Chapter 166 Marriage (Part [-])

Shangguan Ren naturally knew what the soldier wanted to do, and took out the gold medal in his arms with a sneer.

That was the gold medal given to her by Nangong Xuan, a gold medal that symbolized the status of Princess Xian.

Although the soldiers don't know that the gold medal is the symbol of Princess Xian, but seeing the flying phoenix on the gold medal, they also understand that this time they have offended a big shot.A thin layer of sweat suddenly formed on his dark forehead, obviously frightened to the extreme.

Shangguan Ren didn't talk nonsense with him, after throwing a piece of silver to the coachman, he walked into the capital.

When the lights came on, the capital was full of people, just like it was three years ago.

But Shangguan Ren didn't care to appreciate it.All she wants to see now is that person.

Walking quickly all the way, after about half an hour, he had already arrived at the gate of Prince Xian's Mansion.

This time Shangguan Ren didn't talk to the gatekeeper anymore, he just took out the gold medal, and no one dared to stop him along the way.

When he reached Nangong Cange's room, his footsteps stopped abruptly.

There was a faint yellow halo in the room, and there were a few soft coughs from time to time, and the owner of the voice could be heard weak.

Obviously, the people inside also heard Shangguan Ren's footsteps.

After a while, voices were heard.

"What's the matter? Come in."

That voice has completely lost the immature posture of a teenager, and it is completely the voice of Mr. Ji Ji.The voice is still very nice, it used to be pure and charming, but now it is completely charming.

Shangguan Ren did not answer.

This is probably timidity.

Although Shangguan Ren was very indifferent to others when he was very big, he was not really heartless.As long as you are a caring person, you will inevitably feel uneasy in the face of this situation.

Probably because Shangguan Ren didn't answer for too long, there were slight footsteps inside.

Footsteps were coming towards the door, getting closer.


two steps...
Three steps...
Four steps...
Footsteps stopped in front of him.


With a soft bang, the door of the room was opened——

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(End of this chapter)

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