liu Rushen" and "Head of the Wu family". After the past and the aftermath, posterity will comment. Brother Tang It's photographed."

Tang Bohu didn't refuse, and accepted the money tickets calmly: "Thank you, after listening to what you said, Tang Yin can be regarded as enlightened. In vain, I call myself a layman of Liuru, and I am also a practitioner, but I can't see through the words of fame and fortune. Because of A Duwu, he was insulted by villains such as Guo Hong. Just as the real Qiu Chuji said, "You are not greedy for glory or disgrace, and you are free and unrestrained." Tang Mou is going!"

After speaking, he waved his sleeves, turned around and left.

After a long time, the white-haired old man's melodious singing came from the valley ahead:

"Peach Blossom Temple in Huawu, Peach Blossom Immortals under Peach Blossom Temple;
The peach blossom fairy grows peach trees and picks peach blossoms for wine.
When you wake up, you only sit in front of the flowers, and when you get drunk, you come to sleep under the flowers;
Half awake and half drunk day after day, flowers bloom year after year...

Others laugh at me too crazy, I laugh at others can't see through;
There are no tombs of heroes in the five tombs, no flowers and no wine to hoe the fields. "

At the beginning, the singing voice was still melodious and melodious, but as it got to the end, it became more majestic and heroic.

Sun Dan's heart suddenly brightened, knowing that Tang Bohu had finally realized it, so that he would live a comfortable and unrestrained life in his later years, with no worries.Is there anything better than this?
He laughed silently.

"Tang Jieyuan is very talented. According to his ability, he should have been a Jinshi more than ten years ago. Unfortunately, he was unlucky and wasted years, so that he was down and out. It can be seen that it doesn't matter whether this person is capable or not, the key is to have luck. Luck, even if you can't read a few big characters, you can still win all the way, not to mention Jinshi, it's common to get a juren; No."

Someone laughed and said.

Sun Dan turned around when he heard the words, and vaguely remembered that this person was one of the group of scholars who were watching Tang Bohu just now.

Sun Dan cupped his hands and didn't want to say anything more.

The man refused to let Sun Dan go, and said, "Brother Sun, I saw that the poem you wrote just now has quite a Tang rhyme. It can be seen that Brother Sun is also a talented person. By the way, Brother Sun Are you from Shuntian Mansion, and do you want to participate in this year's Shuntian Mansion Autumn?"

Just saying goodbye to Tang Bohu, Sun Dan felt melancholy, and didn't want to talk to this person, so he just said perfunctorily: "Exactly, Sun is going to participate in the Qiuwei in the current Keshuntian Mansion, dare to ask your brother's name?"

The man replied: "My surname is Gao Mingshou, and I'm also from Shuntian Mansion. By the way, brother Sun is generous, and his family background is good!" As he spoke, his eyeballs rolled around and landed on Sun Dan's chest, with a look on his face. It's all greed.

Sun Dan snorted: "So it's Brother Gao, Mr. Sun's family is good, he usually does some small business, and he has some spare money on hand. If there is nothing else, Mr. Sun is leaving." After finishing speaking, he cupped his hands and was about to leave.

But Professor Gao refused to let Sun Dan go, and stretched out his hand to grab Sun Dan's sleeve, "Brother Sun, don't worry, you and I had such a good conversation, why did you leave in such a hurry? By the way, I really want to ask Brother Sun, you What do you think of such a thing as luck?"

Sun Dan: "Luck is elusive and elusive. Heaven's movement is healthy. A gentleman strives for self-improvement. Just do everything hard." He was a little surprised that this guy surnamed Gao was pulling himself to talk about such nonsense as luck. What?Could it be...

Ping Qiuli must have discovered something when he came here by himself, maybe this person surnamed Gao is the person Ping Qiuli wants him to know?

Thinking of this, Sun Dan lifted his spirits and didn't rush to walk, looking at Gao Shou with a smile.

Gao Shou saw that Sun Dan stood still, and his face flashed with joy: "You can't say that, the so-called luck is actually a person's life fortune. As the saying goes, what kind of character determines what kind of life, a person's temperament He is born destined, and there is no way to change it. His future life will also have a certain pattern because of his personality. Of."

Sun Dan: "Brother Gao turns out to be a fortune-teller. Why don't you do the fortune-telling for me?"

"I've dabbled a little bit." Professor Gao nodded, "I don't know what Brother Sun wants to test, and what to use to test it."

"Let's break down the characters, and calculate my fortune in Jinke Qiuwei." Sun Dan picked up the pen, looked around at the greenery all around, and wrote a big "green" character on the case.

That Gao Shou pretended to be solemn and looked at it for a long time before saying: "This is Shang Shang Ji Gua." Then, he pointed to the word "green", "Brother Sun, look at this green character, separate it from left to right. Look, the silk is on the left, the salary is on the right, and the master is rich and powerful. In my opinion, Brother Sun must be a high school graduate in this subject."

Sun Dan said "Hey": "Brother Gao said good luck, so I don't have to worry about it." After saying that, he made a gesture to leave.

