
Chapter 360 New Exam Questions

Chapter 360 New Exam Questions
Generally speaking, there are five public literature and art policy topics in the second session of the examination, that is, policy theory and official document writing.

For Sun Dan, the policy topic is the most difficult. Generally speaking, the examiner will present a historical event, and then ask you what you should do, or how to deal with it.For example, the examiner will ask you, if the Young Miao Law was originally a good policy when Wang Anshi reformed the law, but because it was not implemented well, it became a mere formality and became an evil policy that disturbed the people. If you were a local official, how would you implement this policy? .

The simplest is official document writing, which just asks you to write a memorial or a thank-you form.

But for other candidates, the opposite is true.

Ancient Chinese scholars paid attention to literature and history. Is there any scholar in the world who has not read Shiji and Tongjian?From the three emperors without emperors to the founding of this dynasty, they are all familiar.It is also very easy to make a few nonsense.For example, Wang Anshi's question, if candidates want to get a high score, they only need to briefly analyze the pros and cons of this policy, and then say some empty words to pass the test without making mistakes.

But official documents have a fixed format, and it is really embarrassing to encounter tricky and weird questions.Many candidates have not read a few official documents before entering the examination room. It is really embarrassing for them to write this kind of practical essay on the spot.For example, in one year's general examination, the examiner asked the examinee to write a sacrificial oration for the emperor on behalf of the emperor.Pity those candidates when they were exposed to this kind of thing, so that many candidates in that period fainted in the examination room as soon as they saw the questions.

Because Sun Dan has been in and out of the cabinet and the ceremonial supervisor for a long time, he is no stranger to official documents of the government.Based on the information in his database, he knew the exam questions in advance. For him, this second exam was the easiest.

But as soon as he opened the test paper, he cursed "Damn!"

First of all, the questions in this second test are completely different from those recorded in history, and none of the questions are the same.

As soon as Sun Dan saw the title, he took a deep breath, feeling a little scared in his heart.

The current situation fully shows that the butterfly effect has begun to exert its power.The butterfly's wings just started to flutter, and there is no telling what kind of unpredictable storm it will cause in the future.If you guessed right, history should have been on another track, and I don't know where it will lead the world.

Sun Dan suddenly felt a deep fear of history.

There is no policy theory in the second test questions, and the five questions are all about official document writing, not to mention the difficulty, and it is even weird.

The title of the first question is as follows: Assume that Su Shi was appointed as Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and write a thank-you form for him.

This question looks very simple on the surface. According to modern people's words, it is nothing more than thanking the court and the emperor for their trust. This official is not virtuous enough to take on this task.But since there is an appointment from the court, the lower officials can only obey.How to be fooled in office, contribute to the court, share the country's worries and so on.

But after careful analysis, things are not that simple.When answering this question, you should first have a deep understanding of Su Shi's era. You need to know the "Wang Anshi Reform", you need to know the allusions of "Yuanyou Party members", you need to know the political and economic overview of the Northern Song Dynasty, and write The thank you table is in line with the historical background at that time.

This is still one of them. You still have to analyze why the examiner asked this question and how to use the past to inform the present.

In a word, if candidates for this question do not have profound historical knowledge and the ability to analyze the current situation, they will not be able to write at all.Speaking of it, it is really similar to the application for civil service examinations in later generations, but in a different form.

Finally, you can consider the format issue. After all, it is an official document, and the format is fixed, and there is nothing wrong with it.If you make a mistake, you will not get a point for this question.

For official document writing, Sun Dan is familiar with three hundred Tang poems, and he can recite poems even if he can't compose them, so he is not very afraid.

It's just that there is no ready-made answer for this question to copy, so Sun Dan can only gather his energy and start the teacher's answer.

This can be regarded as the first challenge he has encountered in the many exams he has traveled to ancient times, and everything must be done by his own true ability.

Being used to copying books, this time Sun Dan was not only not afraid, but had a vague expectation.He wanted to see how far he could go in the examination room with his own ability.

He was originally a college student in his previous life, and his analytical and comprehensive learning ability was stronger than that of the ancients.In the past few years since I came to the Ming Dynasty, I have been studying hard every day, and I have been conquered and changed by Chinese studies in my mind and bones.

He didn't think that he was much weaker than ordinary scholars. Besides, he had a broader vision than his contemporaries. Doing this kind of argumentative examination questions was his strong point.

With the existence of this butterfly, history will sooner or later undergo some unexpected changes.For this, Sun Dan has been preparing for many years, and now that the change has finally appeared, he asks himself that he is ready.

"Opportunities are for those who are prepared. Sun Dan, you have studied for the past few years and everything has come to fruition. What are you afraid of?"

He took a deep breath and vigorously rubbed his hands that were a little cold because of the emotional agitation just now. He didn't start reviewing the questions until his hands became hot and hot.

In fact, this question looks like a thank you form on the surface, and it is easy to write.There are too many things that can be designed, not only related to Wang Anshi's reform, but also related to the party struggle in the court.At that time, there were two voices in the DPRK and China. Some said that the law should be reformed to maintain the consistency of national policies;

As a result, the old and new parties debated endlessly, took turns to govern, and finally evolved from a dispute between gentlemen of political opinions to a dispute between factions and a life-and-death contest between the same party and the same party, which corrupted the political atmosphere of the Song Dynasty to the point where it could not be controlled.

However, Su Shi believed that although the new law has drawbacks, it also has its merits and cannot be completely abolished, only certain improvements need to be made.

Because of this, Su Shi offended both the old and the new parties all over the place, which caused a great tragedy in his life.

What Sun Dan needs to do is to write Su Shi's political ideas in this form of thanks according to this idea, pointing out that he will select qualified talents for the country in the position of minister of officials, improve society, and eliminate evils.

This time, Sun Dan spent a lot of time reviewing the questions, and wrote slowly. After finishing this question, it was already late at night, and he felt extremely tired physically, but he felt an unusual joy in spirit.

It feels really good.

After answering the paper, he washed all the ink on the pen in the washing machine, and then fell on the bed like a golden mountain and a jade pillar, and fell asleep soundly.

It seems that this second exam will take a lot of work, but it's not as simple as the first exam, and it doesn't take so much time.

The moment he fell asleep, Sun Dan suddenly had a thought: The three days of the second match should pass quickly!

Recommend friend Marco Pineapple's new book "Super QQ"

Li Dian was imprisoned for two years. After he was released after serving his sentence, he found that his family had changed drastically. His father died of coughing up blood due to exhaustion.Faced with such a drastic change, Li Dian was heartbroken and vowed to let his mother live a happy life.

One day, after Li Dian got drunk, he remembered the QQ account he had not logged in for more than two years. After trying to log in, he found that his friends spoke strangely. status.

Some of his friends are engaged in real estate, antiques, stocks, wholesalers, police officers, civil servants, hackers and gangsters.

So, while pretending not to know, Li Dian made insinuations about various information about the next ten years. From then on, the happy life of making a fortune began.

PS: Appropriate YY, reasonable YY, no dog blood.

(End of this chapter)

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