Chapter 341 Nangong Che's Secret (—)
All along, Nangong Che has been hiding a secret, which cannot be explained.Hold it in your heart, take root slowly, germinate slowly, and then form seeds, becoming thousands of secrets.

So many secrets weighed on his heart and he couldn't breathe.

However, these secrets.Even though it had made him physically and mentally exhausted, he dared not reveal it at all.

Everyone will have secrets.

He always knew.

In the past, Emperor Father had a secret, which was about the treasure of the Celestial Dynasty.Later, Shangguan Ren had a secret, which was about the origin.Nangong Cange also has a secret, which is about Gu Lanzhi.Naturally, Gu Lanzhi also has a secret, which is about Shangguan Ren.Leng Jue has a secret, it's about family legends.Dongfang Po has secrets and is about identity.Murong Yan has a secret, it's about reputation...
Everyone has secrets.That's what his master told him when he held his hand before he died.

Because of desire, because of reality.

There are some things that cannot and cannot be said.

Nangong Che also has a secret, which is about Gu Lanzhi.About Gu Lanzhi's life and death.

Since he saved Shangguan Ren and Gu Lanzhi three years ago, it has become his secret.

Gu Lanzhi is not dead.

He did not die, but was imprisoned in Midi by him.

Three thousand ice, dense land.This amazingly talented young master Lan Xin was imprisoned in a place that no one could reach.In three years, he had long forgotten the life and death of such a person.

He told Shangguan Yan that Gu Lanzhi was dead.

After talking like this a lot, he also thought that Gu Lanzhi was dead.

However, he didn't know whether Gu Lanzhi was dead or not.

Three thousand ice, others can't go in, he can't go in either.The master said that there are Jedi.But the master also said that there is a birthplace.

The master said, if there is someone who wants to be saved but cannot be saved, he should be sent to the secret place, maybe, if the world changes, that person will survive.

But later, before his death, the master said that life and death are destiny, and the secret land is just the master's secret.

Later, the master never had time to say what kind of secret it was.

At that time, Gu Lanzhi was already a Jedi, so he sent him to the secret place.

Thousands of miles of ice, flying birds without trace.

Such a place should be impossible for people to live.

(End of this chapter)

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