Chapter 235 Fu 7
Tang Qianqian has basically met the wives of the family members of the dignitaries, which means that her position as queen is well known.

The affairs in the harem are more cumbersome than those in the Prince's Mansion, but Tang Qianqian has already had experience in dealing with Shangguan's firm, and Tang Qianqian handles them in an orderly manner.

What's more, there are not many beauties in the palace, and the emperor is in the position of doing government affairs by himself.

So Tang Qianqian lived very comfortably in the next month, both emotionally and physically.

Of course, the [-]th day of this month passed extremely quickly.

One day, the breeze was gentle, and spring was approaching. Tang Qianqian and Taohong Taoxiang were admiring a few flowers blooming in the imperial garden in the cold wind, when they heard the news from the front that there was a report from the imperial censor, and the emperor's harem withered. , or optional show.

Hearing this, Tang Qianqian raised her eyebrows slightly, then turned to look at Taoxiang.

Tao Xiang had a slight smile in her eyes, and bowed to Tang Qianqian, "I'll do it now, servant girl!"

Tang Qianqian nodded.

His gaze once again fell on the blooming flower bud in front of him.

...According to the palace rules and etiquette, within three months of the new emperor's ascension to the throne, it is true that the draft can be arranged.What's more, compared with the previous beauties, the number of people in the new emperor's harem is indeed a bit withered.Therefore, it is reasonable to have a censor's report, but what does the "Or Ke" written in the report's note mean?
Hehe, it's really... his heart can be punished!
In the political hall that has become the new emperor's study.

On Nan Yaoyu's dragon case, there was an open brochure, on the brochure was written with a clear pen, and a few words were clearly written - "Maybe you can choose to show".

Nan Yaoyu's fingers clicked on those words, and his eyes gleamed.

At this time, the door of the palace opened, and Tong Zi stepped in, holding a booklet in his hand,
"Your Majesty, this is the booklet of the empress!"

Tong Zi handed it over, Nan Yaoyu couldn't help raising his eyebrows to take a few more glances at the small smile in the corner of his eyes.

Seeing this, not only did Tong Zi not restrain himself, but the corners of his mouth curled up.

Nan Yaoyu's heart moved, and he took the notebook. After seeing what was written on it, the smile in his eyes deepened.

"Go, copy a few copies of the content of this booklet and show it to the cabinet ministers, and ask them to come up with a charter!"

Nan Yaoyu threw out the folder in his hand, Tong Zi caught it, and hurriedly responded.

Nan Yaoyu looked at the figure of Tong Zi who had just entered and then left, the corner of his mouth curled up, and he looked down at the folder on the table.

Zhubi Royal Approval.

On the clear paper, there is a clear word "Zhun" on it, red as fire.

The next day.

Boil in the middle.

Firstly, it was because of the censor's remark that "may be selected for the show", and secondly, because almost on the same day, the queen also put on the list, thinking that it was the foundation of virtuousness and virtuousness, and intended to be a book for the emperor's beauty pageant.

In particular, although the queen's excerpts are only a few hundred words long, the words and sentences clearly express her heart: the queen said that the women in the harem are withered and should be filled, but when the emperor ascends the throne, he must first serve the people wholeheartedly.The wise emperors in the world are not based on the number of beauties in the harem, but on the achievements of the emperor for the country and the people.Even if there are countless beauties in the harem, the emperor is actually a fool, and it is not a blessing that will last forever.And the emperor has been diligent in political affairs these days, which is already a blessing to the world.Therefore, it is inevitable that the officials under him are worried about the emperor's heir or want to select beauties out of other thoughts.And as a queen, if her courtiers take the lead, she will inevitably bear a reputation of not being virtuous and unable to take care of the overall situation, so the queen also implores the emperor to choose a beauty pageant, but at the beginning of her enthronement, it is better to start with a small range, such as now Selected among the hundreds of officials in the capital.

This seems to be in favor of the draft, but in fact it made all the courtiers insinuate, and almost said that the officials would not do their business, and just wait to see how the emperor's harem will be, so that they can give their own people by the way. Add a location.

Immediately, some officials were a little timid.

Originally, these two words were not exaggerated, but if they were placed on the emperor's desk almost at the same time, it would make people have to think deeply.

Was it the copy from the palace who delivered it to the emperor first, or the copy from the censor first?
Even if the censor's note was sent to the emperor's case first, the queen's note was delivered in less than half an hour, and it didn't look like the queen wrote it impromptu.

So is it a coincidence, or some kind of conspiracy?Or maybe the person who reported the excerpt was originally the Queen's Empress?
So, in court, all the officials faced the two papers, and the final result of the debate was that although the selection of the emperor was the trend of the times, it was not appropriate at this moment.

Moreover, the queen is graceful, magnanimous, and open-minded, which can be called a model of the mother of the country.

On the same day, while Tang Qianqian was eating breakfast in Fengyi Palace, she received a commendation from the former emperor.

There are not only verbal imperial edicts to praise, but also various rewards.

The people of Fengyi Palace were very happy.And since they are all old people who have been wandering around in the palace, they can naturally guess some of the reasons.

So, it seems relatively calm.

And when the servants of Fengyi Palace retreated and only Taohong and Taoxiang were serving in the bedroom, Taoxiang still couldn't help but admire, "Your Majesty, what a trick!"