"Wait." Gao Shou rolled his eyes and grabbed Sun Dan again: "Brother Sun, don't worry, listen to me. Judging from this word, Brother Sun's fate is very noble. If you want to get this character, you need silk assistance in front of it."

Sun Dan said "Oh!": "Sibo assists, I don't understand what I said."

Gao Shou saw that Sun Dan was so appetizing, and thought of the money in his arms, his heart itched, and he said with a smile: "The so-called silk is on the left, that is to say, if Brother Sun wants to pass the exam, he needs to spend some money. "

Sun Dan let out a "thump!" in his heart, and thought: Sure enough, someone is selling test papers again.

He didn't talk nonsense, he took out the stack of money notes from his pocket and put them on the table: "How much do you want?"

"How much for what?" Gao Shou pretended to be puzzled on purpose.

Sun Dan asked in a low voice: "Is it the question or the examiner's connection? How long have you been paying attention to me?"

Gao Shou chuckled: "Could it be that I met a straightforward person like Brother Sun? In fact, I paid attention to you just now when you and Mr. Guo were vying to buy paintings. The goods on hand are very hot, and I am not a rich person." , I really can’t get rid of it. To tell you the truth, it’s an exam question for this subject, if you’re interested, I’ll give you 500 taels.”

Sun Dan: "Okay, here you are, here are the exam questions. However, how do I know if the exam questions are true or not? Don't be fooled by you." He naturally knows what the exam questions are for the Shuntianfu Township Examination. Just know.However, if this person is a liar, he would not be reconciled to being cheated of hundreds of taels of silver.

But the man didn't go to pick up the money ticket, instead he said: "Don't worry, you can give me the money after the exam. You can give me an IOU first, and if you pass the exam by then, I will come over with the IOU and ask you for money." .”

Sun Dan smiled: "It's not easy to deal with. Anyway, I typed the note. If the exam questions are wrong, and you still bring the note to ask for money, what can I do to you? If it is right, if I don't want to Give money, won't you run away?"

"Run away, hey, we're not afraid of that. As long as you're in the Forty-Nine City, no matter where you're hiding, we'll have a way to dig you out. As for whether the exam questions are correct, this note has its own details."

Professor Gao said this very arrogantly, and Sun Dan's heart moved. Those who can get the test questions from the emperor naturally have a big background, and they can tell that no matter where they hide, there is a way to dig them out. The person behind Professor Gao Man must look like a big fish?
So, who will it be?
Lu Bing?

Impossible, although Xiao Lu has a special relationship with the emperor, he is timid, and it is absolutely impossible for him to do such a bold and reckless thing.

Huang Jin, this person is very greedy and courageous, so it is quite possible.Moreover, he has the power of Dongchang in his hand, so it is very easy to find someone.

Well, it's very possible.However, Huang Jin is not short of money, he took the risk to sell exam questions, what exactly did he want to do?This is not his style of doing things!
While thinking about it, Sun Dan asked Professor Gao: "What's important on the note?"

Professor Gao said: "You can make a note like this. For example, Brother Sun, you can write like this: Sun Wenhe, a new imperial examination candidate in the 16th year of Zhengde in Shuntian Prefecture, owes Gao 500 taels of silver."

Sun Dan: "What do you mean by writing that?"

Professor Gao smiled mysteriously: "If the exam questions I give to Brother Sun are correct, Brother Sun will naturally be able to get a high school candidate. When the list is released, I will naturally bring a note to collect the money. If the exam questions are wrong, Brother Sun will naturally fail to pass the exam. It says Sun Wenhe, a new imperial examiner, you are not even an examiner, so naturally this does not count."

Sun Dan suddenly realized, and admired him very much: "Thank you for being able to come up with such a method, admiration, admiration!"

"Thank you, thank you." Gao Shou smiled and asked in a low voice: "Then, what do you think, Brother Sun?"

"Okay, I'll type this note for you." Sun Dan didn't talk nonsense, so he typed a 500 tael IOU according to this format and handed it over, saying, "I live in the Datong Inn, you can ask me if the time comes. That's the money."

Gao Shou took a look at the note, blew on it again, and said happily: "Now we're all done."

"What about the exam questions?"

Gao Shou took out a note from his arms and handed it over, and told Sun Dan for a long time before leaving.

After Gao Shou left, Sun Dan stood there for a long time before opening the note, and after only one glance, his whole body seemed to have fallen into a hole in the ice.

The above three topics are suddenly: "Study is almost knowledgeable", "There is peace in the country", and "The world has a way".

This is exactly the same as the examination questions of the 16th year of Zhengde in Shuntian Prefecture in his database.

Sun Dan didn't dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly found Ping Qiuli, "Let's go."

Ping Qiuli asked with a smile: "Brother Sun, how was the harvest?"


"Not necessarily. Forget it. I don't want to ask too much. If you say go back, I'll just go with you." Ping Qiuli also gained a lot today, carrying a small bag in his hand, and walking with a clang ringing.From the looks of it, he won at least ten taels of silver.

(End of this chapter)

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