
Chapter 27 Copying Books

Chapter 27 Copying Books
It's another sunny day. Looking at this trend, the weather should be warmer next month.This winter is a bit difficult, especially for Sun Dan who lacks food and clothing and is thin.

After memorizing the new words all night, and waking up early again, Sun Dan felt a little out of spirit.However, sniffing the morning wind and looking at the coming New Year's scenery, I still have some joy in my heart.Or maybe it's because I'm sure about my future life, or maybe it's because I suddenly became a teenager.

The great man said that a boy is the sun at eight or nine o'clock in the morning.

Happiness belongs to teenagers.

This time, there was no need for Mr. Mendun to remind him specially. After receiving breakfast in the kitchen, he specially put two pieces of steamed buns in his bag for lunch.

I didn't sleep well, and my eyes were very astringent. I haven't worked so hard for a long time, and I rubbed my eyes with a sigh. The life of a civil servant in the past few years has been too comfortable, and I can't bear this hardship.

When we got to the school, the students were not all there yet.However, the two girls in the school came on time, and Sun Jia still had that gentle look. When he saw Sun Dan, he only nodded slightly, and then lowered his head.The floor heating hadn't heated up yet, and a cold wind was blowing through the hall. Sun Jia's face looked a little pale.It was only at this time that Sun Dan discovered that this little girl grew up with a lot of flavor.

As for Jiang Ruoying, she was a bit miserable, with a blue complexion and two big black eye circles.

In addition, this little girl is already a little baby fat, and now she looks so cute that it makes people want to laugh.

Jiang Ruoying was a little unhappy: "I look weird?"

"Didn't sleep well?" Sun Dan looked into her eyes and held back a smile: "If this person didn't sleep well, he would be angry when he woke up. Do you feel a little anxious in your heart now, and everything is not pleasing to your eyes?"

"How do you know?" Jiang Ruoying nodded and yawned long: "I was scolded by my aunt for sleeping so late, and I have to blame you for it." The bound booklet was placed on the table, opened, and he picked up a pen to write something on it.

Sun Dan was curious, stretched out his head to take a look, and was immediately taken aback.

It turned out that Jiang Ruoying was silently writing the section of "Journey to the West" she talked about yesterday, and it happened to be silently writing the section where Patriarch Bodhi knocked Sun Wukong on the head three times.If I remember correctly, from the beginning of Journey to the West to here, there are at least 1 words. More than 1 characters, if you use a computer to type, it will take more than an hour.Transcribing with a's creepy to think about.Writing with a brush is notoriously slow, and I don’t know how long it will take to write so many characters.

What's even more rare is that this little guy has such a good memory.I quietly watched her write a few lines, and compared it with the original text of "Journey to the West" stored in my mind, it was exactly the same.

Sun Dan was horrified. He seemed to others to be a weirdo with a superb memory. In fact, he only relied on the massive written data stored in his brain. In fact, he thought that his memory was just average, and Just an ordinary person.Otherwise, it would not have been so painful last night.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Ruoying's memory was so strong, and she recalled that Zhang Zhixian said in the yamen that day that Xia Yan and Zhang Cong picked up a book at the same time in the capital and read it silently before they could recite it fluently.Sun Dan had to lament that there is such a thing as a genius in the world. Jiang Ruoying is such a genius. I heard that Sun Yue, the young master of the second room of the Sun family, can also have a photographic memory.

Never underestimate the ancients, even a little girl like Jiang Ruoying.

"Why are you copying this kind of thing?" Sun Dan smiled wryly: "If you want to hear a story, I can tell you anytime."

Jiang Ruoying didn't even raise her head, and her right hand moved the brush like a fly. It was a graceful cursive hand: "After hearing your story, I went to the library to check it yesterday, but I didn't find any records in the book. This story is really good, I want to copy it down Read it over and over again. Otherwise, if I want to listen to it in the future, I will come to you again, what a trouble. I see that you are also an impatient person. When I asked you to tell the story from the beginning yesterday, your face was so ugly. "

Sun Dan smiled wryly: "Why am I impatient, if you want to hear it, just come to me anytime."

Jiang Ruoying put down the pen in her hand, and sighed softly: "Sun Dan, if I were a man, I would naturally come to you at any time. But I don't think you will stay in the Sun's residence forever. If you win the exam, you naturally have to aim in all directions. Unlike us girls, who can only stay in one place for the rest of your life, there is only a well above your head. If you win the exam in the future and leave Shandong, I will find someone to tell the story. Hurry up It is safe to copy down the time."

She stared blankly out of the window and didn't speak for a long time.

Sun Dan saw a clump of fine hairs on the back of her neck, and suddenly had the urge to touch it.He smiled: "Copy it, copy it, anyway, you girls don't need to take Mr. Li's monthly exam. When I learn to write after a while, I'll help you record this story."

"That's good." Jiang Ruoying became happy again, "Sun Dan, you should learn to read quickly. According to your situation yesterday, if you learn three to five hundred characters a day, you can write and compose in ten days. Said Wake up, your memory is really good."

"Aren't you amazing, you actually wrote down all the stories I told, word for word."

"By the way, your story is really good. Why haven't I heard it before? Where did you hear it?"

Sun Dan didn't blush, and said brazenly: "I made it up myself. I went to the temple to offer incense some time ago and heard monks tell about Master Xuanzang, so I made up a random one. If you think this story is good, I will continue. Write it down and tell you a paragraph every day."

"That's amazing, you can actually make up a story." Jiang Ruoying said, "I'll help you write down this story and store it in the library. Perhaps, after a hundred years, future generations will print this book and distribute it among the public."

Sun Dan's heart moved: This is also a way to make money. If "Journey to the West" is printed and then published, the quality of this book may not be able to earn a large amount of manuscript fees.

But after thinking about it for a while, Sun Dan denied this idea.

First of all, he has no capital. If he wants to print and publish the book himself, he may not be able to afford the money.Besides, there is no such thing as copyright these days. At that time, I am afraid that as soon as "Journey to the West" appears on the market, pirated copies will be everywhere.I didn't sell a few books, but I made bad booksellers cheaper.

Storytelling can only be used to make this little girl like Jiang Ruoying happy, and it can't be taken seriously.It is still important to study hard and find a way to pass the exam.

Thinking of this, and thinking that there are still many words to memorize, Sun Dan suddenly felt a sense of urgency, and hurriedly took out the literacy cards he made last night, and memorized them repeatedly.

(End of this chapter)

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