Tang Qianqian bent his lips and smiled, noncommittal.

What is "standing shoulder to shoulder" and "willing to be a lovebird in the sky, and Lian Lizhi in the ground" to sum up in one sentence, that is, how can my man be given away so easily?
She had already prepared that script, and she just waited for someone to announce the draft.

It is "playing hard to get"!
But just so, the person who participated in the performance also said the word "maybe".It was as if she had exposed all of her background abilities.

If the emperor is slightly dissatisfied with her, these two words are enough to make her fall out of favor.

...or the person who reported it didn't have any other intentions. It was because of her true level that she accidentally wrote these two words out of some kind of loyalty to the emperor, but she was a selfish and stingy person. , and never underestimated the sinister intentions of some people.

So, unsurprisingly, her copy was 100% effective.

Of course, there is one person I am most grateful to.

Tang Qianqian hooked her fingers at Taohong.

Tao Hong responded, Tang Qianqian smiled softly,
"Go get the doctor!"

Council Hall.

Nan Yaoyu was busy reviewing the memorials as usual.

Unlike the previous few days, even though he was busy today, he still felt very relaxed.


Nan Yaoyu raised his eyebrows and glanced at the hourglass not far in front of him, then glanced sideways at the guy who was serving him, "What's the matter?"

A certain guy was dumb, but his eyeballs obviously glanced at the teacup next to him,
Nan Yaoyu glanced at the teacup on his right hand, slightly surprised. "how?"

"...The tea is not good when it's cold." Tong Zi said.

Nan Yaoyu is funny,
The tea is cold, and I will change it again——

Suddenly, Nan Yaoyu's eyes flashed, he picked up the cup and opened it.

A faint aroma enters the nose.

The corners of Nan Yaoyu's lips were slightly curved, and the fragrance in the cup was faint but extremely familiar.

Nan Yaoyu first took a shallow breath, and then drank most of it in one go.

On the side, Tong Zi felt relieved.

Nan Yaoyu raised her lips, put down her cup, and continued to work.

Not long after, another glass was placed on the table in front of him.

And through the lid of the cup, the aroma overflowed, which was still familiar to him.

Nan Yaoyu took a few glances, then paused the pen in his hand,

"How many cups did the queen cook?"

Tong Zi groaned, turning his head to glance in a certain direction beside him.

But see, there is a pot right there.

There are two liters.

Nan Yaoyu's eyebrows sank.

Tong Zi gritted her teeth, "The queen asked the imperial physician, and the imperial physician said yes..."

"Which imperial doctor!" Nan Yaoyu's face was very displeased.

Tong Zi shivered involuntarily, "Doctor Fang..."


Nan Yaoyu shook the pen in his hand and stood up.

Tong Zi kept silent, and shrank into the shadow as much as possible, so as not to be angered.

...In the Palace of Political Affairs, there was a little silence.

After a while, Nan Yaoyu sat down again and continued to work.

Tong Zi looked at it and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Imperial Physician Fang was the imperial physician who served the Supreme Emperor in the past, and the Queen's move obviously did not want the Emperor to take his anger out on him.

It can be seen that the queen is kind-hearted.

It's just that I know the emperor is worried, but I still work so hard...

It's really hard for them to be slaves!
Just when Tongzi was thinking about it, the busy emperor said, "Pass it on, Fengyi Palace will serve you today!"


Night shrouded.

In Fengyi Palace, the palace lights are bright.

Inside the bedroom, Tang Qianqian concentrated on the last few stitches on hand under the palace lantern.

Obviously, it can be done in a few strokes, but because of a certain pair of eyes staring at her not far away, it always makes her hands a little unsteady.

This guy!

Originally it was said that she would come over for dinner, but it turned out to be a long delay. To pass the time, she fiddled with the embroidery she had embroidered earlier, but he came when she was about to fiddle with it.

Simply, that is, she will finish it all in one go.

It's just that he obviously has books and files on hand, so why is he looking at her now!
If you really want to see it, it would be nice to come here sooner!
Tang Qianqian breathed steadily, and soon, the last needle stopped.

She bit off the end of the thread, and Tao Hong came over and tidied it up.

Tang Qianqian looked up at him, and he was reaching out his hand towards her.

Tang Qianqian said nothing, and put it on his hand.

Warmth came.

Very addictive.

"The emperor is here... for tea, or for something else?" Tang Qianqian blinked, as charming as water.

Nan Yaoyu's eyes were gentle and harmless, he took a few deep glances at her increasingly round belly, and then fell into her line of sight again, clear waves rippling.

"What does Qianqian hope for?"

Tang Qianqian frowned, "Of course it's because of the tea!"

"Hmph!" Nan Yaoyu snorted, and pulled Tang Qianqian into his arms, "Don't do it again!"

Tang Qianqian stuck out her tongue and hugged him with her backhand, "But I'm willing!"

"For the one you love, no matter what you do, it's as sweet as honey!"

Although what she said was a bit exaggerated, it was also true.

Speaking of her tea cooking skills, there is no semicolon. She cooked it for him before, but she just wanted to make this ancient raw material the way she wanted. After the first time, don't let her do it, especially after her body is getting heavier and heavier.

(End of this chapter)

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