
Chapter 250 This is actually Fangshan

Chapter 250 This is actually Fangshan

It was indeed a group of villagers, and Sun Dan could see clearly that this group of people were all in tattered clothes, and some of them were barefoot.

Sun Dan originally thought that he encountered a group of robbers, but this is the outskirts of the capital, at the foot of the emperor, in the first good area, there is no room for such a free and violent group with dozens of people outside the law.The equipment in their hands is also extremely poor, of which wooden sticks account for the vast majority, and only a small number of people carry hoes in their hands.

Moreover, it can be seen from their honest and simple faces that they are a group of ordinary farmers who were born and bred.

But just because they are simple villagers, once they get involved in violent incidents, it is the most difficult to control, and anything out of the ordinary may happen.

Sun Dan knew that now was not the time to conflict with them, so he couldn't do anything carelessly.He didn't make any movements, just put his hands behind his back and shouted loudly: "Who are you? We don't know each other. Why did you start fighting as soon as we met? Everyone, calm down, calm down."

It's a pity that Shi Wanquan beside him reacted too fiercely. Old man Shi has been doing business all year round, so he naturally has money tickets on him.This time he accompanied Sun Dan to Fangshan. Although he didn't know what Sun Dan asked him to do, he also knew that there must be a big business waiting for him.Since you have business, you have to bring some activity funds.As far as he is concerned, he still has more than 1 taels of money on him.

Seeing so many people coming out fiercely suddenly, thinking that they encountered robbers, they were startled, and immediately drew out the dagger on the saddle.

It's a pity that he didn't have any martial arts skills, just as he drew out the knife, a wooden stick swept over and knocked him to the ground.

Then three strong men rushed forward, throwing Shi Wanquan to the ground like a rapist.

Shi Wanquan was shocked and shouted repeatedly: "Master Sun, help me, Lord Sun help me! Now, among the four, only Sun Dan is standing on the ground unscathed, and Shi Wanquan subconsciously called out to Sun Dan for help.

Hearing Shi Wanquan's cry, Sun Dan suddenly woke up.Since these people are not bad guys, things will be easy to handle.Ordinary people are very simple-minded, and they are afraid of officials. As long as they show their identities, they can calm down the situation.

Thinking of this, Sun Dan didn't dare to delay. In order to buy time, he grabbed a handful of broken silver from his arms and threw it towards the crowd: "Here you are, all of you."

The sky suddenly brightened, and more than a dozen pieces of scattered silver flitted across the air, shining brightly in the morning sun.

Sun Dan's handful of scattered silver was big and small, the big one was the size of a thumb, and the small one was like a peanut.This spread out in the air, and the momentum was quite huge.

This group of people were poor people, and they were stunned immediately when they saw that the sky was filled with silver.

After a while, someone shouted: "Money!"

"Boom!" With a sound, dozens of men leaned over to grab the silver on the ground at the same time, but Sun Dan was let go, and even Shi Wanquan, who was thrown to the ground just now, escaped.

It's too late, but it's fast.Sun Dan didn't dare to delay, leaped to the side of the horse, took out the official uniform from the luggage bag, put the official hat on his head first, and then shouted while putting on the clothes: "Don't move, don't move! "

To be honest, the official uniforms of the Ming Dynasty were very baggy and uncomfortable to wear.Especially what Sun Dan couldn't bear was the two ridiculously big sleeves, once they were put on, not to mention the inconvenience of movement, the whole body felt uncomfortable.Therefore, since receiving this official uniform, Sun Dan only wore it once, and put it in the luggage, and didn't bother to wear it anymore.

Shi Wanquan got off his body, hurried over to help Sun Dan put on his clothes, and screamed with all his strength, "Bold and unreasonable, you dare to be rough on the magistrate of Sun Zhi County, do you want to rebel?"

Hearing these two shouts, all the villagers had already robbed the silver, staring at it with red eyes, but saw a man wearing a plain silver black gauze hat and a blue official robe standing in front of him, they were all stunned.

Since ancient times, people have been afraid of officials, especially in feudal society, the awe of government authority has been deeply rooted in their bones.

After only staying for a moment, a villager suddenly called out: "Village Chief, it seems that we have offended the official?"

Another villager shouted, "Is it really the official?"

"Yes, yes, look at his hat and the mandarin duck painted on his chest. I have seen it on the county magistrate before."

Sun Dan was amused, the patch on the chest of his official uniform was not a mandarin duck, but a 鸂鶒, a common water bird, much bigger than a mandarin duck.With mandarin ducks embroidered on the chest, could it be that all county officials have become bridegroom officials?
He straightened his face and called out calmly: "I am Sun Dan, the new magistrate of Fangshan County. Where are you? Who is the head of the village? Come out and answer."

The Ming Dynasty implemented the lijia system in rural areas, and 110 households were custom-made for one li.The villages in the north are large in scale. Generally speaking, a village has a size of one mile, and the head of the village or clan is the head of the mile.

The head of the village has great power in the local area, and if there are disputes among the people, the head of the village usually decides.If it can't be dealt with, it will be handed over to the government for decision.It can be said that although the head of the village is small, he holds the local civil power and law enforcement power, which is the foundation of the rule of the Ming Dynasty.

Sun Dan saw that this group of people were all young and strong, and there were at least thirty people in total.Without the leadership of the chief, it would be impossible to launch such a large-scale collective action.

Therefore, as soon as he opens his mouth, he will let the chief of the other side speak out. As long as he finds the chief, he will be able to control the situation.

"Be darling, it really is the magistrate of the county!" Everyone looked horrified, and someone yelled: "Village chief, I'm calling you, it's too bad, this meal must be eaten."

During the conversation, the hoes and sticks in the hands of the villagers fell to the ground one after another, and some timid people were already quietly hiding in the woods.

Seeing that everyone was afraid, Shi Wanquan felt even more proud.He just took a stick, and his body hurts unbearably.Now he is angry and annoyed, and taking advantage of Sun Dan's power, seeing that he didn't speak, he raised his right hand and slapped the man who gave him a club just now: "How dare you not answer the old man's question, how big is it?" Dog guts, tell your elders to speak."

The man's face was swollen from being slapped, but he didn't dare to fight back. He just looked at an old man in his fifties in the crowd: "Village chief, we offended the old man, we can't hide from this matter." what!"

Sun Dan knew that the old man was the head of the village, and pointed to him: "Come here and tell me, what is your name, and where is this place?"

The village chief walked over tremblingly, "Plop!" Kneeling on the ground, "Returning to the elder, the little old man's name is Zhou Xinshu. This is Zhoujiazhuang, Fangshan County, and the villain is the village chief."

Sun Dan was taken aback, he raced the horse in the middle of the night and arrived at Fangshan.But I didn't expect that when I arrived at my own land, I was ambushed by the people under my command. This is really unlucky.

(End of this chapter)

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